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BJP councilor locks out Muslim family

PS: Look at the op.... did you notice that Police case was slammed upon him?
Did you notice that the police put the lock? :pop:

ban fasting on Ramdan and to grow beards?
The Chinese ambassador in Malaysia said those news were not true 2ndly, how can you ban one from fasting? Force feeding them free food? As for growing beards- how much more ignorance do you want to shame yourself for? Chinese themselves keep beards...


Weren't you the one madam always saying its upto the country to decide? Why are you then concrned about another sovereign state? Its has nothing to do with you. Same as Xinxiang.
There is no restrictions on members posting about other countries....Havent you seen indians posting about Pakistan with deep obsessions? How many posts have I started about india that you are behaving like a total jerk and obsessed with China? Does the thread say China?

Btw, as I said before, unlike your father nation, the man was booked under Indian law.
I didnt know a case being registered is equal to a man going to jail? WOW
A case has been registered
Victory of Modi in elections show how strong and vocal those good hindus are today in India.
Good Hindus? What is this? A community so intolerant towards follower of other faiths can be anything but good. Cooking meat stinks, does this stink more than their farts that result from eating lentils?
That happens when people claim to have PhDs in everything but dont know simple definitions :tsk: :tsk: :tsk:

You mean PhD's from Indian Harvard University such as Indian Institute of Vedic Technology (or something like that)?

Their defence minister seem to be a graduate from there.

So watch out and prepare yourself for emotional Indian assault here..
You mean PhD's from Indian Harvard University such as Indian Institute of Vedic Technology (or something like that)?

Their defence minister seem to be a graduate from there.

So watch out and prepare yourself for emotional Indian assault here..
What utter non-sense
I think I am high from roza....Just burst out laughing at this :ashamed:

local political gunda, trying to become famous, and the best way is by inciting religious harmony..

Agreed but apparently it is winning some people hearts :unsure:
Good job guys
muslims irk other communities by cooking meat which stink, no one wants them in their neighborhood.
Weren't you the one madam always saying its upto the country to decide? Why are you then concrned about another sovereign state? Its has nothing to do with you. Same as Xinxiang.

Btw, as I said before, unlike your father nation, the man was booked under Indian law.

Has your country decided that muslims will not live in a hindu neighborhood? If it has then we support whatever decision your country makes. Unfortunately what it keeps telling the world is something completely different. Also the case against him also suggests the same thing that the country is trying to weed out religious bigotry. So you saying your country your rules does not apply here and do not think you can compare yourself with china who pushes to have no religion at all.
local political gunda, trying to become famous, and the best way is by inciting religious harmony..

Is he plnaing to become the next PM?

Seems like he is getting inspiration from Modi...
unless his inspiration is jinnah, on whose watch a million hindus and sikhs were killed to form pakistan.. I am ok with it...
Seriously? You really think that modi is worth equating to Jinnah?

Then I guess we should be impressed that 60 yrs ago Jinnah couldnt stop (due to lack of funds, educated people and other obstacles something india is facing 60yrs into the future :o: :o: :o:

Can't speak for them..
Of course you cant no one believes in painting everyone with 1 brush BUT what you CAN do is every now and then burst their bubbles as to what the present situation is in the case?
China also doesn't do drama of secularism like you guys. They do the same to every religion. Christianity, Islam etc.
That's in our culture. There are no good Hindus or bad Hindus. There are just Hindus. We are like this.
On one hand indian brag about how secular this country is and in the same breathe they justify the horrible atrocities their hindu extremists are unleashing on minorities on the name of religion.
Like I said, this is in our culture. Chanakya neeti is ingrained in us. So, sorry.
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