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Bin Laden informer: Dr Shakil Afridi sacked

...like I said earlier, America can look after his family and settle them in somewhere nice on US Taxpayer money. I am sure you wont have any objection to that. neither do we.
Interesting. Dr. Afridi, as you probably know, is being held in jail without charge in violation of Pakistan's own laws. The implication is that he will never be released to live a normal life in his home country - expulsion is the only solution contemplated.

Hi. Medical mal-practice is a serious crime. Legally, morally and otherwise.

It's unfortunate that the oath Dr. Afridi possibly SWORE was broken. It was broken with Dr. Afridi's full knowledge and cognizance of his actions.

Interesting. Dr. Afridi, as you probably know, is being held in jail without charge in violation of Pakistan's own laws. The implication is that he will never be released to live a normal life in his home country - expulsion is the only solution contemplated.

he is being held on treason charges

he has been provided with legal council
Dr Shakil Afridi helped in giving the death sentence to OBL

IF there was shariah law in Pakistan, OBL would have got the death penalty several times over for the crimes he comitted. Infact, he had a suspended death sentence in KSA itself who had been trying since the late 1990s to extradite him back to Saudi Arabia.

Pakistani's are a peace loving nation...Before 2001 there were no terrorist attacks no suicidal bombings..It all started after Pakistan sided US in her well planned offensive against afghanistan..After dismantling AL-Ciada ( wrongly labelled as alqaida) network and killing osama why aint they leaving afghanistan now...when even afghan soldiers are killing them everyother day what other signs of love that they have brewed so relentlessly over a decade are americans waiting for before they get the hell out of afghanistan...

You can say there were rest terrorist attacks before 2001 but they were still plenty of attacks and bomb blasts which started mainly since the 1980s.

Here is a list for your perusal.
No Terrorism In Pakistan Before 2001? Think Again. « New Pakistan
Surely he broke the law, but can't pakistan pardon him as his actions lead to a a major humanitarian cause? Surely pakistan has the precedent in very serious crimes even in anti-humanitarian causes like Dr AQ Khan's single handed treasonous act of nuclear proliferation?

Surely a good cause deserves that consideration?
Medical mal-practice is a serious crime. Legally, morally and otherwise. It's unfortunate that the oath Dr. Afridi possibly SWORE was broken. It was broken with Dr. Afridi's full knowledge and cognizance of his actions.
Apparently he didn't break any medical oath but was terminated for unstated administrative reasons.

he is being held on treason charges he has been provided with legal council
According to Feisal Naqvi Dr. Afridi is being held without charge. link
Apparently he didn't break any medical oath but was terminated for unstated administrative reasons.

you're right

i'm drafting a letter to the prosecutor, to humbly request that additional charges be filed.......should i CC you?

According to Feisal Naqvi Dr. Afridi is being held without charge. link

the charge is treason

and no, not because OBL was apparently whacked....but because he circumvented his own country's security apparatus and reported (and took material offers) from a foreign government without written or expressed authorization from the local authorities

your country's done the same.....we've had this discussion over and over and over again. You seem unable or unwilling to accept the reality. Sorry, can't help you.
you're right i'm drafting a letter to the prosecutor, to humbly request that additional charges be filed.......should i CC you?
Yes, please: solomon2_2 -at- hotmail.com

...because he circumvented his own country's security apparatus and reported -
A good citizen would do that once convinced the security apparatus is hopelessly corrupt, preferring to not enforce the law and thus endanger the people. Or do you agree with me that Pakistanis are mere subjects rather than citizens?

your country's done the same....
Pointing the finger at the U.S. doesn't clean up your own backyard, does it?

we've had this discussion over and over and over again. You seem unable or unwilling to accept the reality.
What reality? That a corrupt Pakistani government will exist forever? I've heard such things before from Egyptian officials - when I demonstrated against the apparently ironclad dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak back in 2007.

AZ, I think you've been a soldier. I know you're fond of the status quo. Can't you see that your country is a mess because your loyalty is to the system rather than the people?
Yes, please: solomon2_2 -at- hotmail.com

i already had your e-mail credentials...but thanks

i'll be sure to CC you :tup:

A good citizen would do that once convinced the security apparatus is hopelessly corrupt, preferring to not enforce the law and thus endanger the people. Or do you agree with me that Pakistanis are mere subjects rather than citizens?

''preferring to not enforce the law and thus endanger the people''

THAT'S A GOOD ONE! You come up with that yourself? :laugh:

Pointing the finger at the U.S. doesn't clean up your own backyard, does it?

the pot calling the kettle black

your country invaded and bombed a sovereign country based on a pack of lies......your actions have killed millions. On shoddy, shaky grounds. And now you want to paint me as the bad guy

What reality? That a corrupt Pakistani government will exist forever? I've heard such things before from Egyptian officials - when I demonstrated against the apparently ironclad dictatorship of Hosni Mubarak back in 2007.

if you had a longer memory span, you'd know i'm fairly critical of the ''system'' and the government.....as for the Egypt thing, well it's bizarre to me that an American jew is taking such interest in Middle East. You have nothing to even do with that part of the world.

AZ, I think you've been a soldier. I know you're fond of the status quo. Can't you see that your country is a mess because your loyalty is to the system rather than the people?

how touching.......you care more about Pakistani people than I do. Suddenly you are concerned for our well-being. :lol:

Solomon, the weather in DC is sunny and warm. Get some sun and some exercise. Or maybe get a life before telling me what I'm fond of or what my preferences are.
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