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BJP MP admits Kashmiris not willing to stay with India

And ended up in losing half of the nation in 1971 and totally destroyed your economy for parity obsession .Still didnt learn a single lesson

Why you Indians think you deserve credit for 1971? You think you were / are competent enough to pull something like 1971 alone? Highly deluded dude................... and look at the causalities of 1965 at both sides and look at what happened in 1962, if you take a neutral stance you would realise that Indians have been living in a delusion for decades, in fact a superiority complex which they could never prove on battlefield. In 1965 a much smaller country gave you an equal response and in 1962 a country you always wish to be compared with gave you a life remembering beating.

So what is there that makes you feel proud or boast about? Oh yeah I know what makes you feel proud "We fired 50000 rounds on LOC this time" right?
Some strong words I must say, at least you are honest with us. Well how much blood you are willing to spill? And can you make these statements on your countrymen behalf too? Do they share the same sentiment or majority of you are supporters of Aman ka tamasha? Because when it comes to spilling blood for a cause their is no better than Pakistani civilians. And I don't think Indians will ever be able to match that. No offense but it is what it is.

And more than 67 years of tolerance? Come on its Kashmiri Muslims who have tolerated your invasion and occupation of their land against their will? Its them sheep who look to us to fight their war. If they knew that aggressors are not pushed back with just stones and protests, each household would have freedom fighters. The day they realize this, it would be the day you won't be able to afford any more blood spill of your own. So I will wait till the day they wake up pick up weapons and start fighting their war.

Imran, I am always honest.

Also, you once told me I knew little about the dynamics of Afghanistan. Brother, you know little about the dynamicsof Kashmir and India.

There is a significant constituency within India that is waiting for the Kasmiri to take up the gun. Daring the Kashmiri to take up the gun. And that constituency is easily a few times the size of the total population of Pakistan.

The Sri Lankan Tamil population was 2.2 million. Out of a total Sri Lankan population of 20+ million. Add to that number another 0.8 million Indian Tamils. So 3 million Tamils took up the gun against the Sri Lankan state. Comprising mainly of 15+ million hostile Sinhalese.

Now ask yourself what is the population of Kashmiri Muslims, and what is the size of India, in comparison. And no disrespect meant to any Kashmiris here (not everyone can be a warrior), but lets face it, in terms of fighting capabiloities, a Tamil Tiger has a Kashmiri fidayeen beat any day of the week.

As I said once before, India has to decide when and if to unleash civil war in Kashmir.

But that choice wil never have to be made, that expediting of a stalemated situation never have to be tipped, if the Kashmiri ever takes up the gun. Were such to happen, and I say this as the son and brother of soldiers, the Kashmiris will be flattened. The killing that will follow will be precise, will be efficient, will be targeted, and will be designed to break once and for all the back of the low grade insurgency in the Valley. Every adult kashmiri Muslim male will be officially designated and treated as a potential military threat. And when the operation is done, it truly will be a Valley of widows and orphans. There will be no half measure or humanitarian compromise.

And while this operation is going on, India will be on internationally declared and very visible nuclear readiness. This operation will not be done by half measures at any stage, in an theater of operations or international engagement.

And Pakistan will step down. Because lets face it Imran, and call a spade a spade, seperating the lofty altruistic chaff from the wheat of hard self-serving reality. You are NOT fighting this war for them, you are fighting this war for yourselves. You have NEVER fought this war for them, you have ALWAYS fought this war for yourselves. And you will NEVER risk your own well being when faced with nuclear war.

My post is not in competition with yours to prove whose civilians are more bloodthirsty. I am just sharing with you a little bit from the military perspective of the series of events that will unfold were the Kashmiri "sheep" ever to become stupid enough to grow a pair and listen to those egging them on from your side to take up the gun.
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Imran, I am always honest.

Also, you once told me I knew little about the dynamics of Afghanistan. Brother, you know little about the dynamicsof Kashmir and India.

There is a significant constituency within India that is waiting for the Kasmiri to take up the gun. Daring the Kashmiri to take up the gun. And that constituency is easily a few times the size of the total population of Pakistan.

The Sri Lankan Tamil population was 2.2 million. Out of a total Sri Lankan population of 20+ million. Add to that number another 0.8 million Indian Tamils. So 3 million Tamils took up the gun against the Sri Lankan state. Comprising mainly of 15+ million hostile Sinhalese.

Now ask yourself what is the population of Kashmiri Muslims, and what is the size of India, in comparison. And no disrespect meant to any Kashmiris here (not everyone can be a warrior), but lets face it, in terms of fighting capabiloities, a Tamil Tiger has a Kashmiri fidayeen beat any day of the week.

As I said once before, India has to decide when and if to unleash civil war in Kashmir.

But that choice wil never have to be made, that expediting of a stalemated situation never have to be tipped, if the Kashmiri ever takes up the gun. Were such to happen, and I say this as the son and brother of soldiers, the Kashmiris will be flattened. The killing that will follow will be precise, will be efficient, will be targeted, and will be designed to break once and for all the back of the low grade insurgency in the Valley. Every adult kashmiri Muslim male will be officially designated and treated as a potential military threat. And when the operation is done, it truly will be a Valley of widows and orphans. There will be no half measure or humanitarian compromise.

And while this operation is going on, India will be on internationally declared and very visible nuclear readiness. This operation will not be done by half measures at any stage, in an theater of operations or international engagement.

And Pakistan will step down. Because lets face it Imran, and call a spade a spade, seperating the lofty altruistic chaff from the wheat of hard self-serving reality. You are NOT fighting this war for them, you are fighting this war for yourselves. You have NEVER fought this war for them, you have ALWAYS fought this war for yourselves. And you will NEVER risk your own well being when faced with nuclear war.

My post is not in competition with yours to prove whose civilians are more bloodthirsty. I am just sharing with you a little bit from the military perspective of the series of events that will unfold were the Kashmiri "sheep" ever to become stupid enough to grow a pair and listen to those egging them on from your side to take up the gun.


And you think that you will overrun Kashmiri Muslims that easily in open day light, you don't get it right? Last time I remember when our civilians were involved they had reached the Srinagar and the result was half of the Kashmir getting freedom. You want to try that again? Your establishment very well knows what would be the outcome, so better keep a low profile and keep killing sheep who won't retaliate and pick up a gun to at least avenge their loved ones deaths, keep digging unmarked graves, but the day you go public about this killing business that would be the day you would see even our children volunteering to fight you.

And gone are the days when you would threaten us with your superior numbers and effective diplomacy, it’s not like we don’t hold enough nuke power to wipe you too off the face of the world.

Whining and cry baby attitude can gather sympathies and ears for some initial limited period but when it becomes consistent people get bored. "Qadar Kho Daita hai Roz roz ka rona dhona". No offense bro but this crying attitude is even reflected in your tv shows like “Indian Idle” etc etc. And I don’t feel threatened by such crying babies even if they are holding gun at me at point blank range, you can expect them to start crying anytime. The best I have seen in your countrymen on this forum is asking US to take action against Pakistan, US should do this, US should do that I mean come on and you want me to feel that these people can kill our fellow Muslims or us? And its just that they are waiting for some boiling point to reach? You may be a warrior but your countrymen don't impress me so better not speak on their behalf, they may be good in killing unarmed Indian Muslims and Christians during riots, but not us we Pakistanis are not sheep. Waqt parny pay bandook chlana khoob janty hain humary log.

So when should we expect this onslaught? May be this will wake up the sheep.
You really think we ever tried wholeheartedly? What would have been a better opportunity than 1962?

You mention killing Hindus as if Muslims have not been targeted? It has been worse for them and in a war killing happens you kill them and in return yours will be killed too.

We have to request a red carpet, request, you mean seriously request ............................................ sorry we are not in habit of requesting for something that belongs to us :p: we rather snatch it back and give bully a bloody nose :sick:
Yeah we know that. Our forces are there to welcome you. Please do keep trying. :tup:


And you think that you will overrun Kashmiri Muslims that easily in open day light, you don't get it right? Last time I remember when our civilians were involved they had reached the Srinagar and the result was half of the Kashmir getting freedom. You want to try that again? Your establishment very well knows what would be the outcome, so better keep a low profile and keep killing sheep who won't retaliate and pick up a gun to at least avenge their loved ones deaths, keep digging unmarked graves, but the day you go public about this killing business that would be the day you would see even our children volunteering to fight you.

And gone are the days when you would threaten us with your superior numbers and effective diplomacy, it’s not like we don’t hold enough nuke power to wipe you too off the face of the world.

Whining and cry baby attitude can gather sympathies and ears for some initial limited period but when it becomes consistent people get bored. "Qadar Kho Daita hai Roz roz ka rona dhona". No offense bro but this crying attitude is even reflected in your tv shows like “Indian Idle” etc etc. And I don’t feel threatened by such crying babies even if they are holding gun at me at point blank range, you can expect them to start crying anytime. The best I have seen in your countrymen on this forum is asking US to take action against Pakistan, US should do this, US should do that I mean come on and you want me to feel that these people can kill our fellow Muslims or us? And its just that they are waiting for some boiling point to reach? You may be a warrior but your countrymen don't impress me so better not speak on their behalf, they may be good in killing unarmed Indian Muslims and Christians during riots, but not us we Pakistanis are not sheep. Waqt parny pay bandook chlana khoob janty hain humary log.

So when should we expect this onslaught? May be this will wake up the sheep.
A few points...
1. Pakistan was a respected country in India 10 to 15years back. By respected I don't mean love and respect wala respect but you get the point. Now we consider Pakistan a non entity at best and a joke at worst. We compare our worst metrics with Pakistan. If something of ours is comparable to Pakistan, we try to go on an overdrive to fix things.

2. The sheep already tried that in 90. They have decayed by now. Plus the Kashmiri Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist and Shia populace is getting impatient. One time their restraint will go. Remember that Kashmir has only 55% Sunnis at a maximum. Many of them are also pro Indian.

3. We are acutely aware of what Pakistan can do. This is no Hari Singh's Kashmir. But then Pakistan is no longer serious about Kashmir. It pays only lip service now besides funding terrorists. But that is their second nature now, so I won't accuse them there. :)
And Iranians in there didnt torture minorities for changing the demography.
You cant say that in here.
It is a reasonable logic
It's completely stupid , so once Pakistan,India , Australia fell under the British empire so they should still be a part of UK .
Parts of Pakistan once fell under Persian empire or other empire so they should respectfully still be a part of that country .
That was some stupid conversation .
Answer is Simple.... Send them to where ever the hell they want to live.... and don't ever return back

I'm sorry but the crux of my post missed you in your hurry to type out a typical reply laced with Pakistani bravado.

India never hesistated ruthlessly killing Sikhs when they turned against us.

And we actually love our Sikhs. Always have, always will.

Now ask yourself what happens were a Kashmiri Sunni Muslim to put down his stones and take up a gun against us .....

There is a reason I gave you the Sri Lankan example and not the Punjab one. I think you get the point. You are an intelligent guy.

P.S. Your kids with guns will be as effective as your men with guns have been. I did say every adult male will be a target. When the gloves come off, a child with a gun becomes a man in an instant.
A few points...
1. Pakistan was a respected country in India 10 to 15years back. By respected I don't mean love and respect wala respect but you get the point. Now we consider Pakistan a non entity at best and a joke at worst. We compare our worst metrics with Pakistan. If something of ours is comparable to Pakistan, we try to go on an overdrive to fix things.

Yeah I know and have listened to what Modi had to say in his election campaign about Pakistan, you don't need to tell me how much respect we still hold in hearts of Indian populace ;) (And by respect I mean fear, obsession). I remember watching a clip on some news channel back in 1998, that showed your Parliament (I think) and the date would have been a day or two after Pakistan's nuke tests, and I remember this much very accurately somebody shouted in that Parliament "Horn Aram ee". :D Respect has already been earned Mr. Sarthak and nothing can change it now :)

We will finger you again and again and you cannot do a shit about it, max what you can do is cry and whine in front of the hold world and bring your forces to the border and then repack your camps and bags and go back. But nothing more than this. :enjoy:

2. The sheep already tried that in 90. They have decayed by now. Plus the Kashmiri Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist and Shia populace is getting impatient. One time their restraint will go. Remember that Kashmir has only 55% Sunnis at a maximum. Many of them are also pro Indian.

It was not them. Okay they are getting impatient so what are they going to do? NOTHING . Or they will fill balloons with air and burst those :D. Or they have some thing more funny in their minds?

3. We are acutely aware of what Pakistan can do. This is no Hari Singh's Kashmir. But then Pakistan is no longer serious about Kashmir. It pays only lip service now besides funding terrorists. But that is their second nature now, so I won't accuse them there. :)

You tell me how and why Kashmir is your atoot aang? I know it why but would love to read what you have to say :D. And please don't say Kashmir is rightfully yours so and blah blah. Tell me something the real reason.:D


I'm sorry but the crux of my post missed you in your hurry to type out a typical reply laced with Pakistani bravado.

India never hesistated ruthlessly killing Sikhs when they turned against us.

And we actually love our Sikhs. Always have, always will.

Now ask yourself what happens were a Kashmiri Sunni Muslim to put down his stones and take up a gun against us .....

There is a reason I gave you the Sri Lankan example and not the Punjab one. I think you get the point. You are an intelligent guy.

P.S. Your kids with guns will be as effective as your men with guns have been. I did say every adult male will be a target. When the gloves come off, a child with a gun becomes a man in an instant.

Yar bus bahi ainway he patakhy mat chor. Ja ja kay kissi murday pay gusa nikal. Dimagh ki dahi kar di hay tu nay. Yar tu medicine chor aur phelwani shuru kar day bahi. Uff itni lambi lambi chor chor kay thakta bhi nahi. May to thak gya bus.
Yar bus bahi ainway he patakhy mat chor. Ja ja kay kissi murday pay gusa nikal. Dimagh ki dahi kar di hay tu nay. Yar tu medicine chor aur phelwani shuru kar day bahi. Uff itni lambi lambi chor chor kay thakta bhi nahi. May to thak gya bus.

Mai bhi thak gaya. Tujh se ladne ki koi iccha bhi nahin hai.

2-3 posts bas hote hain hum donon mein eik doosre ko samjhne ke liye.
Yeah I know and have listened to what Modi had to say in his election campaign about Pakistan, you don't need to tell me how much respect we still hold in hearts of Indian populace ;) (And by respect I mean fear, obsession). I remember watching a clip on some news channel back in 1998, that showed your Parliament (I think) and the date would have been a day or two after Pakistan's nuke tests, and I remember this much very accurately somebody shouted in that Parliament "Horn Aram ee". :D Respect has already been earned Mr. Sarthak and nothing can change it now :)

We will finger you again and again and you cannot do a shit about it, max what you can do is cry and whine in front of the hold world and bring your forces to the border and then repack your camps and bags and go back. But nothing more than this. :enjoy:

It was not them. Okay they are getting impatient so what are they going to do? NOTHING . Or they will fill balloons with air and burst those :D. Or they have some thing more funny in their minds?

You tell me how and why Kashmir is your atoot aang? I know it why but would love to read what you have to say :D. And please don't say Kashmir is rightfully yours so and blah blah. Tell me something the real reason.:D

Yar bus bahi ainway he patakhy mat chor. Ja ja kay kissi murday pay gusa nikal. Dimagh ki dahi kar di hay tu nay. Yar tu medicine chor aur phelwani shuru kar day bahi. Uff itni lambi lambi chor chor kay thakta bhi nahi. May to thak gya bus.
See? 1998. And don't think cowards cry in this age. Whining properly is an art. See and learn how Israel deflects opposition by raising the anti Semitic card and cries victim. A mix of bravery and tact is necessary.

Open your eyes. Bjp has come to power in the state too. Non Muslims including Shias are growing a pair.

Forget Kashmir, even Pakistan is an inalienable atoot ang of Bharat. We accept Pakistan as a free country because of a political settlement we both agreed to. Jammu and Kashmir is Indian because of our historical shared heritage from time immemorial. Plus we did not sign a divorce like we did with you.

I remember this much very accurately somebody shouted in that Parliament "Horn Aram ee". :D Respect has already been earned
You watch our Lok Sabha TV and call us obsessed with Pakistan? :(
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Forget Kashmir, even Pakistan is an inalienable atoot ang of Bharat. We accept Pakistan as a free country because of a political settlement we both agreed to. Jammu and Kashmir is Indian because of our historical shared heritage from time immemorial. Plus we did not sign a divorce like we did with you.

You and me belong to exactly the same school of thought.

You watch our Lok Sabha TV and call us obsessed with Pakistan? :(

Yeh deep aadmi hai. Iss ke saath isliye to banti hai.
You watch our Lok Sabha TV and call us obsessed with Pakistan? :(

Watched. Yar. These days I don't get to watch myself in mirror how would I watch your Lok Sabha? But Lalu Parsad is / was brilliant, I liked him. :)

Nahin Syed ke bare mein baat kar rahe hain hum dono.

Kurh kurh kay (ghut ghut kay) khalas ho jy ga. Jany dy. :sick:

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