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BJP changing Muslim city names but keeping the English names from British Raj

Descendants of alexander (Macedonian Greeks) did settle in places like Sialkot but these are events from greater than a millennium ago. Since then they have mixed into the peoples.

It makes sense, Indo-Greeks kingdom headed by Bactrian Greeks was centred in Sagala(modern Sailkot) city, so there are going to be far higher number of Greek descendants in the modern Sialkot region than a distant place in the north like Chitral/Kalash area. Also I have seen Greeks in Germany, most of them look like Italian, Western Turkish people. Some of European Greeks even look like Lebanese and Syrian Arabs. Very few among them have any kind of "blond hair" blue eyes etc. So to say that Kalash light features are from Alexanders Greek soldiers were from "European Greek settlers" is insane.

Also Greeks that settled in the lands forming modern Afghanistan and Pakistan were an "urban" people of civilization,that is why they were concentrated in the famous urban localities of this region like Bactria (modern Balkh), Kabul, Peshawar and Sialkot. The obvious question is why would an urban highly sophisticated people will go in the small villages up north without any kind of urban life or sophistication that were associated with Greeks of 300-200 BC. I really have no idea how this ridiculous claim of Kalash and people of Hunza being "descendants" of Greeks came from.
Hindu nationalists and the BJP all worship white people check on facebook and youtube most comments are always about hindu nationalists are going to be allied with the Europeans to take on Islam.

Hindus constantly complain about Muslims and Islam not European colonisation of India also most of them believe in the Aryan theory.
The India of Gandhi is long gone.

It died due to the missteps taken by the Congress party in the 1980s which gave rise to Hindutva.

They want to force convert the Muslims to Hindu ?

They may want but they can't.

Hindu nationalists and the BJP all worship white people check on facebook and youtube most comments are always about hindu nationalists are going to be allied with the Europeans to take on Islam.

Hindus constantly complain about Muslims and Islam not European colonisation of India also most of them believe in the Aryan theory.

Generally speaking, Indians don't have any problem with the British.
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