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Blast in Hazar Gunji Market, Quetta

إِنَّا اللهِ وَإِنَّا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعُونَ

Trut me these mofo will do a false flag in india now to start a war. So be it!

90% of terrorist activities this year are from Balochistan

FC Balochistan along with other security agencies need to work on a comprehensive security plan for Balochistan

Current policy is simply not enough

As soon as I saw the news I thought Baluchistan and I was right. If Waziristan could be cleared and bought to peace why can't this region?
Shocking, Allah bless the shaheed.
Start of war by India, by proxy.

When Pakistan is going to put blame squarely on India!!!!
We need to respond immediately. The Indian forces are on red alert. Things are going to move fast, if we do not act. Start with the diplomatic attack right now.

Indian's next step is false flag within India to implicate Pakistan.
Why are we so shy to utter India's name when the RAW conduct terror activities in Pakistan through their proxies!!!
Very sad. Shame on LEA's. LeJ strikes again, just like they do always, but zero significant action taken against them.
Very sad news. Speedup the fence work of iran border.
At least 20 people were killed and 48 injured in a blast believed to be targeting members of the Hazara community in Quetta's Hazarganji market on Friday morning.

The attack claimed the lives of at least eight Hazara and one Frontier Corps soldier who was deputed for the community's security, said DIG Cheema. Others who lost their lives included shopkeepers, businessmen and citizens working or residing in the area.

Four FC soldiers were among the injured.

Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Abdul Razzaq Cheema, who was present at the site of the attack, said the blast targeted the Hazara ethnic community.

"The attack took place in a [green grocer's] shop. An Improvised Explosive Device (IED) was planted in a gunny sack filled with potatoes. Whether it was timed or remote-controlled, our experts will tell. Right now they are investigating," DIG Cheema told reporters at the site of the attack.

"We are giving our attention to the wounded at this time," he said. The injured have been shifted to hospitals ─ where an emergency has been imposed ─ for treatment.

"We have arranged transportation back [home] for Hazaras who remained unhurt in the attack," he added.

However, Home Minister Ziaullah Langove, who held a press conference later in the day, said that the blast was not targeting "a specific community".

"Our guess is that no specific community was targeted. Marri Baloch and FC personnel were among those killed as well. The numbers of the Hazara community were just greater," Langove said.

He also described the blast as a suicide attack.

Following the blast, a high-level meeting took place under Balochistan Chief Minister Jam Kamal's stewardship to review and reinforce security measures.

RAW funded cowards on the loose again targeting civilians, i feel CTD should pay more attention to Balochistan, these elements need to be curbed. RIP the dead
RAW funded cowards on the loose again targeting civilians, i feel CTD should pay more attention to Balochistan, these elements need to be curbed. RIP the dead
Raw funded or not, these are our people . The hate they generated against each other section of Islam, they ended up things like this. There are 75+ Islamic banned organisations in Pakistan. They are spreading venom and anarchy from decade, one of the reason we banned them.
Funny how Indian members are commenting saying don't blame RAW without proof. Look who's talking here!

If this had happened anywhere in India, you guys would have not only blamed Pakistan already but would have turned into full blown war mongers.
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