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Black day in Kashmir: Protesters urged to breach LoC

That will be the best thing. Only India disagrees with that.

This is not a best option Kashmir is a internal part of India
Are you ready to do the same with your internal parts (I dnt think you want that i mansion the name of those parts)
That is international prerogative and rule, especially when involving in two countries having unpleasant ties and decades of distrust. Human Rights are cared for two hoots when terrorists are supported and terrorism in encouraged.
Congrats you're the first person to get the boot for violating our Libel Policy.
It requires two to tango. India has to agree to the resolutions.
We can tango only if the stage is set. Have you even remotely attempted to set that stage? The onus is now on you, since its Pakistan, who is getting impatient to hold a plebiscite.

So show your sincerity and push for a fresh resolution for plebiscite. If India doesn't agree it will be Pakistan's moral victory.
We can tango only if the stage is set. Have you even remotely attempted to set that stage? The onus is now on you, since its Pakistan, who is getting impatient to hold a plebiscite.

So show your sincerity and push for a fresh resolution for plebiscite. If India doesn't agree it will be Pakistan's moral victory.
What stage? All you need to do is, say okay and leave it to the UN.
^^ I still don't understand what's stopping Pakistan from holding a referendum in P O K. That would surely put a lot of pressure on India wouldn't it?

You want to know why no one else in the entire world except Pakistan takes Mr. Geelani et al seriously? Because they cannot prove themselves of being true representatives of Kashmiris. India holds elections and invites observers to prove that they are free and fair. That hugely dents the credibility of the separatists.

Pakistan can use India's own strategy against us if they hold a referendum. That's my opinion anyways.
What stage? All you need to do is, say okay and leave it to the UN.
Nope. Thats not how it works.

A resolution is first sponsored (means proposed), debated at UN meetings (if not vetoed), and then passed or rejected through votes. India and Pakistan didn't accept many such resolutions, but that still didn't stop those resolutions from being passed.

So, what is stopping Pakistan from making a proposal to pass fresh resolutions.
That will be the best thing. Only India disagrees with that.

Then Pakistan should start withdrawing all the troops from Kashmir and giving independence to Gilgit Baltistan and proper Azadi to Azad Kashmir. You people gotta show the world you real mean it and willing to walk the extra step to stop Kashmiris from suffer. Merely lip job and keeping a blind eye to insurgents won't help!
^^ I still don't understand what's stopping Pakistan from holding a referendum in P O K. That would surely put a lot of pressure on India wouldn't it?

You want to know why no one else in the entire world except Pakistan takes Mr. Geelani et al seriously? Because they cannot prove themselves of being true representatives of Kashmiris. India holds elections and invites observers to prove that they are free and fair. That hugely dents the credibility of the separatists.

Pakistan can use India's own strategy against us if they hold a referendum. That's my opinion anyways.

How can they do that .... I they do this so their true face come infront of world...

Even press is not free their ...... and they are talking about UN :hitwall::hitwall:
Sorry to say but i think pakistan is not being pragmatic.Public opinion in general is very fickle.I think loc should be declared as international border and pak can then solely concentrate on economic progress.With growing standards of living people will start competing at a global level and in a few years all animosity will be forgotten.
I think you are talking about Independence so before advise other Pakistan has to give freedom to their part ......
Then talk about others

The only freedom we want in AJK is to be part of pakistan!

Every one know the reality of so called Azad Kashmir

Please do tell us.......even though my family lives in AJK you must know more then me.
How can a plebiscite take palce when
1] u gifted a part of j&k to china

‘India’s claims of Pakistan ceding territory in 1963 are false’
NEW DELHI: Prominent lawyer AG Noorani has rebuffed the impression created by the Indian government, and widely accepted by Kashmiri leaders, that Pakistan ceded some Kashmiri territory to China in 1963.

At an Indo-Pak peace conference on Monday, People’s Conference Chairman Sajjad Ghani Lone had accused Pakistan of “gifting” Kashmiri territory to China. A few years ago, Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front chief Amanullah Khan had levelled similar allegations. Separatists have recently picked up the issue and demanded Beijing’s involvement in the Kashmir dispute. “Based on documentary and archival evidence, Pakistan did not cede any land. On the contrary, it was China which ceded 750 square miles of administered territory to Pakistan under the Pakistan-China boundary agreement of March 3, 1963,” Noorani told Daily Times.

He said according to Article 2 of the agreement, after the settlement of the Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India, the sovereign authority concerned will reopen negotiations about the boundary with the Chinese government of the People’s Republic of China.

2]specific laws were placed on indian side to avoid changes in demography in kashmir,but in yours??

Yes.......only kashmriris allowed to vote or buy land ect in AJK.
You indians did try and are still trying to settle non kashmirirs into IOK,i know of one guy whos family was from indian punjab and he was given incentives and other freebies to move to IOK.

3]Kashmiri pandits were driven out

What about the 1.5 million refugees in AJK that where "driven out"?
Then Pakistan should start withdrawing all the troops from Kashmir and giving independence to Gilgit Baltistan and proper Azadi to Azad Kashmir. You people gotta show the world you real mean it and willing to walk the extra step to stop Kashmiris from suffer. Merely lip job and keeping a blind eye to insurgents won't help!

No i dont think so......The UN wants a vote in the whole of kashmir and not unilateral action from one state.
Why dont you move your troops out first?.......well thats the same reason why pakistan wont.
We can either follow the UN or you indians can keep demanding silly things.
^^ So your answer to your own query is follow the UN AND breach the line of control mandated by the UN?????
^^ So your answer to your own query is follow the UN AND breach the line of control mandated by the UN?????

Its the people that wil breach the LOC and not the miltary.......so it does not go against any UN agreement.......its kashmiris from one side crossing over to the other other side just like the million odd refugees that already crossed over from IOK......you didnt seem to have a problem then of letting people cross the LOC.

The only time i would back the people breaching the LOC is if kashmiris merged from both sides in there millions under the glare the world press and made the LOC a bit of history like the berlin wall.
If theres not large numbers then the people crossing over will be shot by the indians......i have seen this before with my own eyes.
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