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Big 💥 Bang 💥 Boom 💥Video of fight b/w Indian 🇮🇳 & Chinese 🇨🇳 Soldiers from same area where clash happened on 9th Dec 👀😯😳

RIP to all the fallen soldiers due to these confrontations but some Indians here really are childish wannabes. Claiming Indian victory when there is none, trying to slander and demean Chinese and create false conclusions.

The Ladakh border is more stable now due to the buffer zones China managed to get Indian agreement on in exchange for China's forward positions but Aksai Chin is out of reach of India and hopefully for good. Tawang side remains as an unstable disputed border especially after the Ladakh crisis and the Doklam one leading up to flare ups.

If the Tawang confrontation this week was initiated by Chinese side, there would be more confrontations and most likely very dramatic change of status quo like with Galwan valley areas, Depsang, and Pangong Tso during Ladakh crisis where China responded to Indian patrols with occupation of forward positions. If Tawang confrontation was not initiated by China and rather by India, we may also still see dramatic change to status quo initiated by EITHER side in this scenario. If the confrontation was simply a more violent than usual patrol party clash, then likely no dramatic flare up and status quo change because neither side initiated and therefore neither side wishes for flare ups.

If either side initiated and has intention for flare up, then of course there is a result they would be aiming for and therefore there would be much more action to follow.

For now, China side is saying that both sides talked and hinting that the situation is caused by patrol parties confronting more violently than usual and the flag talks made a return to normalcy. Indian side is more quiet about formal announcements except in recognizing the event. China's statement makes it seem like there will be no drama or flare up. If India has intentions for any flare up for whatever goal, then we'll see more drama with this. China wishing to flare this up for some goal means the statement issued is a strange and deceptive one. It remains to be seen if either or both sides have some goals here and what the outcomes are.
Lol you are so butthurt, you've degraded your posting to this level. Well done for showing readers your level.

No one claimed Chinese being brave. You again invented some strawman.
Quite a few FMs did try to link bravery to only Chinese.

Look at your previous posts too. Most of the Chinese FMs never analyse anything neutrally. They always have scorn for anyone who has anything adverse about China.

Eat more cow dungs and you will be as brave.
You could never grow beyond dung, manure, urine etc.
Are you in this business in Canada? Your expertise does indicate that. Keep up the good work.
Quite a few FMs did try to link bravery to only Chinese.

Look at your previous posts too. Most of the Chinese FMs never analyse anything neutrally. They always have scorn for anyone who has anything adverse about China.

American FMs talk up American bravery, Ukrainian FMs talk up Ukrainian bravery, Russian FMs talk up Russian bravery. Indian FMs talk up Indian bravery.

All FMs also happen to never analyze anything neutrally and are extremely biased for their nation and side. That's true to all FMs so I don't see your point here.

And during conflict, having scorn for anyone who has anything adverse to their side is normal? I mean look at Ukraine and western FMs and their scorn towards Russians and vice versa. Indian Amit Shah in 2019 remarked that India will "pay with blood" to take Aksai Chin from China. Indian politicians very often talk of China with scorn even during the 2000s before Doklam when China hasn't been saying or doing anything adverse to India if we forget the 1960s war.
While all quiet on the western front, China is picking fight on the eastern front. By building hundred of border villages, PLA now has forward positions across east sector of the dispute LAC with India. Dongzhang as an area, where India has been creeping cross LAC since 2001 while China was not watching and now IA has built stone walls north of McMahon Line (albeit illegal), has become the nail that sticks out. Now PLA holds the hammer. Once PLA gets started, it will not stop until a buffer zone is established, and most likely Indian will have to vacate the ridge.

Every Chinese know Dongzhang now, and they will hold Xi responsible if the area is lost permanently under his watch.
Even in the Galwan the Indians were the aggressors initialy, we can see the video in which they are crossing the river wielding sticks.
Then as we know, they were handed their's in a plate.
Wait for the same results, Chinese going to get organised and give another hidding to the Indians.
NO, Indians were not.

Are we not allowed to protect our lands?

Yes, but definitely were not prepared well, the Chinese were better prepared with clubs and sticks embedded with nails.

We have neglected the infrastructure at the LAC during the last 50 years, especially under Congress's rule.

this 2021 incident shows how we were better prepared this time with sticks and even sticks embedded with nails after 2020 incident.
Dongzhang as an area, where India has been creeping cross LAC since 2001 while China was not watching and now IA has built stone walls north of McMahon Line (albeit illegal), has become the nail that sticks out. Now PLA holds the hammer. Once PLA gets started, it will not stop until a buffer zone is established, and most likely Indian will have to vacate the ridge.

Can you describe a little its location? I have heard it first time.
Can you describe a little its location? I have heard it first time.

The recent conflict happened in the area marked in yellow where IA has salami-sliced since 2003. To the west is the Dongzhang water falls which Indian called it Chumi falls, Both areas are located north of McMahon line.

Your own Ex-Army chief is accepting that india has lost lot of land. When I showed Congress Party leader Saying the same thing indians didn't believed. Now do you believe ?

NO, Indians were not.

Are we not allowed to protect our lands?

Yes, but definitely were not prepared well, the Chinese were better prepared with clubs and sticks embedded with nails.

We have neglected the infrastructure at the LAC during the last 50 years, especially under Congress's rule.

this 2021 incident shows how we were better prepared this time with sticks and even sticks embedded with nails after 2020 incident.
Indians were instigators, there is a video evidence available, I am sure you have seen it, hundreds of Indians crossing the river wielding clubs at the Chinese soldiers.

The latest video, relating to Feb 2020, It once again shows that Indians were the instigators, with longer clubs than the sticks hold by Chinese and greater in numbers. The Chinese had the right to respond with superior force, that is normal, be a man or a force.
The problem is that casualty figures on Indian side is always announced by government it’s impossible for Indian government to hide casualties but there is no information regarding casualties on Chinese side.
It was a hand to hand combat between Indian and Chinese troops it’s impossible that Chinese side had no casualty at all when Indian side suffered 21 casualties

History says otherwise the most colonised parts of India are actually Punjab and Sindh
Afghans , turks , persians , Arabs everyone invaded Punjab and Sindh
80% of the population of Punjab accepted islam under Muslim rule Khada peeta lahe da, Baqi Ahmed Shahe da This saying in Punjabi tells us of the horrors inflicted by Ahmed Shah Abdali in Lahore.
And even during the mutiny of 1857 Punjab regiment chickened out and sided with Britain that’s why 65% of the soldiers in British Indian army were Punjabis (mostly from Pakistan Punjab)
Brave were the Ahoms of Nortn East who never let a single Muslim invader step onto their sacred territory , brave were the people of Bihar who gave rise to Gupta and Maurya Empire , South Indians who gave rise to Chola Empire , Maratha Empire from Maharashtra
fighting against invaders is bravery surrender is cowardice it’s as simple as that
If Indians can stop lying for one minute. The world will be better. But it is a pity that lying and boasting are the traditional genes of India.

You India provoked first. Then attack the Chinese soldiers first. Finally, the Chinese army killed senior officers of the Indian army and arrested hundreds of Indian soldiers...

India said in the media that "only 20 soldiers were killed". Do you believe this Indian joke??? Baby. I hope you will remember. India is an extremely shameless and despicable country full of lies.

Last time the Chinese carried all those primitive weapons and had an upper hand over Indian soldiers.

All the Chinese and Pakistani flags went gaga and cheerful over it and some of them actually achieved ultimate nirvana over it. Chinese became all brave and Indians otherwise.

This time Indians appeared to have use same tactics. Look at the hurt now. 😜
It is very satisfying to see same members now going like -
They were outnumbered, just wait they will gat back now, Indians were unfair.

I am sure this will unfold into something more. Premature celebrations as well as death sentences are very common amongst the dear friends here.

But till now, the reactions from butt hurt friends has made one thing very clear about a saying in the subcontinent that has something something about a BIN PENDI KA LOTA.
oh Do Chinese soldiers kneel down and surrender like Indian soldiers?

like this


Hahaha sardars being sardars, hot blooded is nature.
The posture of kneeling and surrendering is also traditional.

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