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yes you are correct...now it can be enjoyed by anyone and performed by any one....
as its happening now....but the point is...any person who want to learn these dances have to go through same process as a hindu go through.....so..he have to accept those boundaries.......
and its a classical dance to enjoy and purify our body...and so for humanity.....

every one has a view in this free world.and you or me cannot stop any one......
and its good you know....

There is something called as cultural digestion going on. Just like Christmas and Easter were pagan traditions and became Christian, likewise Hindu traditions are being digested. No one has any problem with someone performing or enjoying an art show, but when you actively appropriate without even giving the originating culture its due, then there is something very sick about it.

There are seminaries which study Hinduism very closely, steal all ideas, and bring out newer versions of Bible everyday with reinterpretation. Now they are saying all that Vedanta says is already there in the Bible. They had a mystical tradition to them.

Janon kind of guys are the ones who willingly help this digestion process.

And that was my point. Real art has no labels, and all that one needs to appreciate it is a well developed neo cortex, which all humans have. That is why I can equally appreciate Bharatanatyam and a rendition of 'ave maria', listen to subbulakshmi as well as mozart, without subscribing to either of their religions. Art forms which previously were the monopoly of temples and churches, will also be appreciated by anybody interested, in the future, for the reasons I explained above. And the nature of art forms will also change - bharatanatyam will, in future, be adapted by people of other faiths and not be considered simply as a religious artifact. (It is already happening.) Art, ultimately, caters to our sensory perceptions.

You really shouldn't comment on things you don't know. You really think that's what christians use it for? Please read this article by a practising christian and a bharatanatyam artist:

The Divine Origin of Dance in India

Unlike you, I actually enjoy and follow these matters, and not merely for the purpose of lip service.

@Dem!god: This is what I meant, when I said that it can be enjoyed by all.

For every such rare Christian who acknowledges Hindu orgins, there are a thousand Christians who go about saying we are devil worshipers. Considering I have been recipient of this sort of hate literature all my life, let us say I know Indian Christians a whole lot better.

India's Hindu gods Exposed!
Hinduism: Millions in Hell Strive to enter in at...

From the friend who recoiled as if she is being given poison when offered Prasad to a friend who wanted to marry her Christian boyfriend and the mother of the boy who thought her son was possessed by devil to fall for the girl and who took him to church repeatedly to get him exorcised, I have seen quite a bit of what they think of us.
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There is something called as cultural digestion going on. Just like Christmas and Easter were pagan traditions and became Christian, likewise Hindu traditions are being digested. No one has any problem with someone performing or enjoying an art show, but when you actively appropriate without even giving the originating culture its due, then there is something very sick about it.

There are seminaries which study Hinduism very closely, steal all ideas, and bring out newer versions of Bible everyday with reinterpretation. Now they are saying all that Vedanta says is already there in the Bible. They had a mystical tradition to them.

Janon kind of guys are the ones who willingly help this digestion process.
Actually janon is the kind of person who understands and enjoys something, and you the person who knows nothing about it, but feel proud of taking pride in it. Keep bragging about hindu culture everywhere, and then demonstrate your ignorance of most of it. I wonder how many of these people who shout about culture can actually recognize a mudra or a raga. BTW, you might want to stop unnecessary personal attacks on me, if you want to be taken seriously. You are doing yourself a disservice when your ignorance has been exposed, and your name calling has been shown to be baseless. Last message from me, because you have nothing on substance except your own prejudices.
Actually janon is the kind of person who understands and enjoys something, and you the person who knows nothing about it, but feel proud of taking pride in it. Keep bragging about hindu culture everywhere, and then demonstrate your ignorance of most of it. I wonder how many of these people who shout about culture can actually recognize a mudra or a raga. BTW, you might want to stop unnecessary personal attacks on me, if you want to be taken seriously.

Yeah just like you who said Bharatanatyam had nothing to do with Hinduism and it was not a temple dance and had to eat your words. Go and brag about yourself some more elsewhere.

As if your taking me serious has any worth attached to it.
@janon @Hermione
look...you both have a valid point but you are looking at a different aspect....
hinduism always teaches us to be liberal and to assimilate the others and all form of dance is not only for hindus but for the world and for humanity...let all being enjoy it...thats the beauty of hinduism....and b'coz of this great adaptation nature..it has survivd till this day...

but again hermione has a valid point too...we have seen the how the christanity and missionary had tried to destroy hinduism and has tried to confuse and derail people from their own faith...but things are changing...it was only because ..we had no revival of hinduism ..now its a different world and we can see how millions of people are coming to it....and believe me its going to expand more...because its no religion but a righteous way to live...
and he is not what you are thinking..he is just giving his opinion...so please don't go in personal attacks on each other...
we are one nation ..and we need to stand united...not to fragment...
Yeah just like you who said Bharatanatyam had nothing to do with Hinduism and it was not a temple dance and had to eat your words. Go and brag about yourself some more elsewhere.
Again...I did not say bharatanatyam had nothing to do with hinduism. You really ought to stop making up things like this. I said bharatanatyam is not merely a religious ritual, and that is very very true. Earlier you alleged that I called you fascist, and your lie was exposed. Now this. I really don't know why I bothered to indulge in this tit for tat. It is beneath me. i hope you are not over 20, because if you are, you ought to be ashamed of yourself for these silly internet battles you pick with people far more sophisticated and erudite than you.
@janon @Hermione
look...you both have a valid point but you are looking at a different aspect....
hinduism always teaches us to be liberal and to assimilate the others and all form of dance is not only for hindus but for the world and for humanity...let all being enjoy it...thats the beauty of hinduism....and b'coz of this great adaptation nature..it has survivd till this day...

but again hermione has a valid point too...we have seen the how the christanity and missionary had tried to destroy hinduism and has tried to confuse and derail people from their own faith...but things are changing...it was only because ..we had no revival of hinduism ..now its a different world and we can see how millions of people are coming to it....and believe me its going to expand more...because its no religion but a righteous way to live...
and he is not what you are thinking..he is just giving his opinion...so please don't go in personal attacks on each other...
we are one nation ..and we need to stand united...not to fragment...

He was batting for the Pakistani. More than the Pakistan perhaps he got offended at the idea that a muslim could adopt a Hindu name.

Hello BIMARUs:wave: did you guys notice.. my thread about 7 terrorists getting killed in an encounter in Kashmir is deleted by mods! :lol:

They suddenly locked my thread too about the halal of Indian constitution. The debate got too hot for them apparently.
@janon @Hermione
look...you both have a valid point but you are looking at a different aspect....
hinduism always teaches us to be liberal and to assimilate the others and all form of dance is not only for hindus but for the world and for humanity...let all being enjoy it...thats the beauty of hinduism....and b'coz of this great adaptation nature..it has survivd till this day...

but again hermione has a valid point too...we have seen the how the christanity and missionary had tried to destroy hinduism and has tried to confuse and derail people from their own faith...but things are changing...it was only because ..we had no revival of hinduism ..now its a different world and we can see how millions of people are coming to it....and believe me its going to expand more...because its no religion but a righteous way to live...
and he is not what you are thinking..he is just giving his opinion...so please don't go in personal attacks on each other...
we are one nation ..and we need to stand united...not to fragment...
I did not. I only defended my points. The personal attacks and name calling (sell out, marxist, liberal, blah blah) were all from that person. I'm not interested in continuing the exchange because for me, bharatanatyam and a few other cultural heritages are modes of personal enrichment, not silly political point scoring.
@janon @Hermione Unless either of you are interested in discussing the merits of your wit and verve or proclaiming the joy of beholding your aesthetic perfection..BUG OUT! :angry:

Either that or talk about sattu and litti! This is the bimaru corner..NOT the dialectics and debating corner.
Again...I did not say bharatanatyam had nothing to do with hinduism. You really ought to stop making up things like this. I said bharatanatyam is not merely a religious ritual, and that is very very true. Earlier you alleged that I called you fascist, and your lie was exposed. Now this. I really don't know why I bothered to indulge in this tit for tat. It is beneath me. i hope you are not over 20, because if you are, you ought to be ashamed of yourself for these silly internet battles you pick with people far more sophisticated and erudite than you.

You did say and that was the implication of it too. That it is merely art. Sophistry is what you are good at not sophistication.
He was batting for the Pakistani. More than the Pakistan perhaps he got offended at the idea that a muslim could adopt a Hindu name.
I request you to stop commenting about me. As I said, I'm really not interested in personal attacks and defences.
He was batting for the Pakistani. More than the Pakistan perhaps he got offended at the idea that a muslim could adopt a Hindu name.
you see..these are very controversial and radical ideas....and will surely will not be acceptable to the people ...
perhaps because many south asian muslim are still in denial mode of their ancestry and consider hinduism as a idol worshiper religion..of past...and certainly don't feel proud of their past....
so..you know its a hard debate .....
@Dillinger 's confidence levels are off the charts. But then, he had 80 years of how it ain't done with the ladies wisdom carried forth from his previous janam. Something which we don't have.:(

There weren't many ladies up in the mountains back in those days. There was this one dame who turned out to NOT be a dame if you get my meaning...there was a damn good reason that I wanted to be alone up there.. @Hyperion's brethren kept telling me to come over to them..woh bhi "Khushbu lagake".:(
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