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Yeah sure, me and @Indischer can show the kiddo how it's done :big_boss:

BAD idea...I've been in this game since I was like 10 man- doctor doctor..and then onward from there to greater heights. Now if you would perhaps lend me your shades..that will actually help..unless of course you have somehow mastered the mythical art of the single touch orgasm..in which case I shall be your humble disciple.
As I explained in my reply to that post, it's origins are irrelevant. Anybody can enjoy it, just as anybody can enjoy classical music. By the way, it was performed by devadasis, but that doesn't mean it was purely religious. It was indeed a cultural artifact, which is why in my original post I said it is not a religious "ritual". A word that the other poster also missed.
buddy..till 18th century it was purely religious ..and was not performed outside the temples...and that too in the morning hours or 3-4 AM ..but later the dance was brought out from the temples and was performed outside...but still it remains a religious dance...have you not seen any dancer bowing to the lord before and after starting of the dance ..and they bow to their guruji...
they..still there is a religious connotation that lingers around it....
even every move of the dance itself is a mudra which is for the praise of god....and you do close your palms several time in dance and bow forward in the praise of lord.....

@janon @Hermione
these are the steps of dance which is followed ......please know of the culture before you speak....
every step is for the praise of god......

The Traditional Bharatanatyam Repertoire
Pushpanjali – opening dance, flower offering, welcome
Alaripu – introduction dance with typical body, head and eye movements in three different tempi
Jatiswaram – Dance with dynamic and gracious step combinations to the musical notes sa ri ga ma pa da niShabdam – expressive dance telling episodes from Indian mythology
Padavarnam – highlight of the performance, demanding extreme technical dancing and acting skills; usually tells a love story or expresses a longing for God
Padam – expressive dance depicting typical female and male characters on a high level
Javali – a dance about unfulfilled love and longing with many pantomime and acting elements
Shloka – a short prayer to God in Sanskrit
Devaranama – hymns to God
Ashtapadi – songs from the famous Gitagovinda, expressing Radha’s love for Krishna, symbolizing the human longing for God
Tillana – vivacious abstract dance with typical sculptural poses, difficult step combinations and graceful body movements to complicated rhythms
Mangalam – closing ritual
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buddy..till 18th century it was purely religious ..and was not performed outside the temples...and that too in the morning hours or 3-4 AM ..but later the dance was brought out from the temples and was performed outside...but still it remains a religious dance...have you not seen any dancer bowing to the lord before and after starting of the dance ..and they bow to their guruji...
they..still there is a religious connotation that lingers around it....
even every move of the dance itself is a mudra which is for the praise of god....and you do close your palms several time in dance and bow forward in the praise of lord.....

@janon @Hermione
this the steps of dance which is followed ......please know of the culture before you speak....
every step is for the praise of god......

The Traditional Bharatanatyam Repertoire
Pushpanjali – opening dance, flower offering, welcome
Alaripu – introduction dance with typical body, head and eye movements in three different tempi
Jatiswaram – Dance with dynamic and gracious step combinations to the musical notes sa ri ga ma pa da niShabdam – expressive dance telling episodes from Indian mythology
Padavarnam – highlight of the performance, demanding extreme technical dancing and acting skills; usually tells a love story or expresses a longing for God
Padam – expressive dance depicting typical female and male characters on a high level
Javali – a dance about unfulfilled love and longing with many pantomime and acting elements
Shloka – a short prayer to God in Sanskrit
Devaranama – hymns to God
Ashtapadi – songs from the famous Gitagovinda, expressing Radha’s love for Krishna, symbolizing the human longing for God
Tillana – vivacious abstract dance with typical sculptural poses, difficult step combinations and graceful body movements to complicated rhythms
Mangalam – closing ritual

Look, I know all this. But my point is that as a dance form it can be, and has been used and enjoyed in a non religious manner as well, without the religious connotations. Hermione herself posted a video of christians doing it. Dance, like all art forms, are ultimately for the enjoyment of human beings. Most of european classical music has its origins in the church traditions, but does that mean that it can only be enjoyed or performed by christians? Does it mean that the music of bach or brahms cannot be enjoyed or performed by people of other faiths, because baroque music intitally catered to the church? In medeival times, both in India and in Europe, only the church or temples or monarchs affiliated with the local temples or churches could sponsor art and patronize artists, which is why most art forms in that era had religious connotations. But today, with the proliferation of mass media, and the relative richness of common people, that is no longer true, which is why art can now be dissociated from religion and enjoyed by one and by all.
@janon it does not matter whether you are a Chrisitan or a Hindu or whatever. The point is you are a culture stealer. You are a guy who helps people steal cultures without as much as by your leave. You are the kind who tell people hey guys Hindus are nothing, you can steal from them and spit on them at the same time. All this to burnish your credential as a liberal. All that makes you is a dishonest human being in my eyes. So calling people fascists is past its expiry date just like your deeds.

What church traditions? Did Jesus perform ballet? Or the nuns perform ballet?
@janon it does not matter whether you are a Chrisitan or a Hindu or whatever. The point is you are a culture stealer. You are a guy who helps people steal cultures without as much as by your leave. You are the kind who tell people hey guys Hindus are nothing, you can steal from them and spit on them at the same time. All this to burnish your credential as a liberal. All that makes you is a dishonest human being in my eyes. So calling people fascists is past its expiry date just like your deeds.

What church traditions? Did Jesus perform ballet? Or the nuns perform ballet?

Yea well, a lot of personal attacks, as expected, from somebody who knows zilch about culture, but likes to swear by it. Sorry, not interested in countering personal attacks, so enjoy yyour vitriol.
Yea well, a lot of personal attacks, as expected, from somebody who knows zilch about culture, but likes to swear by it. Sorry, not interested in countering personal attacks, so enjoy yyour vitriol.

Yeah continue calling people fascists and then pretend to be so holier than thou.

buddy..till 18th century it was purely religious ..and was not performed outside the temples...and that too in the morning hours or 3-4 AM ..but later the dance was brought out from the temples and was performed outside...but still it remains a religious dance...have you not seen any dancer bowing to the lord before and after starting of the dance ..and they bow to their guruji...
they..still there is a religious connotation that lingers around it....
even every move of the dance itself is a mudra which is for the praise of god....and you do close your palms several time in dance and bow forward in the praise of lord.....

@janon @Hermione
these are the steps of dance which is followed ......please know of the culture before you speak....
every step is for the praise of god......

The Traditional Bharatanatyam Repertoire
Pushpanjali – opening dance, flower offering, welcome
Alaripu – introduction dance with typical body, head and eye movements in three different tempi
Jatiswaram – Dance with dynamic and gracious step combinations to the musical notes sa ri ga ma pa da niShabdam – expressive dance telling episodes from Indian mythology
Padavarnam – highlight of the performance, demanding extreme technical dancing and acting skills; usually tells a love story or expresses a longing for God
Padam – expressive dance depicting typical female and male characters on a high level
Javali – a dance about unfulfilled love and longing with many pantomime and acting elements
Shloka – a short prayer to God in Sanskrit
Devaranama – hymns to God
Ashtapadi – songs from the famous Gitagovinda, expressing Radha’s love for Krishna, symbolizing the human longing for God
Tillana – vivacious abstract dance with typical sculptural poses, difficult step combinations and graceful body movements to complicated rhythms
Mangalam – closing ritual

He is just another marxist or whatever who has been burning the midnight oil to disassociate India with Hinduism.
Yeah continue calling people fascists and then pretend to be so holier than thou.
I did not call anybody a fascist. I am above name calling - something you are not. Just because your only argument is in name calling you are assuming that you have been name called as well. Stop tilting at windmills.
Look, I know all this. But my point is that as a dance form it can be, and has been used and enjoyed in a non religious manner as well, without the religious connotations. Hermione herself posted a video of christians doing it. Dance, like all art forms, are ultimately for the enjoyment of human beings. Most of european classical music has its origins in the church traditions, but does that mean that it can only be enjoyed or performed by christians? Does it mean that the music of bach or brahms cannot be enjoyed or performed by people of other faiths, because baroque music intitally catered to the church? In medeival times, both in India and in Europe, only the church or temples or monarchs affiliated with the local temples or churches could sponsor art and patronize artists, which is why most art forms in that era had religious connotations. But today, with the proliferation of mass media, and the relative richness of common people, that is no longer true, which is why art can now be dissociated from religion and enjoyed by one and by all.
yes you are correct...now it can be enjoyed by anyone and performed by any one....
as its happening now....but the point is...any person who want to learn these dances have to go through same process as a hindu go through.....so..he have to accept those boundaries.......
and its a classical dance to enjoy and purify our body...and so for humanity.....

He is just another marxist or whatever who has been burning the midnight oil to disassociate India with Hinduism.
every one has a view in this free world.and you or me cannot stop any one......
and its good you know....
I did not call anybody a fascist. I am above name calling - something you are not. Just because your only argument is in name calling you are assuming that you have been name called as well. Stop tilting at windmills.

Just look at you first post to me, whether I am trying to make BJP a fascist organization. That is clear enough. Then you were faulting me for even suggesting that Muslims could very well adopt Hindu names as if god forbid such calamity happen. You like the other marxist or whatever may continue to walk on eggshells ever concerned about hurting Muslim sentiments, do not expect others to follow you.
every one has a view in this free world.and you or me cannot stop any one......
and its good you know....
Umm...please don't let that name caller dictate to you what I am. He may call me marxist or any other name, because he really has no understanding of culture, and cannot respond civilly. But he has no clue about my views, so don't get my views through him.

Just look at you first post to me, whether I am trying to make BJP a fascist organization. That is clear enough. Then you were faulting me for even suggesting that Muslims could very well adopt Hindu names as if god forbid such calamity happen. You like the other marxist or whatever may continue to walk on eggshells ever concerned about hurting Muslim sentiments, do not expect others to follow you.
I said BJP are not a fascist organization. I did not call you or anybody else fascist. You are the only sillly little name caller. That has been amply demonstrated. Now since you have nothing substantial to contribute, adieu.
Look, I know all this. But my point is that as a dance form it can be, and has been used and enjoyed in a non religious manner as well, without the religious connotations. Hermione herself posted a video of christians doing it. Dance, like all art forms, are ultimately for the enjoyment of human beings. Most of european classical music has its origins in the church traditions, but does that mean that it can only be enjoyed or performed by christians? Does it mean that the music of bach or brahms cannot be enjoyed or performed by people of other faiths, because baroque music intitally catered to the church? In medeival times, both in India and in Europe, only the church or temples or monarchs affiliated with the local temples or churches could sponsor art and patronize artists, which is why most art forms in that era had religious connotations. But today, with the proliferation of mass media, and the relative richness of common people, that is no longer true, which is why art can now be dissociated from religion and enjoyed by one and by all.

Dance is not being copied to enjoy here, considering everything Hindu was devil's deed per the Christians. It is being done to sell the Christanity to more people. Wolf parading in sheep's clothing. Just like now they go around saying Thiruvallur got his ideas of Hinduism from Christianity and Thirukural was written by St. Thomas.

Tiruvalluvar “Baptised” To Betray Hindus – B.R. Haran | The Ishwar Sharan Archive
yes you are correct...now it can be enjoyed by anyone and performed by any one....
as its happening now....but the point is...any person who want to learn these dances have to go through same process as a hindu go through.....so..he have to accept those boundaries.......
and its a classical dance to enjoy and purify our body...and so for humanity.....

And that was my point. Real art has no labels, and all that one needs to appreciate it is a well developed neo cortex, which all humans have. That is why I can equally appreciate Bharatanatyam and a rendition of 'ave maria', listen to subbulakshmi as well as mozart, without subscribing to either of their religions. Art forms which previously were the monopoly of temples and churches, will also be appreciated by anybody interested, in the future, for the reasons I explained above. And the nature of art forms will also change - bharatanatyam will, in future, be adapted by people of other faiths and not be considered simply as a religious artifact. (It is already happening.) Art, ultimately, caters to our sensory perceptions.

Dance is not being copied to enjoy here, considering everything Hindu was devil's deed per the Christians. It is being done to sell the Christanity to more people. Wolf parading in sheep's clothing. Just like now they go around saying Thiruvallur got his ideas of Hinduism from Christianity and Thirukural was written by St. Thomas.

Tiruvalluvar “Baptised” To Betray Hindus – B.R. Haran | The Ishwar Sharan Archive

You really shouldn't comment on things you don't know. You really think that's what christians use it for? Please read this article by a practising christian and a bharatanatyam artist:

The Divine Origin of Dance in India

Unlike you, I actually enjoy and follow these matters, and not merely for the purpose of lip service. You see, taking (empty) pride in "culture" is very different from being knowledgeable about and enjoying culture.

@Dem!god: This is what I meant, when I said that it can be enjoyed by all.
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