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BJP chief claims English bad for India, triggers outrage

all the tribal languages spoken in northern and southern india either belong to indo european or dravidian.there is no language tht does not stem from either of these.

Do you consider Mizoram as part of India ? ...........if so, it would be northern India and Mizo certainly does not stem from either sanskrit or dravidian.

Mizo is closer to chinese, Nicobaric languages are closer to Austroasiatic languages.
how one can say which language originated from the other can be explained easily but as i am typing from mobile i wont take such pain.the sanskrit speaking high class facial features were close to europeans or central asians.if it was carried from india to outside that would not have been the case.
Indians,what is your mobile OS language and PC OS language?do the people who don't speak English have fewer chioces of sofewares?
just from my observation of people in india,i feel australoids were the first to immigrate who spoke proto dravidian and then came negroids with a language which doesnt exist now and finally came a less number of caucassians but has left a strong influence on the making of this sub continental culture

Indians,what is your mobile OS language and PC OS language?do the people who don't speak English have fewer chioces of sofewares?

english.people and mobile companies generally sms with local languages but with english text.every literate indian can read english at some level
that leads to a whole different theory as nicobar is separated from main land by sea.further they migh have immigrated to that island from wherever they came from without any direct contact with india. one more thing is there were both australoids and negroids present in india and these ppl might still be speaking the language of those negroids which doesnt exist in present day india .

Are you talking about Mainland India or Nicobar Island ? ........if its mainland India then kindly provide some proof.

just from my observation of people in india,i feel australoids were the first to immigrate who spoke proto dravidian and then came negroids with a language which doesnt exist now and finally came a less number of caucassians but has left a strong influence on the making of this sub continental culture

Thankfully we now have 'genetic studies' and don't have to rely on your 'observation'. Sadly they do not collaborate your observation.
Do you consider Mizoram as part of India ? ...........if so, it would be northern India and Mizo certainly does not stem from either sanskrit or dravidian.

Mizo is closer to chinese, Nicobaric languages are closer to Austroasiatic languages.

my geography book taught be that mizoram comes under east india not north.
what does genetics prove?they just prove that indians are a whole different race(ofcourse with some exceptions like chenchu tribes are closer to europeans).does that mean indians have fallen directly from sky without any contact from the outside world?this inter breeding occured some thousands of years ago that now we have become a distinct race.yet we have enough proof in our facial features as to how many races immigrated into india.
It is surely a national shame for a country of 1.2 billion that aspires to be a superpower to use its fomer colonial master‘s mother tongue as the OFFICIAL languge。

Strange ......mine taught it was in the NORTH east.

Did you geography book say that punjab was in west India ?

punjab north west but mizoram definitely east.east indian languages are sino tibetan which means their origins are in east asia.even if it falls under north east tht does not prove my point wrong as their lang didnt originate in india
They are right. India should not have English as their de facto official language.

If the Government of West Bengal wants to communicate with the Government of Tamil Nadu, why don't they use an Indian language instead of English? Why is it that Manmohan Singh addresses the nation using English?

If Hindi is too politically sensitive, then why not Sanskrit? It is shocking that there are only 14,000 Indians who can write Sanskrit.

In China, everybody can write in the same language with which Sun Tzu wrote the Art of War over 2500 years ago. The characters are still the same as they were before.

And yet in another thread, an Indian member was accusing China of giving up our culture! Have you heard Hu Jintao once speaking English in public? I don't think he has spoken English ever, in public or private.

Sanskrit wasn't ever spoken. You know it is one of the most perfect languages in the world and why is that cuz of the same reason never spoken. It was just made by the pandits so that the common class could be kept out of knowledge/education. Such was the division in our society. Sanskrit is just a reminder of class divide in India. I am so glad its a dead language now :)
one more thing is if tribes in nicobar speak austro asiatic that also proves they came from east asia .it means their language originated somewhere else.so,to sum up the whole discussion all the evidence points to the fact apart from dravidian languages(which dont have any relation to any lang family outside india)no other language family originated in india.
one cant be sure whether aryans really subdued dravidians or not but with all the evidence present one can be sure that sanskrit infact came from outside.I also wish that was not true but my rational mind just doesnt allow it to believe.Why shld we be hell bent upon proving that sanskrit is indigenous and no one either invaded or migrated to india with their language?

Where is the evidence??

Why should Indians believe that they come from outside this subcontinent just because of a couple of half baked theories . Before this AIT BS, you would have been considered crazy if you suggested that Indians came from outside. Which race can forget such an important event. Neither does any scripture talks of coming from outside.

The entire interpretation of the Rig Veda is based or circular reasonings and misinterpretations --


1. Since the Aryans can from land lacked areas of the west, hence samudra in Rig Veda actually refers to some piddling river in Afghanistan. And then,

Because the Aryans have no reference to the Sea in Rig Veda, they must have migrated from the North West. (Circular reasoning)

2. The Aryans were Blond Blue eyed because in one hymn, Indra has been mentioned as golden haired - and this without understanding that the Vedas are highly metaphorical, religious texts and Indra is a Devta, not the chieftain of an invading army.

The fair complexion and light hair of the people of North Western states is due to subsequent, well documented, migrations from Central Asia. The Jats and the Gujars are perhaps the remanants of Scythians who came to India in time of Kanishka. Nothing to do with AIT

It is surely a national shame for a country of 1.2 billion that aspires to be a superpower to use its fomer colonial master‘s mother tongue as the OFFICIAL languge。


there I agree with you.
Is this thread still running, my god. :)
Just a quick poll in form of thanks, how many of you know sanskrit? those who do, thank this post. :D
you can believe whatever you want man but you cant change my or millions of others opinion unless you come up with a substantial evidence.Dont assume that just bcoz i dont believe sanskrit(rather proto iranian) does not have its origins india that i have hate for north indians or sanskrit.sanskrit and hinduism is the link that binds all of us.I love sanskrit as much as i love my mother tongue(though i donno much sanskrit)
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