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Bilawal and Maryam will rule this country: Najam Sethi

Chirya wali churail should stfu and vanish.. he has already done much harm to the country and PCB;

As for Bilo rani, got humiliated by crowd at PSL;

Karachits know very well about zardari clan & system, for us he is worst among all politicians, on the other end bilawal has vision & wisdom toward country, But he has no achievements for the people of Pakistan yet & dreaming to lead us, he has failed to deliver his own people of sindh because of corrupt politicians engulfed him & he has been brainwashed by kleptocrats, he is unable to understand that there is no democracy & merit in sindh except kleptocracy & nepotism.

We have to really observe either bilawal has guts, tolerance, patriotism, vision toward Pakistan or not.

Anyway enjoy this video
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Karachits know very well about zardari clan & system, for us he is worst among all politicians, on the other end bilawal has vision & wisdom toward country, But he has no achievements for the people of Pakistan yet & dreaming to lead us, he has failed to deliver his own people of sindh because of corrupt politicians engulfed him & he has been brainwashed by kleptocrats, he is unable to understand that there is no democracy & merit in sindh except kleptocracy & nepotism.

We have to really observe either bilawal has guts, tolerance, patriotism, vision toward Pakistan or not.

Anyway enjoy this video
He is a brainless fake.
Benazir was no different, she is not "shaheed" in my eyes because she died in the name of politics and not in the name of Allah S.W.T.
Benazir was only leader talking openly against taliban , and rejecting extremism. Other were busy in politics , not a single word against banned terrorist organization but benazir continued speaking against taliban, punjabi taliban & banned organisations even after karachi suicide attack, 100+ killed , it didn't stop her speaking against terrorist.
Others were just saving own life, as suicide attacks were happening on almost daily basis .
Bilawal and Maryam haven't proven themselves. While (Inshallah) the PTI stabilizes the economy, which may take the rest of their term. PTI needs to put its Mountain Wolf out to chase down and (politically) destroy the hold of PPP and PML-N in Sindh and Punjab respectively through cracking down on corruption.

After Imran Khan, The next PTI Prime Minister could be Shah Mehmood Qureshi, but either right after or instead of Shah Mehmood Qureshi, it should be ....

Shahryar Afridi
The PPP and PML-N will learn to fear the name AFRIDI


He just turned 48, and Inshallah Allah will give him life to lead the PTI and Pakistan to its centennial anniversary, after the current Generation of PTI, where according to the World Banks projections, Pakistan can become and Upper Middle Class economy of $2 Trillion if it focuses on Economic development for the next 28 years. (Today's News)

He's off to a good start, but to scale up he will need to inspire the people to report violations of the law. He needs to galvanize the youth.

He needs to be a Robin Hood Figure, with a crack army of 10,000 of the most loyal special policemen (Ex-Army Officers) supervising may a few hundred thousand Special police, who will go around and ruthlessly rooting out corruption, and having spending actually spent on the people and not eaten up by the Members of Parliament and their supporters. He should put simple small cameras in School Classrooms to monitor teachers and staff (alongside reforms to the school syllabus to world standards), Police stations to monitor police officers, Hospitals to monitor staff, State Owned Factories to monitor workers and managers and Banks to monitor EVERYONE; monitored by the Army and NAB, with a representative on the premises to keep the people in line, and remote link to center monitoring centers so no local solider can also get away with corruption. Cameras can be programmed with Artificial Intelligence to catch bad works, bad facial expressions, angry tones, silence, and other things so that the people know that the every present eye of the state is watch and can come down like a hammer to punish them for their transgressions. NO MORE ABUSE WILL BE TOLERATED IN NAYA PAKISTAN. INCREASING THE BUDGETS WILL NOT HELP IF THE CURRENT MONEY IS NOT SPEND PROPERLY. We can work with our Chinese friends to quickly develop these AI enable cameras and like them to central command centers to root out corruptions. These command centers will be staffed by his crack anti-corruption troops. Once the cameras are paid for and up and running, the return on investment will be seen when people straighten up and

When they start watching all of these institutions, then we will know who is honest, who is corrupt, and who is just plain incompetent. Those that can be saved should be, those that are just incapable or down right corrupt can be booted out and good honest and hard working people who are looking for a job can take their place.

As each school, for example is "rescued" and results happen, the people will be asked to pay their taxes so other projects in their area can be done. Either people can pay or contribute free labor, whatever is best for them. Street clean up programs, removing silt from their local canals, building schools (for children and adults).

If he strip the corrupt politicians of their money, their supporters will leave them. Doxing all these corrupt politicians with accounts anywhere in the world of ill gotten money, and starting cases to expose them will turn the people against the PPP and PML-N politicians, because these corrupt politicians new money supply will close and PTI will get the money working for the people.

The key then will be showing results over the next 4 years. Has education improved? Has healthcare improved? Has the Rupee stabilized and even come down? Has the cost of living come down? Do people have jobs? Are people getting the ability to buy affordable houses or apartments they were promised? Are the streets clean? Is There fresh water available and at an affordable price? Has load Shedding Stopped?

PTI has a lot of work ahead of it. But Inshallah, if this team can show some progress, the people will give them another chance, and in 5 year increments the people will forget about Bilawal and Maryam more and more, as relics of the old Pakistan.

The ball is in PTI's court. It is for them to lose, more so then for Maryam and Bilawal to gain. PTI will have to be ruthless and efficient and quick to make these reforms. PPP and PML-N are not above teaming up to try to destroy PTI. They have a lot of corruption they want to catch up on, and PTI needs to show the people that PTI was the right choice. PTI may not have the money, but they have to mobilize the people. PTI workers have to be different kind of Party workers. PTI workers have to go out onto the street and do the hard work themselves FOR FREE. Clean the streets, check up on corruption around them, and hold themselves up to the highest standards.
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As long IK is alive, they wont even come near Pakistani throne.
O Bhai what ever you and me cry laugh jump abuse do,this thing not in our hands.
Opper WALE jis ko chahen laga dain jis ko marzi hatta dein. That’s it.
Be ladla or ladli and enjoy.
O Bhai what ever you and me cry laugh jump abuse do,this thing not in our hands.
Opper WALE jis ko chahen laga dain jis ko marzi hatta dein. That’s it.
Be ladla or ladli and enjoy.

Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.
I don't think maryam will rule country but Bilawal, yes possible in future if he don't follow zardari politics.
naaah, neither of them stand a chance. zardari has already implicated his children in corruption cases...bilawal is already has undeniable evidence against him...

as per Dr. Shahid Masood, the past is NOT COMING BACK! GET OVER IT!
Post Imran Khan PTI will turn into a dynastic party similar to what happened with PPP, the next guy who takes control of the party will turn it into one.

We need to move to a Presidential system to avoid dynastic scums like Bilawal and Maryum. What we need is a council which nominates a certain number of Presidential candidates from different sectors of Pakistan. These candidates then shall be vetted and cleared by a collective committe of NAB/ISI/Judiciary representatives to ensure that the individual has no anti state sentiments, he has never been involved in corruption and has no criminal cases againt him.

The candidates who make through this process shall be awarded funds to run their campaigns from the national exchequer, private donations or personal funds must be banned to ensure no conflict of interest arises( this is the only fault in the US presidential system).

The best man shall be elected and he shall appoint his ministers subject to a certain criteria and qualifications, minimum PHD in their relative ministry coupled with atleast a bachelors in management.

No political parties should be allowed in Pakistan. Local bodies elections should be conducted on Independant candidate model ( BA minimum qualification). No political affiliation must be tolerated. We are an Islamic Republic, our ideological foundations are already determined hence we do not need these extremist right wing or liberal facist leftist parties.

China has a one party approach, we need to go one step further and eliminate parties altogether from the equation.

Do this and see the results in 20 yrs, all of this nonsense drama we see 24/7 on the media will disappear and focus will remian solely on the dilemna of the common man.
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Paid journalist.

Now that it has been brought to our notice, something needs to be done to avoid this at all costs.

What can be done ?

Post-Pulwama Imran Khan & Co. have solidified their leadership. Now it is time to expand the base. The main challenge for PTI is provincial leadership.

Post Imran Khan PTI will turn into a dynastic party similar to what happened with PPP, the next guy who takes control of the party will turn it into one.

We need to move to a Presidential system to avoid dynastic scums like Bilawal and Maryum. What we need is a council which nominates a certain number of Presidential candidates from different sectors of Pakistan. These candidates then shall be vetted and cleared by a collective committe of NAB/ISI/Judiciary representatives to ensure that the individual has no anti state sentiments, he has never been involved in corruption and has no criminal cases againt him.

The candidates who make through this process shall be awarded funds to run their campaigns from the national exchequer, private donations or personal funds must be banned to ensure no conflict of interest arises( this is the only fault in the US presidential system).

The best man shall be elected and he shall appoint his ministers subject to a certain criteria and qualifications, minimum PHD in their relative ministry coupled with atleast a bachelors in management.

No political parties should be allowed in Pakistan. Local bodies elections should be conducted on Independant candidate model ( BA minimum qualification). No political affiliation must be tolerated. We are an Islamic Republic, our ideological foundations are already determined hence we do not need these extremist right wing or liberal facist leftist parties.

China has a one party approach, we need to go one step further and eliminate parties altogether from the equation.

Do this and see the results in 20 yrs, all of this nonsense drama we see 24/7 on the media will disappear and focus will remian solely on the dilemna of the common man.

PTI is not immune to the Iron Law of Oligarchy. This is where a strong party doctrine comes in. Presidential system is not a magic fix for Pakistan's skewed politics based on family dynasties.
Benazir was only leader talking openly against taliban , and rejecting extremism. Other were busy in politics , not a single word against banned terrorist organization but benazir continued speaking against taliban, punjabi taliban & banned organisations even after karachi suicide attack, 100+ killed , it didn't stop her speaking against terrorist.
Others were just saving own life, as suicide attacks were happening on almost daily basis .

the only leader/family talking against Taliban while enjoying their looted wealth in London and Dubai?
There are thousands of Pakistanis who lost more family members than Bilawal, they deserve to lead the country instead of this imported Wazir e Azam.

I don't have any problem with him personally but he is no different than Zardari, and you know more than me, that Pakistan can not afford 1 more Nawaz Sharif or Zardari at this crucial time.
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