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BJP won Uttar Pradesh Election 2022

Dear Suvarna Teja,

Just a couple of days back we have had a marathon thread on the same subject when exit poll results were out. Now actual results are out and we are going through the same. Now when govt is formed you will start another thread.

Results are along expected lines. Showing the same picture multiple times does not make the picture any clearer. If anything, BJP's tally is significantly lower than last time, though they will still form government. There is a pleasant surprise though, AAP has won Punjab and that is the real news from these elections.

Like @Joe Shearer said "migrate". I am assuming/hoping he meant that for you and not for the Muslims.
Suvarna Teja?

I am not going anywhere.
Mister J has posted a telling tweet. Not only have the Hindutvadis carried their toxicity and oppression to foreign shores but now look at that song - so many problems and issues in India yet they are happy because Ram Mandir is getting constructed. What has to be done is that these Hindutvadis should have their sources of income stopped via having their mediocre computer companies in India not getting outsourced projects from the West and their backoffice processing in India for the useless Capitalist Western companies like Morgan Stanley not sending the processing work. And then after the arrogant Hindutvadis have had their employment and income stopped they must be asked if they still want their mandir or will begin to start talking about the real problems and issues in India and for the first time in their lives be useful.

Though of course the Hindutvadis want to replace the current reasonably sensible constitution with the Manusmriti which of course is a work to spread oppression it must also be pointed that the system of parties, elections and voting is not democracy, it is anti-democracy and this I have explained in this post two days ago. :)

Aha !
Manusmriti would be harmful to 85 percent Hindus as well.

Why do Indians hate Muslims so much? Isn’t a lot of the history Indians claim from the Muslims? Isn’t a lot of the wealth Indians claim the British stole of and from the Muslims? Isn’t one of the wonders of the world, that India proudly displays (Taj mahal) from the Muslims.
They think Muslims oppressed them for over 800 years and killed 100 million of them.
Manusmriti would be harmful to 85 percent Hindus as well.

Absolutely ! Including to the same females who so ebuliently support Mor Baba and Bulldozer Baba. And on the opposite side of the scale any true Universal Civil Code will be harmful to the Hindutvadis. :lol:
Why do Indians hate Muslims so much? Isn’t a lot of the history Indians claim from the Muslims? Isn’t a lot of the wealth Indians claim the British stole of and from the Muslims? Isn’t one of the wonders of the world, that India proudly displays (Taj mahal) from the Muslims.
Your logic isn't correct. By that logic we can say that the Muslims stole from the Hindus and the Hindus stole from Buddhists.

Regarding the hate of Muslims, the correct term to use is xenophobia (in this case against a religion) and there is lots of research into why there exists xenophobia.
Giving up is not an option. Too much is at stake.

Not everyone can emigrate. We are talking about hundreds of millions.

We can't let a facist Hindu Rashtra happen
It's happening.
The moronic cow-belt, breeding like rabbits, will soon decide India's fate.
That fucking ganja-smoking, corpse-defiling monk will be the successor-designate to 56", much to that guy's horror (although Fatso might be even more worried).
You think I like what I see and hear?
Why do Indians hate Muslims so much? Isn’t a lot of the history Indians claim from the Muslims? Isn’t a lot of the wealth Indians claim the British stole of and from the Muslims? Isn’t one of the wonders of the world, that India proudly displays (Taj mahal) from the Muslims.

Exactly, this hate or dislike is 'because' of these and not 'despite' of all this.

This is it!!!...but difficult to expalin this neurosis.
Exactly, this hate or dislike is 'because' of these and not 'despite' of all this.
Nope, it's not because of that

Their hate is simply from the same place as any other Islamaphobic person, and then add some history to it, and connection to Pakistan.
Not only have the Hindutvadis carried their toxicity and oppression to foreign shores
Wake up and smell the effin' coffee!
Most money and moral support for the creeps came from the NRIs. What do you think their background was? The same displaced 'leaders of society' vengeful about their displacement, entitled by their background and educational advantages to join elite institutions, where the fees were kept artificially low, and quick to emigrate at the first opportunity, mating their casteist prejudices with the poison on low-grade Internet web pages - Vikram Sampath is a perfect example.

now look at that song - so many problems and issues in India yet they are happy because Ram Mandir is getting constructed.
They are behind the curve. The next points on the agenda are already up there, and these morons haven't got the mail.

What has to be done is that these Hindutvadis should have their sources of income stopped via having their mediocre computer companies in India not getting outsourced projects from the West and their backoffice processing in India for the useless Capitalist Western companies like Morgan Stanley not sending the processing work.
Can't be done. Trust me, I was an insider. The west needs these techno-coolies; they can't hack it on their own any longer.
And then after the arrogant Hindutvadis have had their employment and income stopped they must be asked if they still want their mandir or will begin to start talking about the real problems and issues in India and for the first time in their lives be useful.

Get ready to re-enter orbit.

Not really

Only the Muslims of India, India is fine in other aspects
Staggering inflation, massive unemployment, rising crimes, farmers suicide etc.

How is India fine in other aspects?

Certainly an option the Muslims should consider, unfortunately
Go where? Which country will take them?

Even Pakistan and Bangladesh don't want refugees from India.

This isn't the 90s. The world hates immigrants and refugees.
I have a feeling that this hardcore Hindutva politics wouldn't stay long; because it is not sustainable. This is merely a feeling or inkling; I can't give arguments in it's support.
I can only hope. It is concentrated in a pocket that is infecting the rest of the country, but it is a huge pocket.
Just curious.

What makes you think we decent people, poor and rich, want to be part of the same pig-pen as the pigs who have won in the UP?
I don't think I implied that you do want to, but what's the alternative here? You can raise your voice against them and vote for your own party of choosing but that's about it.

But the reality is that the majority support those people, unfortunately you are part of a minority.
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Why do Indians hate Muslims so much? Isn’t a lot of the history Indians claim from the Muslims? Isn’t a lot of the wealth Indians claim the British stole of and from the Muslims? Isn’t one of the wonders of the world, that India proudly displays (Taj mahal) from the Muslims.

Because Jinnah was right 👍

Only a idiot couldn't see this coming

Why anyone thought having one large India where everyone was stuck together was a good idea I don't know

The populations of India need separation, they needed it in 1947 and they need it in 2022

The question is how are you going to achieve that.
Sitting back and just getting on isn't a option
A united India is not a option
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