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Biggest Commonwealth Games kicks off in Delhi








great sight .......

pakistan can gain alot from it - it just proves if west can india can do it too....

and if india can paksitan can do it too......

nice start to commonwealth.
An Electric current Passed through me when the Whole Crowd Started the Count down along with the Huge drums, then the snake charmers raising the aerostat the Music Which followed.... The tribal Dances of India.... I couldnt resist My Self to cry and could not resist to Dance aswell
thats true...CWG has brought all Indians together on PDF..so its already a success.

Special request to members - someone also posts pics of the Indian women in saree who were leading the different teams during the march with the plackard .I have marked one of them.:P and I'm serious guys.

Yea . ITS URGENT :cheesy: :oops:
thats true...CWG has brought all Indians together on PDF..so its already a success.

Special request to members - someone also posts pics of the Indian women in saree who were leading the different teams during the march with the plackard .I have marked one of them.:P and I'm serious guys.

Hope U have not put water marks on the Lady whom I marked...lol
hey guys wats the story behind the watermelon on cycle... is this the biggest melon in world or jus in India :)
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