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Blasphemy law claims another life

And the above comments are the reason that I believe that Qadri was as stupid as he could be doing what he did. If u ask me all the corrupt blood sucking politicians should be hanged, yes hanged for making the life of the people miserable. And that included Salma as well. The most ridiculous thing that happen with his murder is that both the extreme ends were upheld, and the poor middle men like me and many others here and or in Pakistan were forced to make a choice. Either you are happy, and agree to the murder and or you are not happy and condemn the extremists. It did nothing more then dividing our nation and also giving all the outsiders a chance to show their bigotry in the name of sympathy. Sympathy that the so called liberals wanted so dearly, and sympathy that the extremists wanted as well so that they could use it to their desired effect aka propaganda.

If I could ask this in simple words then I would just say WTF?

Why, why cant we sit down and talk, ask the mullah brigade they say that no there is no room for negotiations. Yes there is, what me and every one is saying and are agreeing to the fact is that the law should be there. No one likes it and want our Prophet to be ridiculed, or talked bad about in any way shape or form. But, and the big but is that we cant let people abuse this law. There has to be changes made to the law, not all of it but to some points where people cant abuse it. And that is all we are asking for. But its like they dont want to listen it at all, what they have made it is a matter of personal ego.

Now comes the liberal extremists, yes extremists there is no difference between them and the other end of the extreme. You are both the same, you want to shove your agenda down our throats just like them, yes there is a law that has been abused, but please tell me which law in Pakistan dont. Saying that dont mean that just because one law gets abused we should let the other be abused as well. But why is that only when it comes to the Islamic laws then only you have a problem, and the suffering of the rest can be put on the side. Why is it that you liberals dont stand up and fight for the rights of the people like you are doing in this case. Why and again why only there is an issue with Islam.

If one was to ask me, both you liberals, and Mullahs are doing no favor to us common people in Pakistan, who want to live their life under the basic principles of Islam, with the rule of the state implemented properly. Salman could have said things in a better fashion, and would have still made a point. Why dont people understand that many a people in Pakistan are very sentimental, and stupid when it comes to religious affairs. They will just listen to their mollanas and be done with it.

What we need to do is to let go of both the extremes, and try to solve things from the center. We cant ridicule every thing, and we cant blindly follow every thing as well. We need to educate our selves, and the less privileged ones in our society to work for our better tomorrow.

One more thing I said it yesterday and I will say it again, you can agree and disagree with me. But personally I dont agree with the fact that Salman was or is a shaheed, he was a victim of a hate crime. The guy Qadri is no better then a Nazi skin head, now we will start calling all of their victims martyrs no we wont. And please if we want to pick a role model for enlightenment why not the Qaid himself, why a corrupt person who got killed by a fool.
Sad thing about this whole event is not that some ignorant savage shot dead another human being. This happens all the time for different reasons. It is that bigots of the Pakistan polity as well many members of this column are justifying this insane act and have made a hero out of an insane animal.

Some people are even gloating over what they think was a just act. One Hon Member posted pictures of Taseer family to show that his family was shameless and thus he deserved killing. Good Heaven! just because his daughters were photographed with there lower legs showing implied that Salman Taseer deserved to be killed!

Let me remind all readers that

1.Salman Taseer himself never insulted the holy Prophet (PBUH).
2.Salman Taseer genuinely believed that Asia Bib was innocent and said that he would try getting a Presidential pardon if she is convicted.
3.He said that this draconian law should be amended.

Reaction of a significant section of the society is therefore deplorable. Some Ulemas even declared that no one should offer his funeral prayers! This is the depth of depravity and bigotry that educated and intelligent members of Pakistan society have sunk to! Do we still call ourselves human beings?

The whole episode makes me hang my head in shame for being a Pakistani. I am a Muslim for generations but I believe in a peaceful and forgiving Islam. The Prophet that I believe in was kind hearted and titled “Rehamatul al alemeen’; not the ruthless bloodthirsty Islam of the Taliban and some section of Pakistan society seem to follow. I am sure some bigots would consider that I deserve to be killed as well.

Actually, I like non of them.
Tasser himself wasnt a good person, although they can have some good acts (for publicity purpose). If we see the pictures of his family, all of the ladies are in miniskirts/bikinis so how can we expect him to do a religious thing when he himself has got spots on faith?

You are a school going guy & you have problems with girls wearing miniskirts? No hope then even with the next generation of Pakistanis.
Sad thing about this whole event is not that some ignorant savage shot dead another human being. This happens all the time for different reasons. It is that bigots of the Pakistan polity as well many members of this column are justifying this insane act and have made a hero out of an insane animal.

Some people are even gloating over what they think was a just act. One Hon Member posted pictures of Taseer family to show that his family was shameless and thus he deserved killing. Good Heaven! just because his daughters were photographed with there lower legs showing implied that Salman Taseer deserved to be killed!

Let me remind all readers that

1.Salman Taseer himself never insulted the holy Prophet (PBUH).
2.Salman Taseer genuinely believed that Asia Bib was innocent and said that he would try getting a Presidential pardon if she is convicted.
3.He said that this draconian law should be amended.

Reaction of a significant section of the society is therefore deplorable. Some Ulemas even declared that no one should offer his funeral prayers! This is the depth of depravity and bigotry that educated and intelligent members of Pakistan society have sunk to! Do we still call ourselves human beings?

The whole episode makes me hang my head in shame for being a Pakistani. I am a Muslim for generations but I believe in a peaceful and forgiving Islam. The Prophet that I believe in was kind hearted and titled “Rehamatul al alemeen’; not the ruthless bloodthirsty Islam of the Taliban and some section of Pakistan society seem to follow. I am sure some bigots would consider that I deserve to be killed as well.

assalam alaikum

A governer doesnot believe in the justice system and if she is convicted will try to get her pardoned show how his love to the Pophet ( PBUH).

assalam alaikum

A governer doesnot believe in the justice system and if she is convicted will try to get her pardoned show how his love to the Pophet ( PBUH).


Brother Traiq you have a valid point, but then there have been cases where this law has been abused. Time and time again, and some groups are not even willing to listen. But the thing is that we as Muslims, and Pakistanis what are we doing. I ask my self the same question time and time again. One section of the society had made qadri a ghazi, and another have made salman a shaheed. Was it ever that simple. But then it is not now as well, the same maulannas who are now up in arms for the law, which they should be but in a human way. They allow every other biddat to be committed by the Muslims who are following them. Can some one tell me is it ok to bow in front of a grave, is it ok to build lavish mazars and do every act that is if not completely a shirk then at least tinkling around the boundaries of shirk. How many times have these maulvies tried to stop that. We cant pick and chose our following of Islam according to our own wishes.
assalam alaikum

Brother u got a point there. About abusing the law every law is abused in pakistan we all know it. maybe there r hundered thousands of wrong cases every year and we don't see these ppl doing anything about it. Brother there r only 1400 cases of these since it was passed or may be some more.

Its pointless to hold discussions over such topics. As long as Pakistan will remain as the Islamic Republic of Pakistan this law will remain intact it's deeply assimilated into Pakistani society with exception of few elites and wanna be neo liberals the rest of the Pakistani populace has no issues with this law.
Even Babar Awan said that till the day he is a law minister no one can change this law. So if they want PPP to go to pieces they are welcome.

By your post I would say you have very little understanding of the people of Pakistan. This law is not going to change.

PPP is already in pieces.

Secondly i think i can claim to know Pakistanis more than a person living in Germany.
Who the hell told you if the gaurd was Wahhabi, Salafi, Deobandi or Barelvi although his name suggest a well known name of Barelvi Sufi sect. Also yesterday 500 Scholars of Jamaat-Ahle-Sunnat (Biggest Opposition of Taliban in Pakistan) advised Muslims not to offer the funeral prayers of Governor Punjab Salman Taseer nor try to lead the prayers," the group, which is considered a mainstream organisation and has been a vocal critic of Taliban fighters operating in Pakistan, said in a statement.

"Also, there should be no expression of grief or sympathy on the death of the governor, as those who support blasphemy of the Prophet are themselves indulging in blasphemy."

I bet you the law will always remain there. It is the voice of muslim hearts and Pakistani Muslims will not be ready to give the enemies of Islam a free ticket to abuse Prohet of Islam, the seal of all Prophets.

Although amendments can be discussed and made to remove the loopholes with unanimous decision.

In what universe is opposing the blasphemy law equal to supporting blasphemy?
There is no place for such laws in modern society.
assalam alaikum

A governer doesnot believe in the justice system and if she is convicted will try to get her pardoned show how his love to the Pophet ( PBUH).


Hon Sir,

Your contention would have been correct if Salman Taseer believed that Asia Bib was guilty and still tried to get her pardoned. Therefore your conclusion that he had no love for the Prophet (PBUH) is totally incorrect and biased.

I can also state that I don’t have much faith in the Pakistan justice system. I personally know witnesses who have lied under oath. Witnesses are intimidated into lying quite often not only in Pakistan but in USA as well. (Remember God Father the movie). Nevertheless a section of Pakistan’s extremists will not stop until their blood lust is satisfied.

Even though I maintain that no individual has a right to take another man’s life and that this prerogative only rests with the State and with no one else: I can understand if after an offender is set free, someone who believes that the crime was actually committed goes ahead and murders the offender. More like Ghazi Ilm Din.
But how on earth can you or anyone else justify killing of a person who is only trying to help whom he believes to be innocent. Won’t you as a human being try to prevent injustice?

I don't think Salman Taseer is a Shaheed. I am however deeply disappointed to discover that many members of this forum are so bloodthirsty that they actually support extra judicial killing.
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