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Blast in a Mosque in Peshawar: 50 people injured

The geography of the border made it literally impossible to prevent it - there wasn't any fence back then either

Pakistan closed the Afghan border and embargoed them in the past after several cross border attacks. I can even post a link if you like.
Homos are million times better then these people. When have you seen gays blowing up masjids in the name of God?
The homo threat is non-kinetic, this threat is kinetic

We can't compare them, it's like apples and oranges
If these kinds of attacks happened in Iranian side, believe it or not, Iranian army had already razed terrorist hideouts in Afghanistan to ground and also Iranian forces were sent into Afghanistan soil.

Pakistani army should do it quick with coordinating it with Kabul, if they refused then go on without coordination. What we did in Syria is a sample, take it and cut off the head of snake.

But if iranian army is sold to israel then they wont do any of that. Who do u think have trained these snakes?? Who backs them?? Who lets them escape to Turkey? Who gives them weapons n dollars? Who lets them cross the border??? Our own protectors are foreign dogs, what else can we expect.
Understood but why only pashtun/baloch are vulnerable to this??? If anything punjabis/mujahirs have lost out the most in pak. Our tax dollars are spent in kpk/balochistan rather than developing already educated areas.

No one has been able to provide a proper answer to this but it must be researched.

Pushtuns are being killed not anyone else.

As I have said earlier this attitude towards Bengalis led to 90000 surrendering in Dhaka.

Look where you are (two bit bhikaris) and look where Bangladesh is.

Carry on and you will see a mass surrender of a half a million in Rawalpindi.
I need someone on PDF to justify this as well alongside the countless army and FC deaths they somehow justify on a daily basis.

Ask the pindi boys... They love this chaos ... Those dying in such terror attacks are just damn civilians.

Pushtuns are being killed not anyone else.

As I have said earlier this attitude towards Bengalis led to 90000 surrendering in Dhaka.

Look where you are (two bit bhikaris) and look where Bangladesh is.

Carry on and you will see a mass surrender of a half a million in Rawalpindi.

There is nothing wrong with asking for accountability and introspection.

If India or Afghanistan invade them, who will come to protect them? Every is in this mess together.
Before soviets. its was afghans that frequently attacks the border posts. which were manned by tribesmen and FC, recruited from the same villages. Home grown radicalization and anti state activities took a spike after the whole soviet was fiasco.
At that point tribes that were defending against the attacks from afghan nationalist didn’t care anymore

Your being disingenuous, they have always been after us

Yes the vast majority of people fought back against the Afghan scum, but their was always a minority especially amongst the tribal trash that allied with the afghans repeatedly sought to hit us over and over again for decades whilst Pakistan did nothing to them

We have 30-40 years of this shit, the afghani themselves invited the Soviets and shot themselves in the foot.

We have constantly made the mistake of thinking of Afghans as our Muslim brothers, they have constantly been clear and attempted to destroy us

Making excuses for these forever victim's is insulting

The afghans/pashtuns have destroyed their own people and are a cancerous toxic group that has bought nothing positive to any place they have gone

Pashtun nationalism pour the same poison into the youth that TTP does.
Makes them oppose any law and order, makes issue of any and every development. mocks our hero's. The PTM types are no different to the Afghan terrorists of the past

If the issue was just Afghan religious extremism in the last 20 years I would agree with you BUT IT ISNT it's decades of Afghan lannati going back till the 1940's

Our state has always been of the view that a full scale pounding of the afghans is difficult because of the natural support of the pashtuns especially tribals inside Pakistan. but every attempt to be reasonable
Release of prisoners
Is thrown back in our faces over and over and over again

They hit mosques and schools and your perpetual victim behaviour and attempt to blame ANYTHING AND EVERYONE for the terrorists coming out of your community does nothing but makes it difficult to hit the terrorists.

They have hit a mosque, killed Muslims at prayer and we can not be merciful to afghans again, they are beyond redemption
Bro enough of your cookie clutter bullshit

99% of all terrorist attacks in Pak are conducted by Pashtuns/Baloch per recent counter terrorism statistics.

Why only pashtuns/baloch do suicide bombing in all of asia??? why tajiks, punjabis, sindhis, kashmiris, hazara never do suicide or terror attacks??? What is it in pashtun/baloch culture that is so violent and prone to bombings???? please oh please show me atleast 1 suicide bombing done by a punjabi/mujahir/kashmiri/sindhi at a house of worship and I will leave this forum forever.

Please dont give excuse of islamization of zia. Today punjabis/mujahirs are amongst the most islamic people in pak yet you will never see them doing such a thing let alone in a masjid. You can blame army, you can blame state, you can blame zia... hell everyone is responsible except your own people.... that is the problem

You people are not willing to accept any fault for your actions
Alright MrX,

Firstly 99% really? Are you sure about that?

Secondly Tell me outta all the people you mentioned which one have been radicalized? no one except pashtuns! used as cannon fodder. Did pashtuns blow themselves up before that? the answer is NO!
Fuckn bastard! pashtuns were the biggest reason pakistan came into existence.
When you punjabis shat ur pants in 1965, the tribes men from KPk was infront of the army fighting india, fucken took kashmir for u in 1948. So dont u God damn dare question pahtuns loyalty to Pakistan. They chose to be Pakistan, they had no threat from indians.

The reason its so easy to manipulate them it’s because the radical element still exists. plus uneducated and unemployment has a hand to play. Suicide bombing started after musharaf joining US WOT.
Since pakistan has been made tell me, how it is that balochistan and Kpk supplying whole country with gas has no gas in the cities next to it. KPk provides more than 60 to 70 percent of the countrys power needs, yet they get no royalty nor compensation.
You talking about your taxes spent in these provinces yet you totally ignore confiscation their shares. Wheat supply is always cut to KPk from punjab.
Tell me how many balochs own gas reservesvoirs in Bacluchistan. Same goes for gawadar its their right yet taken form them.
Akbar bugti was fighting for their rights and yet army called him a traitor and demolished him.
Drone attacks killing innocent kids and men, what do you think, isn’t it easy to strap a bomb on him.
The people pf KPk and baloushistan has given alot to this country.
How many punjabis or mahajirs have died, compared to balouchs and pashtuns.

It the state policies and these dollar hungry generals and mafias forcing them to do so.
And dont tell me hazaras are innocent, they were doing suide bombing against Pak army in wanna and Nato in afghanistan.
same goes for kashmiris against india.
Hazaris and tajiks are innocent then tell me how come when in wanna operations they were booby traping Qurans. to whoever is gonna pick it up will blow to smithreens.

You live in a country where a former PM cant even file an FIR, see how police controlled this state is. Worst then North korea.

I dont care if you leave the forum or not. not my problem

Next time if you confront me go and check out these places before you blabber your mouth.
i know for a fact you are some kid who lived your entire life on some cantt.
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There is nothing wrong with asking for accountability and introspection.

If India or Afghanistan invade them, who will come to protect them? Every is in this mess together.

Accountability needs to happen within state institutions.

Sector Commanders of your premier intelligence agency are focused on filming 70 yr old senators having sex. The rest of the lot is knee deep involved in the oil smiggling business from Iran.

Every resource allocated to record an audio or video of a politician means one less resource to look at geniune security issues.
Your being disingenuous, they have always been after us

Yes the vast majority of people fought back against the Afghan scum, but their was always a minority especially amongst the tribal trash that allied with the afghans repeatedly sought to hit us over and over again for decades whilst Pakistan did nothing to them

We have 30-40 years of this shit, the afghani themselves invited the Soviets and shot themselves in the foot.

We have constantly made the mistake of thinking of Afghans as our Muslim brothers, they have constantly been clear and attempted to destroy us

Making excuses for these forever victim's is insulting

The afghans/pashtuns have destroyed their own people and are a cancerous toxic group that has bought nothing positive to any place they have gone

Pashtun nationalism pour the same poison into the youth that TTP does.
Makes them oppose any law and order, makes issue of any and every development. mocks our hero's. The PTM types are no different to the Afghan terrorists of the past

If the issue was just Afghan religious extremism in the last 20 years I would agree with you BUT IT ISNT it's decades of Afghan lannati going back till the 1940's

Our state has always been of the view that a full scale pounding of the afghans is difficult because of the natural support of the pashtuns especially tribals inside Pakistan. but every attempt to be reasonable
Release of prisoners
Is thrown back in our faces over and over and over again

They hit mosques and schools and your perpetual victim behaviour and attempt to blame ANYTHING AND EVERYONE for the terrorists coming out of your community does nothing but makes it difficult to hit the terrorists.

They have hit a mosque, killed Muslims at prayer and we can not be merciful to afghans again, they are beyond redemption
Afghanis are scum, i never took their side. they can eat a dick for all i care.
They fucked the pashtun of pakistan all the way back in the battle of nowshera. and been doing since then. when the shah of Iran took the throne of Kabul , they started crying to pashtuns here. and when time came to help us, they left us to death.

The afghans again invited the soviets, which later bit them in their behind. Afghans always back stabbed pakistanis.

We should never forget history, they will always backstab us. Its in their DNA.

My point here is that the pastuns in Pakistan were used in soviet war, in which we had nothing to do with. and the sad part is the state of pakistan politicized it and used it for US. where pashtuns had to pay the price.

i dont share the same views on PTM with you, as they have their own agenda, which is full of flaws.

Anyone who kills innocent kids, women and men are worst then scum.
Banyas on twitter are celebrating and making fun of the deaths.
disgusting bhindus and bhindians.
Afghanis are scum, i never took their side. they can eat a dick for all i care.
They fucked the pashtun of pakistan all the way back in the battle of nowshera. and been doing since then. when the shah of Iran took the throne of Kabul , they started crying to pashtuns here. and when time came to help us, they left us to death.

The afghans again invited the soviets, which later bit them in their behind. Afghans always back stabbed pakistanis.

We should never forget history, they will always backstab us. Its in their DNA.

My point here is that the pastuns in Pakistan were used in soviet war, in which we had nothing to do with. and the sad part is the state of pakistan politicized it and used it for US. where pashtuns had to pay the price.

i dont share the same views on PTM with you, as they have their own agenda, which is full of flaws.

Anyone who kills innocent kids, women and men are worst then scum.

Look, I have no issues with law abiding citizens doesn't matter if they are pashtun, Baloch, Kashmiri, Sindhi or whatever

Decent people just want to get on with their lives

Pakistan have Indian bastards to one side, afghans to the other and we have corrupt politicians and dynasties alongside a establishment who don't want to move on

We have enough problems without this constant fassad

Whilst 95% of pashtun and baloch are no different to anyone else we have a problem 5% of them we can no longer help in anyway and whilst the world is moving forward these bastards are bombings schools and mosques

In the past we have gone easy because of the thought that out own people mainly pashtun and baloch might get upset if they saw our military slaughtering people of a Similar background to them

But we can no longer sit idle
We can also no longer remain quiet to the general bullshit where pashtuns and baloch don't atleast accept that their is a problem in their communities

Blaming GHQ or Punjab is a get out of jail free card

Our people are dying and we need to hit back hard

Banyas on twitter are celebrating and making fun of the deaths.
disgusting bhindus and bhindians.

Of course they are it's in their nature

If 40 Pakistani die they celebrate

If 5 MILLION Indians die from COVID, they all go quite

Our ENEMY will celebrate, the problem is it's the afghans who have bombed us, and yet we let them get away with it
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Which ever country is behind this, One or Both. A Surgical Strike should be done without thinking of appropriate response. Pakistan has rights like any other country.

If I do not see any Air Strikes after this, for me there will be no doubt that this COAS and Govt is set of Gandos,
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