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Bilawal and Maryam will rule this country: Najam Sethi

Everything Aside. Being a PTI Supporter. Who will take over PTI if something happens to our Captain. Who will run for next Elections after IK?. Is there any fourth party rising beside the two loot and Plunder houses PMLN and PPP?
We should all ask ourselves this question.
PTI will break as soon as IK is gone for any reason(God forbad). I mean he is already 60+. Both Nawaz and Zardari have backups ready for the market.
And a broken PTI will not stand a chance against these two with all their Focused connections and Wealth toward political goals. PTI is just Charisma and vision of Khan. Rest of them just try to follow his footsteps. IK should look into this matter. Their must be a clear chain of strong structure on just like the Communist Party of Former Soviet Union and PRC had.

PTI inner politics and no successor after IK is one issue.

The other and much bigger problem for our establishment is that currently there is no one available for them to use as anti PTI or as counter argument to PTI/IK. Never in our history, they face such shortages.
For Mujeeb they have Bhuttos
For Bhuttos they have Sharif
For Sharifs they have Bhuttos/IK

Now, who can replace IK with blessing of establishment......NO one.
Only Ghaddars are left.

Definitely, in coming budget things will get more worse economically, the silent majority will need answers and if no one available then ultimately these silent majority turns towards PMLN/PPPP.
By keeping all eggs in one basket (PTI) will harmfull in the long term interests of establishment.
She is cornering herself by each passing day, no one else.
PTI inner politics and no successor after IK is one issue.

The other and much bigger problem for our establishment is that currently there is no one available for them to use as anti PTI or as counter argument to PTI/IK. Never in our history, they face such shortages.
For Mujeeb they have Bhuttos
For Bhuttos they have Sharif
For Sharifs they have Bhuttos/IK

Now, who can replace IK with blessing of establishment......NO one.
Only Ghaddars are left.

Definitely, in coming budget things will get more worse economically, the silent majority will need answers and if no one available then ultimately these silent majority turns towards PMLN/PPPP.
By keeping all eggs in one basket (PTI) will harmfull in the long term interests of establishment.
She is cornering herself by each passing day, no one else.

Pakistani Nation lives on Ideology.
IK is currently in hype or Love/Hate relation to nation.
Nation : Love anti corruption and accountability of Politicians but not themselves
Nation : Hate rise in prices and deflation of currency , decline of purchasing power.

To Balance that IK must give justice , even he aint Supreme court or NAB.
But actions done by SC and NAB are going to determine the future of PTI.

If Nawaz and Zardari imprisoned and they agree to Apply for Pre-Bargain.
This is win for PTI.

Now to counter PTI worst actions , Media is already playing role.
Fall of Nawaz started from media remember.

The tough call is accountability...
If that happens IK can make good fortune for country.
I doubt Asad Omar and Abdul Razzaq ( Descon )
I hope they turn out fruitful for the country.
Pakistani Nation lives on Ideology.
IK is currently in hype or Love/Hate relation to nation.
Nation : Love anti corruption and accountability of Politicians but not themselves
Nation : Hate rise in prices and deflation of currency , decline of purchasing power.

To Balance that IK must give justice , even he aint Supreme court or NAB.
But actions done by SC and NAB are going to determine the future of PTI.

If Nawaz and Zardari imprisoned and they agree to Apply for Pre-Bargain.
This is win for PTI.

Now to counter PTI worst actions , Media is already playing role.
Fall of Nawaz started from media remember.

The tough call is accountability...
If that happens IK can make good fortune for country.
I doubt Asad Omar and Abdul Razzaq ( Descon )
I hope they turn out fruitful for the country.

Things are not that easy; Its not Black & White out there for anyone.
There are Grey areas and I believes most of it, where things starts to deteriorates.
just for Example...
On the issue of recent actions against baned organizations, particularly Masood Azhar & people behinds Pulwama incident, there are clear division between our establishment (DGISPR Interview to CNN) and our Govt POV.
Had there been an establishment friendly opposition, PTI/IK will be grilled thoroughly, to take them back profoundly what they are doing blindly in love of peace....enough said.
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We need to kill this narrative, but media keeps giving them attention. Let people forget about them by having a blackout on any news to do with these corrupt lot!!!
Things are not that easy; Its not Black & White out there for anyone.
There are Grey areas and I believes most of it, where things starts to deteriorates.
just for Example...
On the issue of recent actions against baned organizations, particularly Masood Azhar & people behinds Pulwama incident, there are clear division between our establishment (DGISPR Interview to CNN) and our Govt POV.
Had there been an establishment friendly opposition, PTI/IK will be grilled thoroughly, to take them back profoundly what they are doing blindly in love of peace....enough said.

I take your statement,"Things are not that easy; Its not Black & White out there for anyone."
to elaborate DGISPR interview and Gov Pov. They are not in Black & White too for every tom di*k and harry to understand. As it is strategic. We don't want to create chaos in the country by doing something Western world wants us to do instantly, however to counter their narrative. We must present them some diplomatic Buzz.
Remember the time of Zia-ul-Haq when he kept India off balance stating we have nukes on other hand we kept reminding US that proliferation of nuclear is to overcome electricity crisis.

Secondly , how can you declare someone criminal is due on Court. But Diplomatically we need to show the world we are putting efforts to shut down their argument. The Argument of harboring terrorists organisation in Pakistan. PTI wants investments to run the process of economical stable Pakistan.
PTI/IK is well versed when it comes to Strategic decision w.r.t. Defense. so there is no loop hole available for you to conclude he will be drilled or you opt to look for opposition to hammer them.
But Shahid Masood himself remains in Past .
And we know there is no lack of illiteracy, anything can happen in next elections. We should remain active, & alert, We should not take opposition lightly.

Yes there were many enemies, they didn't want to see her, she was straight forward, no fear in eyes even after karachi incident.
This is unfortunate she got bad husband called zardari.
she herself was an amreekan stooge. The thing is that military establishment this time around has made up its mind to remove anyone who is even remotely a foreign stooge. nawaz is a prime example, no pun intended. if bilawal or maryam think that the establishment is gonna listen to the west, they're sadly mistaken, it'll only make matters worse for them. The current establishment is a 180° opposite of the mushy era establishment who used to play their game.
Everything Aside. Being a PTI Supporter. Who will take over PTI if something happens to our Captain. Who will run for next Elections after IK?. Is there any fourth party rising beside the two loot and Plunder houses PMLN and PPP?
We should all ask ourselves this question.
PTI will break as soon as IK is gone for any reason(God forbad). I mean he is already 60+. Both Nawaz and Zardari have backups ready for the market.
And a broken PTI will not stand a chance against these two with all their Focused connections and Wealth toward political goals. PTI is just Charisma and vision of Khan. Rest of them just try to follow his footsteps. IK should look into this matter. Their must be a clear chain of strong structure on just like the Communist Party of Former Soviet Union and PRC had.

Shehryar Khan Afridi; at a relatively young 48 years old, he seems to be a good candidate to led the next generation. He is working on domestic issues, and I hope the PTI give him the chances to lead in more public ways, so that he will be known to more of the people. Once the people have him in their minds and on their lips, he can stand on his own record as Interior Minister.

Don’t bring Allah Almighty or religion for these sixty politicians ruled or ruling us.
Can you clarify, I'm not sure I understand what you are saying here.
The Solution is simple but this is too early in the war to spill royal blood.

Patience is a virtue.
Yes there were many enemies, they didn't want to see her, she was straight forward, no fear in eyes even after karachi incident.
This is unfortunate she got bad husband called zardari.

It is sad that she was killed by her own husband for his power games, but she was no angel, she killed her own family also for power.

We need to cut out these dynasties for good.

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