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Blast at Punjab home minister Shuja Khanzada's office, 7 dead

India and its agencies can be and have been dealt with, but the most difficult part is internal extremism. If there is continuous denial that extremism does not exist, then there was no need of deradicalization centers and other measures being taken by the army.

Extremism whether its left or right, is extremism and needs to be dealt with.

There's no denial... read my earlier post.. terrorist does not seems to have support of individuals, rather some very large and organized body is behind their intelligence, and large scale operations, what they pulled todate is not possible without inside support in every organization and corner of Pakistan.
What kind of organization is this....? and not asking our self this question is state of denial.
Denial is believing some rag tag madrassa kids managed to built this organization, right in middle of Pakistan's WoT!
Having said this such operations were not sustainable unless conducive environment exist, which was provided in shape of Zardari regime, we know what we are discovering in NADRA today and how UK embassy sold Pakistani passport to RAW and how Pakistan foreign office issued visas to unwanted foreigners and not to some independent foreigners.... one was one US senator.... imagine Hussen Haqqani refusing visa to US senator!!! How the hell Madrassa kids managed to manipulate Pakistan govt. and free seat for unexpected presidential candidate aka Mr.10%?
Talk about denial..... ignoring the safe heavens in Afgahnistan, invasion from direction Afganistan, their weapons, their finances their free walkover our towns under control of Zardari appointed administration ..... are few of denials.
Mosque in Rawalpindi was attacked by bunch of haters, but this forum was not only justifying it but was presching to slaughter all madrassa kids in similar fashion...cheeta786 now bakh with new id, Hyperion, and few more non commissioned gang members want every arab in Pakistan to be killed, as a result we had Saudi Ambassador killed. who is responsible for such preaching?
Pakistan embassy in Tehran got attacked, and I brought harassed female and kid of one staff member to Pakistan, no one is bothered this is denial.
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Those lashkare jhangvi scums took their revenge because few days ago we killed their pig leader.
This was one of the best things we did in a long time. Malik Ishaq should have been killed much earlier. Note that graphic images are not allowed.
To neutral boys... don't get lost to the one sided narrative being rolled out by the administration and keep using your heads... why so much pressure on us for believing one theory and why all members of administration doesn't have slightest of difference in opinion :woot: Fish is out there for you to catch.... ;)

However, here is another narrative out there by the unbiased folks:

''He is killed by some NGO, not Taliban.
His recent move to Put an end to the enemies backed NGOs is the cause of his murder. This should give ...you a clear idea that how strong have these NGOs grown in our country. The enemy is funding them well to destroy our national fiber, social life, cultural values, educational systems and religious ethics.
Don't fear. Don't stop. Eliminate them at all cost

Those lashkare jhangvi scums took their revenge because few days ago we killed their pig leader.

@WebMaster is this less graphic than the back side of a man hanging last week, some where in Iran?
I'm not saying remove this picture, but I do question removal of my thread on basis of totally non graphic picture and your warning for posting graphic image now look meaning less.
Time for the military/ISI (with relevant agencies) to launch a decimating covert action against the perpetrators (LeJ/Sipah-e-Sahaba/TTP nexus)

Also, Pakistan needs massive reforms where police should be de-politicized and police institution should be build to serve the interests of nation rather than politicians.
Time for the military/ISI (with relevant agencies) to launch a decimating covert action against the perpetrators (LeJ/Sipah-e-Sahaba/TTP nexus)

Also, Pakistan needs massive reforms where police should be de-politicized and police institution should be build to serve the interests of nation rather than politicians.

I have already posted army's narrative in beginning of my posts.... which was coming from non other than the army chief general Rahil.. which says (something like) 'all intelligence agencies will investigate the attack and action will be taken on basis of investigation' and trust investigations are underway!
Now after that post of mine, this pressure buildup on public media to extract self serving reaction is highly suspicious and blaming Rana Sana Ulah without investigation reflect Indian mind set.
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon. May all accept them among jannati. Amen.
No one claimed responsibility, right? This is kind of strange. I think they're changing their methods of operation.

They're gonna try to target high value personalities from this point on since they don't have capabilities like before, they're gonna select fewer but very important targets and go for a high success rate.
Questions arise about IS presence in Attock

CTD has in recent weeks been trying to verify reports that IS has set up a cell in Attock. ùOnline/File
RAWALPINDI: The suicide attack in Attock which claimed the lives of Punjab Home Minister Shuja Khanzada and others on Sunday has raised troubling questions about the possible presence of the self-styled Islamic State (IS) group in the area.

According to sources, the Counter-Terrorism Department (CTD) has in recent weeks been trying to verify reports that IS has set up a cell in Attock.

Officials privy to findings of the preliminary investigation into the attack said it had been carried out by the IS with help of the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan.

Also read: Agencies warn Punjab IS recruiting in Pakistan

Retired Colonel Khanzada was instrumental in setting up the CTD in Punjab to curb the spread of extremism and terrorism.

According to an intelligence official, law-enforcement and intelligence agencies were on the lookout for possible backlash in the wake of the killing of Malik Mohammad Ishaq, the leader of the banned Lashkar-i-Jhangvi, and had issued “alerts” about the possibility of attacks on important political leaders and government installations.

However, he said, they had not issued any specific alert regarding threats to Mr Khanzada’s life.

The suicide attack came about two weeks after the death of Ishaq and his two sons in a mysterious encounter with CTD personnel.

A senior police officer had confirmed the presence of IS in Attock area in the past and said: “We received confirmed reports about its presence in the area and conducted several raids and search operations but failed to lay hands on any member of the organisation.”

In October last year, the Punjab home department had warned police that Chechen and Uzbek militants expelled from Waziristan during military operations were trying to get shelter under the IS, also known by its Arabic acronym Daesh.

In a letter to divisional police chiefs of Punjab and the CTD, the home department said some local militant groups were reportedly joining Daesh because of its anti-Shia policies.

However, it said that some militant groups were resisting attempts to establish IS in the country.

It quoted intelligence reports as saying a particular group had been attracted to Daesh which might be trying to secure support of jihadi outfits and militant groups in the country.

The home department directed law-enforcement agencies to keep an eye on individuals associated with banned outfits and check their activities.

Earlier, IS flags were found on electric poles in the sensitive area of Taxila.

Officially, Federal Interior Minister Chaudhry Nisar Ali Khan has been denying the presence of the IS in the country.

Published in Dawn, August 17th, 2015
No I just admit that NDS is the biggest threat to Afghanistan right now.

It does not really matter.

The Afghans are not unaware.

And if there is one thing everybody in the world knows its that even the smallest and weakest countries will hit back.

An army counts for nothing then. Till you decide to deploy.

But a military deployment comes with consequences. And presents opportunities.

Fait accompli I believe they call it.
Check the hindu and TOI reports dating back to 2004 where articles on Indian military intelligence is said to be bankrolling NDS in it's inception and then what IA MI TSD did within Pakistan.

Fevered imaginations.

Indian Army has always had a very conscious and very openly acknowledged "zero engagement" policy in Afghanistan.

Even humanitarian stuff like medical needs we leave completely to civvy medics, in spite of being best trained and equipped for such field op theaters.

If the Indian Army were in Afghanistan, I assure you that you would be left in no doubt.
Najam Sethi did great analysis on this and connected a few dots. It's well worth a watch instead of reading non-sensical articles like the one above me from Dawn.
According to latest news, LEJ has claimed responsibility for the attack.
Pakistan looses another hero, RIP you will always be remembered.

This cowardly foreign funded terrorist attack proves that these rented terrorists are still alive & are completely operational & I feel that there is a great game been played by corrupt politicians against PA, as these bastard politicians are tired of PA & are unable to do anything big against Pakistan, so they are playing corrupt & evil tactics against PA.

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