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Blast in a Mosque in Peshawar: 50 people injured

Oye chutiya it will be an eye for an eye. 100k lives lost due to these donkeys we can give in return 300k of theirs lost.

Afghundus will not forget for nezt 3000 years
If these kinds of attacks happened in Iranian side, believe it or not, Iranian army had already razed terrorist hideouts in Afghanistan to ground and also Iranian forces were sent into Afghanistan soil.

Pakistani army should do it quick with coordinating it with Kabul, if they refused then go on without coordination. What we did in Syria is a sample, take it and cut off the head of snake.
If these kinds of attacks happened in Iranian side, believe it or not, Iranian army had already razed terrorist hideouts in Afghanistan to ground and also Iranian forces were sent into Afghanistan soil.

Pakistani army should do it quick with coordinating it with Kabul, if they refused then go on without coordination. What we did in Syria is a sample, take it and cut off the head of snake.

Iran knows how to deal with terrorist afghans and baloch... ill give you guys that
To whom? Their puppet masters in GHQ? You seriously think TTP is able to carry out these attacks without support from the all power Pakistani military/security establishment? Either that or GHQ sepoys are criminally incompetent and should be abolished either way.
Obviously incompetent if you haven't noticed their track record including the current political disaster or basically anything they touch 💀

I mean no disrespect to my country but their attempts to lead in good faith did more harm than good in most aspects.

TTP had control of large amounts of areas in Pakistan and was lighting up the capital and Karachi regularly at one point - it's not no establishment proxy because even they struggled against it

Bro enough of your cookie clutter bullshit

99% of all terrorist attacks in Pak are conducted by Pashtuns/Baloch per recent counter terrorism statistics.

Why only pashtuns/baloch do suicide bombing in all of asia??? why tajiks, punjabis, sindhis, kashmiris, hazara never do suicide or terror attacks??? What is it in pashtun/baloch culture that is so violent and prone to bombings???? please oh please show me atleast 1 suicide bombing done by a punjabi/mujahir/kashmiri/sindhi at a house of worship and I will leave this forum forever.

Please dont give excuse of islamization of zia. Today punjabis/mujahirs are amongst the most islamic people in pak yet you will never see them doing such a thing let alone in a masjid. You can blame army, you can blame state, you can blame zia... hell everyone is responsible except your own people.... that is the problem

You people are not willing to accept any fault for your actions
Lol they are going to mention Punjabi Taliban
Bro enough of your cookie clutter bullshit

99% of all terrorist attacks in Pak are conducted by Pashtuns/Baloch per recent counter terrorism statistics.

Why only pashtuns/baloch do suicide bombing in all of asia??? why tajiks, punjabis, sindhis, kashmiris, hazara never do suicide or terror attacks??? What is it in pashtun/baloch culture that is so violent and prone to bombings???? please oh please show me atleast 1 suicide bombing done by a punjabi/mujahir/kashmiri/sindhi at a house of worship and I will leave this forum forever.

Please dont give excuse of islamization of zia. Today punjabis/mujahirs are amongst the most islamic people in pak yet you will never see them doing such a thing let alone in a masjid. You can blame army, you can blame state, you can blame zia... hell everyone is responsible except your own people.... that is the problem

You people are not willing to accept any fault for your actions

Low sentience, low self awareness and easily affected by psyops. That is why a secular Pakistan with a strong national foundation is the cure to stop these stupids from being mopped up by foreign agencies.
Yeah and then Pakistan as a whole will face Allah's wrath.
No it won't

It will be Allah's wrath on display against Afghanistan for their treachery and support to khawarijs, and spilling the blood of their own people for racial superiority endeavours.

Not to mention how prevalent homosexuality as a culture is there - Allah destroyed an entire nation for that.
Pakistan needs to get serious with Afghanistan. And that seriousness should be shown in its attitude and actions and not just words

It should have been done a long time ago when they started border conflicts regarding the Durand Line going back to the 50s.

Pakistan should never have allowed Afghan refugees to reside but at the time we were under the Wahabbi dictator Zia Ul-Haq.
Low sentience, low self awareness and easily affected by psyops. That is why a secular Pakistan with a strong national foundation is the cure to stop these stupids from being mopped up by foreign agencies.

Understood but why only pashtun/baloch are vulnerable to this??? If anything punjabis/mujahirs have lost out the most in pak. Our tax dollars are spent in kpk/balochistan rather than developing already educated areas.

No one has been able to provide a proper answer to this but it must be researched.
Understood but why only pashtun/baloch are vulnerable to this??? If anything punjabis/mujahirs have lost out the most in pak. Our tax dollars are spent in kpk/balochistan rather than developing already educated areas.

No one has been able to provide a proper answer to this but it must be researched.
Social culture differences - Pashtun and Baloch for starters are more nomadic tribal people - not used to law and order. They regularly even have conflict between each other.

So organised societies take a lot longer for them to fit in. But if you see them in developed cities while being second generation they are fine.
Allah Akbar, may the Lord bless them fallen and help their families.
The commanders of the faithful Ali(ra) and Umar(ra) were both shaheed in the mosque and there is only one group among Muslims who attacks innocent people in the masjid that is the Kwarij...
That is what the TTP are and will always be.
Are funds being collected for the deceased families?
It should have been done a long time ago when they started border conflicts regarding the Durand Line going back to the 50s.

Pakistan should never have allowed Afghan refugees to reside but at the time we were under the Wahabbi dictator Zia Ul-Haq.
The geography of the border made it literally impossible to prevent it - there wasn't any fence back then either

What Pakistan needs is a deportation force similar to Saudi's. Deport them in large numbers rapid fire 🔥

Allah Akbar, may the Lord bless them fallen and help their families.
The commanders of the faithful Ali(ra) and Umar(ra) were both shaheed in the mosque and there is only one group among Muslims who attacks innocent people in the masjid that is the Kwarij...
That is what the TTP are and will always be.
Are funds being collected for the deceased families?
The feds provide funds I think

I'm guessing funerals were state funded because it happened immediately
Reminds me of the incident in SSG mess, Tarbela.

A new person in a mosque offering prayers in front row is often seen as a stranger. It’s the usual people who occupy the front row, who are seen offering all prayers in mosque. Cold weather means covering clothes is easy to manage. There are more on duty people in mosques in offices. Lesser people at fajr, more at Zuhr, a bit lesser at asar. A new person who started praying at that mosque would have noticed the the attendance at prayers times within a few days.

Closing borders, intel failure, blaming political parties/military etc, it’s too late for that. The ideology of TTP lives with in the society. They don’t need to cross border every time, neither travel from city to city.

Fairly disappointed, this time police is bearing the brunt continually.
Not to mention how prevalent homosexuality as a culture is there - Allah destroyed an entire nation for that.

I personally have nothing against homosexuals provided it's a personal choice and they don't impose it on others like how they are in the West.

Forcing schools to teach young children about gay couples etc. But the way Afghans practice it is total sexual abuse.

I guess Afghan women are repulsive.
Man the amount of blood i saw today 😥. There are so many rumors and there is alot of anger.
One police guy said that the army actually wanted to teach us a lesaon.

Whatever it is and whoever did it is destroying Pakistan. Maybe Balkanization of Pakistan is the target given to the colonial agents.
I personally have nothing against homosexuals provided it's a personal choice and they don't impose it on others like how they are in the West.

Forcing schools to teach young children about gay couples etc. But the way Afghans practice it is total sexual abuse.

I guess Afghan women are repulsive.
That wasn't the point - he brought religion into it and I'm saying Allah destroyed a nation for practicing homosexuality as a culture and making it widespread
I personally have nothing against homosexuals provided it's a personal choice and they don't impose it on others like how they are in the West.

Forcing schools to teach young children about gay couples etc. But the way Afghans practice it is total sexual abuse.

I guess Afghan women are repulsive.

Homos are million times better then these people. When have you seen gays blowing up masjids in the name of God?
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