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BJP chief claims English bad for India, triggers outrage

That assumption is being made because you "pretend" to know how others think about Sanskrit. On what basis are you asserting that Dalits are opposed to Sanskrit? Has any such survey been carried out? You claim to be living in a metropolis and yet casteism is never away from your mind. Do you ask your co worker if he is a Dalit ? On the one hand you claim that English is just a language of convenience and on the other, you slyly insinuate that it should be preferred because certain Indian languages are tainted by religion and so wont be acceptable to minorities. So , Muslim should feel closer to Arabic because in it are his scriptures?

If that be the argument for retaining English, then I believe Rajnath Singh has got it absolutely right and Hindus should just ram Sanskrit down the throat of minorities...economics be damned.....

Check out the link of the Ministry of External Affairs. It is available in 4 languages, Hindi, English, Urdu, and Arabic. Apparently Arabic is preferable in India over Sanskrit.
The problem isn't learning english as a language , but the problem arises by the importance we give to English in higher learning and lack of effort to translate modern science and technical terminologies to our native languages.

Southern states especially Tamils opposed hindi citing fear of the north indian Hindi domination , but that didn't usher in the growth of the Tamil language among the Tamil . It only forced Tamil and other south Indians to learn English so that they communicate with the north Indians . Funny isn't it ??

Everything isn't lost , thanks to Bollywood , presence of Muslims , sanskritsation of hindi and migration of people from south to north and vice versa today urban south india can understand and manage to communicate in Hindi to some extent.
no not all.infact it proves that there were two language families existed in india which were entirely different.any tom and dick who knows basic grammar of south and hindi languages can tell you tht they are not related.either sanskrit or proto dravi came to ind from outside and i think it is sanskrit

Now you are treading dangerous territory. Proves my pint about linguistic theory being linked to AIT

In fact, the entire AIT employs circular reasoning mainly based on Philology.
:lol: .............thank you again for proving AIT is closely linked to language studies.

BTW there is NO reason to assume 2 or More languages cannot stem from the same country.

The tribal language of Gond has no grammar link to either sanskrit or Tamil. :angel:

wrong.gond is a central dravidian language just like telugu and kuvi(it evolved from them).due to its proximity to maharashtra u will find many marathi words in it.
Now you are treading dangerous territory. Proves my pint about linguistic theory being linked to AIT

In fact, the entire AIT employs circular reasoning mainly based on Philology.

i dont have any problem with AIT or AMT.may be a small number of people might have entered with a proto indo iranian language.majority of indians today are result of mixed breeding.i also feel sanskrit just enriched dravidian languages as well as india as a whole.
wrong.gond is a central dravidian language just like telugu and kuvi(it evolved from them).due to its proximity to maharashtra u will find many marathi words in it.

Who can say which language group came from outside and in which period of History or whether they all developed here. If Latin and Germanic languages can simultaneously develop in a small area, why not 2 families in India?

In fact, on my trip to Australia, I was shocked to find that the aboriginals there resemble Tamils a lot. Recently, it was supported by gene studies too.

There is also a theory that the Tamil people came out of Mesopotamia in Boats and disembarked in India before the rest went to Australia. We need more studies on all this migration stuff.
Not true ... For example, in the US, many of the best scientists and engineers are not native English speakers.

What you are saying is an aberration and what i'm saying is a norm.

BY the way The most important fact , those non native English speakers you talking about lives in US not in their native lands .Thats is the difference. Non native speakers english of catch up the language much more naturally once they are shifted to US or UK . After some period of time the language barrier goes away to the extent they don't have to labor over it.

Beside that i'm talking about how being creative in English language not just to have working knowledge.
There must be some good reason why our best writes in English literature either born in or migrated to UK or USA.
all the tribal languages spoken in northern and southern india either belong to indo european or dravidian.there is no language tht does not stem from either of these.
how one can say which language originated from the other can be explained easily but as i am typing from mobile i wont take such pain.the sanskrit speaking high class facial features were close to europeans or central asians.if it was carried from india to outside that would not have been the case.
one cant be sure whether aryans really subdued dravidians or not but with all the evidence present one can be sure that sanskrit infact came from outside.I also wish that was not true but my rational mind just doesnt allow it to believe.Why shld we be hell bent upon proving that sanskrit is indigenous and no one either invaded or migrated to india with their language?
human beings have always been migrating.there is nothing wrong in it.infact i want to rephrase my previous comment.sanskrit is indigenous as it was evolved out of proto indo iranian in india but i definitely would find it difficult to believe that proto indo european took its birth in india.
Maybe I should have mentioned Nicobaric as an example.

that leads to a whole different theory as nicobar is separated from main land by sea.further they migh have immigrated to that island from wherever they came from without any direct contact with india.one more thing is there were both australoids and negroids present in india and these ppl might still be speaking the language of those negroids which doesnt exist in present day india .
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