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Blackburn dad jailed for having sex with 14-year-old daughter


Sep 4, 2011
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A GIRL of 14 from East Lancashire was coaxed into having regular sex with her father, after he threatened to kill himself if she refused.

The man, who was separated from his wife, and the girl's mother, told her he was depressed, unhappy, and feeling suicidal.

Over a period of a year, the man in his 30s, who cannot be named for legal reasons, frequently subjected her to sexual acts which almost always ended with intercourse, Manchester's Minshull Street Crown Court was told.

The girl, who was 13 when the abuse started, had not wanted to go along with what he wanted, but felt she had no choice.

Her ordeal ended only when she confided in friends who urged her to speak to teachers at school about what was happening.

After the father was arrested, his daughter struggled to write down the emotions she was experiencing – a string of words that expressed her confusion: “Weak, stupid, betrayed, helpless, ashamed.”

The teenager, from the Blackburn area, said she felt scared that she would break down, and scared that she might never heal after what had happened.

Jailing him for eight years, Judge Jeffrey Lewis told the man: “It goes without saying that this was a gross abuse of trust placed in you as a father.

“Instead of protecting and caring for your daughter, you abused and degraded her. You betrayed the innocence of her childhood.

“It is clear that she was already finding it difficult to cope, and there is a significant risk of long-term damage.”

Rachel Cooper, prosecuting, said the abuse began after the man moved to the town where the girl and her mother lived.

There had been sporadic contact at first, but she then began to see him up to three times a week at his home.

The offences began early last year after he told her that he would kill himself if she did not agree to have sex with him.

Ms Cooper said that a pattern of abuse was then established, which she felt obliged to agree to.

Anthony Stephenson defending, said many of the words used by the man’s daughter to express her feelings, could apply equally to the father.

“If I was to say that he has been chastened, it would be a gross understatement.” he said.

Mr Stephenson added: “He appears today both seeking help, and knowing full well that punishment rightly follows.”

The court was told that the man, who has never before come before the courts, fully accepted what he had done, and the effect on his daughter.

He had not been able to explain why he had acted as he did, but said once it started, it was difficult to stop.

Blackburn dad jailed for having sex with 14-year-old daughter (From Lancashire Telegraph)
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