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Blast in a Mosque in Peshawar: 50 people injured

The number of dead reaches 38.
Ghulami ki zanjerein tori ja rahi hain.
You are acting like this never happened before IK said that. Yet you told @N.Siddiqui to stfu because he brought up imran khan?

Do you have a theka of grieving the departed? and you are supposed to tell others how to react?
Wtf is youthiayaism?
So tell me rationally, if there was peace in his tenure wasnt the better or chaos and terrorism under this new government better?

What do you about foreign policy of pakistan.
Pakistan has been treated like a bitch by the arabs , europeans, USA the gulf countries and add india to this list.
So don’t lecture me on his foreign policy being wrong. The man had guts, admit it.
He is a clear-cut taliban fangirl, you have to be seriously retarded as a politician in the current environment to praise a non-recognised terrorist organisation.

That's not having guts, it's being utterly stupid. Then at the same time he opposed the fencing, the one thing keeping a fair bit of the terrorism much lower.

What happens during tenures doesn't matter, most of it is coincidental and depends on external factors.

It doesn't matter how much guts he has, Pakistan as a nation can only do so much due to how reliant it is on the western world and the people who he explicitly alienated. He was being stupid not intelligent.

Build strength, self-reliance, leverage and a strong economy - then act tough. Best example is Afghans, all they've ever done is act tough but in the end we came out on top - because we used the above!
So before the Soviet invasion, pashtun nationalists and extremists never attacked Pakistan during 40s, 50's, 60's, 70's?

I just want to make sure I understand what you are saying?

Typical bullshit from that scumbag

Protest for years to remove checkpoints, get army out of area and hand over to police and when the police get hit cry crocodile tears

What kind of bullshit backwards Afghan shit is this where these Afghan retarda think getting aid from China or US is a substitute to economic growth
Before soviets. its was afghans that frequently attacks the border posts. which were manned by tribesmen and FC, recruited from the same villages. Home grown radicalization and anti state activities took a spike after the whole soviet was fiasco.
At that point tribes that were defending against the attacks from afghan nationalist didn’t care anymore
Such a great sight to see level headed, rational, and focussed discussion on this thread.

Bravo guys, bravo.
He is a clear-cut taliban fangirl, you have to be seriously retarded as a politician in the current environment to praise a non-recognised terrorist organisation.

That's not having guts, it's being utterly stupid. Then at the same time he opposed the fencing, the one thing keeping a fair bit of the terrorism much lower.

What happens during tenures doesn't matter, most of it is coincidental and depends on external factors.

It doesn't matter how much guts he has, Pakistan as a nation can only do so much due to how reliant it is on the western world and the people who he explicitly alienated. He was being stupid not intelligent.

Build strength, self-reliance, leverage and a strong economy - then act tough. Best example is Afghans, all they've ever done is act tough but in the end we came out on top - because we used the above!
alright man everyone has a right to a political opinion i respect that but if you happy with current situation in pakistan then good for you.

1 Fencing never stopped in his government.
2 Shouldn’t have praised them, His message was misunderstood. and portrait in media.
3 His foreign policy was helping in bringing foreign investment.
4 GDP growth upto 6%.
5 There was peace for a good time. Serious decline in terrorism.

Look where pakistan is now. 3.5 billions left in treasury, on brinks of default.
People struggling for basic needs. This will add fuel to the new ongoing terrorism wave.
This army cant do shit about it. innocent will die. Tf will army with frinkn toyota pick ups do?

Look i am not here to advocate for imran. i am here to advocate for the people of Pakistan.
What a sad day. Heartbreaking to say the least.

TTP targeted praying people of a mosque. One wonders in what devil do these sub animal creatures believe. What kind of a satanic religion these filths believe in? What kind of a creature would target praying people?

The forgotten idea that IRGC presented to Pakistanis can be a great solution to this problem. Pakistan needs national volunteers to be eyes and ears of intelligence forces.
What a sad day. Heartbreaking to say the least.

TTP targeted praying people of a mosque. One wonders in what devil do these sub animal creatures believe. What kind of a satanic religion these filths believe in? What kind of a creature would target praying people?

The forgotten idea that IRGC presented to Pakistanis can be a great solution to this problem. Pakistan needs national volunteers to be eyes and ears of intelligence forces.

Ill tell you a very simple solution.

1 nuke on kandahar and 99% our problems solved
Aaj Rasool Allah zaroor buhat khush hun gay, right ? TTP kia kamal ka kaam kia hai, namaziyun ko shaheed ker ke, Mashallah... Confirm Janati hai yeh log bhai. :tsk:

Ill tell you a very simple solution.

1 nuke on kandahar and 99% our problems solved
Think about all those families that lost their loved ones. Innocents were targeted, it is a heavy sadness. Blood of an innocents can't be answered by taking the lives of other innocents. A permanent solution is required for Muslims of Pakistan.
alright man everyone has a right to a political opinion i respect that but if you happy with current situation in pakistan then good for you.

1 Fencing never stopped in his government.
2 Shouldn’t have praised them, His message was misunderstood. and portrait in media.
3 His foreign policy was helping in bringing foreign investment.
4 GDP growth upto 6%.
5 There was peace for a good time. Serious decline in terrorism.

Look where pakistan is now. 3.5 billions left in treasury, on brinks of default.
People struggling for basic needs. This will add fuel to the new ongoing terrorism wave.
This army cant do shit about it. innocent will die. Tf will army with frinkn toyota pick ups do?

Look i am not here to advocate for imran. i am here to advocate for the people of Pakistan.
I'm not happy with the current situation - I still support IK overall as he is better than PDM

I'm just talking specifically about his security and foreign policies only - the rest was good

This sh*tshow will end when TTP surrender live on television.
General Tariq Khan had a plan laid out for this but Bajwa didn't care for it and Khan kept going for some peaceful type brother shit

The forgotten idea that IRGC presented to Pakistanis can be a great solution to this problem. Pakistan needs national volunteers to be eyes and ears of intelligence forces.
What was that?
This sh*tshow will end when TTP surrender live on television.
To whom? Their puppet masters in GHQ? You seriously think TTP is able to carry out these attacks without support from the all power Pakistani military/security establishment? Either that or GHQ sepoys are criminally incompetent and should be abolished either way.
laugh all you want but thats what has happened. Its easy to type from your computer Go there physically and see those communities yourself.
They became victims of the state stupid policies and then were left abandoned. Pashtun were radicalized because it fulfilled the states needs for soviet afghan war.
Tell me who helped them after soviet war ended? radicalization is like cancer, you cant stop it until it engulfs you.
The people that are wrong are schmucks like you that still hold establishment holy and innocent.
Army made these elements because of their negligence, and now its ruining its due course.

Did anything like this happened when imran was in power?
answer is no.
Think before you post. jackass!

Bro enough of your cookie clutter bullshit

99% of all terrorist attacks in Pak are conducted by Pashtuns/Baloch per recent counter terrorism statistics.

Why only pashtuns/baloch do suicide bombing in all of asia??? why tajiks, punjabis, sindhis, kashmiris, hazara never do suicide or terror attacks??? What is it in pashtun/baloch culture that is so violent and prone to bombings???? please oh please show me atleast 1 suicide bombing done by a punjabi/mujahir/kashmiri/sindhi at a house of worship and I will leave this forum forever.

Please dont give excuse of islamization of zia. Today punjabis/mujahirs are amongst the most islamic people in pak yet you will never see them doing such a thing let alone in a masjid. You can blame army, you can blame state, you can blame zia... hell everyone is responsible except your own people.... that is the problem

You people are not willing to accept any fault for your actions
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