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Bin Laden informer: Dr Shakil Afridi sacked

Glad to hear that. He has left a very bad precedent and all health workers will be viewed as CIA agents by an illiterate population. It also gives a lot of negative attention to the polio eradication effort which already has failed to eradicate polio especially in Balochistan and KP because people don't trust it.
Bin Laden informer: Dr Shakil Afridi sacked
By Web Desk
Published: March 29, 2012

Bin Laden informer: Dr Shakil Afridi sacked – The Express Tribune

is pleased...hmmmmm

what difference does itmake

ab tu is ghaddar ko american citizen ship milege, just like raymond davis victim family
What arguments do you have for your fellow Pakistanis?

Pakistani's are a peace loving nation...Before 2001 there were no terrorist attacks no suicidal bombings..It all started after Pakistan sided US in her well planned offensive against afghanistan..After dismantling AL-Ciada ( wrongly labelled as alqaida) network and killing osama why aint they leaving afghanistan now...when even afghan soldiers are killing them everyother day what other signs of love that they have brewed so relentlessly over a decade are americans waiting for before they get the hell out of afghanistan...

Was it ever proven in any court of Law of that osama was involved in 9/11....just asking no offence...

OBL confessed before the whole world on video that he perpetrated the 9/11 attack, did he not?

Glad to hear that. He has left a very bad precedent and all health workers will be viewed as CIA agents by an illiterate population. It also gives a lot of negative attention to the polio eradication effort which already has failed to eradicate polio especially in Balochistan and KP because people don't trust it.

That is a good point actually, and more effort will be needed to rectify this unfortunate side-effect.
Does anybody see how that follows? 'Cause I don't.

we took the brunt of that so we saw and heard it loud and clear.
there was a serge in terrorist attacks.

the terrorists openly declared to take revenge on the state of Pakistan for helping the Americans in getting OBL killed.
check out the spike in the terrorism right after the death of OBL and decide for yourself.
OBL confessed before the whole world on video that he perpetrated the 9/11 attack, did he not?

That is a good point actually, and more effort will be needed to rectify this unfortunate side-effect.

Correct your facts osama in his first appearance before american attack refused any role he played in that 9/11 attack...

After that all the tapes we keep hearing of alzahwari and before that of osama were posted on sites where we noraml people have no access to and only american based S I T E intelligence group surface them ..so the authenticity of those tapes is always doubtful and always is a mean to forward satanists agenda instead of revealing truth...
we took the brunt of that so we saw and heard it loud and clear.
there was a serge in terrorist attacks. the terrorists openly declared to take revenge on the state of Pakistan for helping the Americans in getting OBL killed.
So the proper thing to do to avoid revenge attacks is to abandon honor and help Americans secretly instead of openly (as the doctor did) or else kowtow to terrorists' demands. Which is it?
So the proper thing to do to avoid revenge attacks is to abandon honor and help Americans secretly instead of openly (as the doctor did) or else kowtow to terrorists' demands. Which is it?

the war itself is very much open
there is no secrecy about it. and the capture and handover of KSM and Al Libbi were very much an open affair too.

OBL was the biggest fish. had he been captured alive and brought to the cameras, the whole mytical myth about him would have been broken.
a ridiculed and scared caught like a wet rat. look at the faces of KSM or Muslim Khan (one of senior TTP leader) prior to and after their capture.

what I am saying is, that OBL could have been captured alive in a join operation and then eventually flown out for further probing. helping in possible capture of other important AQ figures.

at worse, the fallout from his live capture would have been as bad as his violent death on 2nd May. but we cant dismiss the chance that his live capture would have deflated the whole OBL majestic persona. I am not trying to sell it to you because it doesn't matter to you or your country. reference to the topic about a sell out doctor, just repeating why this pashton deserves no sympathy who betrayed his profession and his country and also brought bad name to his tribe.

you got your man who is buried in the sea now so thats the end of the matter for you so you can be smug about it. we have make an example out of this traitor because of the chaos we have had to suffer.

like I said earlier, America can look after his family and settle them in somewhere nice on US Taxpayer money. I am sure you wont have any objection to that. neither do we.
.............. we have make an example out of this traitor because of the chaos we have had to suffer.


Sir, you still have to follow due process:

................. follow the norm of every man is innocent until proven guilty in the court of law. You will be tried, evidence will be presented against you and then either a judge, a panel of judges or a competent jury will find you guilty or not guilty and then your sentencing will be carried out.

That is the process in Pakistan. ......................
OBL confessed before the whole world on video that he perpetrated the 9/11 attack, did he not?


As the popular opinion goes, he was a culprit and I am very much convinced about it.
there was no other organisation with resources and fanaticism to go that far. no Muslim country could think of doing something so outrageous.
Al Zawahiri and OBL never made their plans for the west a secret anyway.

the real culprit is still around . its Al zwahiri who actually made AQ the most ruthless and venomous. it has more Muslim kills to its credit than non-Muslims.

Sir, you still have to follow due process:

thats true

we will get some pointers from the proceedings and due course in Badgram Airbase and Camp X ray.
the real culprit is still around . its Al zwahiri who actually made AQ the most ruthless and venomous. it has more Muslim kills to its credit than non-Muslims.

He will meet his inevitable fate soon, too.

thats true

we will get some pointers from the proceedings and due course in Badgram Airbase and Camp X ray.

Are you comparing due process protections in a military war-zone half-way around the world with those afforded a citizen on his native-born soil in his own country?
CIA ran this operation in whole Pakistan why our secret agencies were sleeping
Pls make white wash of all these traitors now otherwise they will grow like cancer
Are you comparing due process protections in a military war-zone half-way around the world with those afforded a citizen on his native-born soil in his own country?

I know I shouldnt it was below the belt I admit it

also you might have noticed that I agree with your comment about chance to appear in court and also Albatross comment that why that was denied to OBL.

by the way

does anyone know that this agent had a family? if yes then have they been flown to USA already?
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