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Biden says Russian invasion in February "distinct possibility"


Jan 5, 2015
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Biden says Russian invasion in Feb. ‘distinct possibility’

MOSCOW (AP) — The White House says President Joe Biden warned Ukraine’s president Thursday that there is a “distinct possibility” Russia could take military action against Ukraine in February. The Kremlin likewise sounded a grim note, saying it saw “little ground for optimism” in resolving the crisis after the U.S. this week again rejected Russia’s main demands.

Not happening conventionally impossible

there is 127,000 Russian troops and 2,000 troops are reaching the border per day

by Mid-feb this number will be over 150,000 troops

Russia is now deployed Air Force to the Belarus and Moldova

UK intelligence has tracked first aid blood convoy reaching the border with Ukraine and this has been relied to the US Intelligence Services its been reported on CNN as we speak

the threat is very very real and Amphibious invasion from Straits of Kerch is being prepared for landing at Odessa

best part is UK is watching every move, eavesdropping, code breaking, intelligence gather, surveillance, under cover agents are all over Ukraine

Russia makes a single move the UK will unleash a blow so server Russia will wish it would rather be invaded by Hitler again
The Americana are stuck in their rivalries and it is only getting worse as we speak.
U.S. intelligence reveals Russia still deploying its country on Ukraines borders, no sign of pulling back.

The ones responsible for the situation in Ukraine, is undoubtedly the West. Specifically, America and Britain. Nowhere in Europe is their any unity on the subject. The architects of the Ukrainian turmoil, are the same who orchestrated the entire anti-Russia narrative. It seems that their efforts are now evidently desperate, since the question of NATO legitimacy is baring down on them. Without a conflict igniting in Ukraine, NATOs days look visibly numbered.

The moves of the West in Europe have been specific and show a pattern. The expansion of NATO into the Baltic States, with it's so-called Air Policing deployments. The establishment of ABM systems in Poland and Romania. And of course the already present NATO in Turkey with Nukes, forms now an arc of fire set up with Russia as the specific target. The absurd excuse that ABMs in Poland and Romania are intended for Iran, is the same one the West would've used shamelessly if they were successful in usurping Ukraine into NATO.

Apart from this, Ukraine was in the West's crosshairs for another and more important reason .... Crimea. Because had they been successful in enveloping Ukraine, what would have followed be the expulsion of Russian Black Sea fleet from Sevastopol. A naval base on lease by Russia, from Ukraine. In the absence of the Russian Black Sea fleet, the West would've ran rampant in Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Algeria and so on. Half the African Coast off the Mediterranean Sea and central states in the Middle East region would have been devastated by the West. As Russia would have been hard pressed to intervene or support the crumbling governments in the Middle East.
Russia should invade Ukraine.

Russia cursed Ukraine.

Russia can't beat Ukraine.

Russia will definitely enter Ukraine tonight.

Hey Putin, Ukraine told you things not to be said even in a fight.

Goddamn you, Putin, if you don't enter Ukraine.

-White House
If Russia starts operations in Ukraine, China needs to strike Taiwan.

Yes, China should remain a follower.

In the absence of the Russian Black Sea fleet, the West would've ran rampant in Syria, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Algeria and so on.

You mean that fleet that historically barely ever gets out of port once every year.
If the first toppled stone will big as Ukraine, the domino effect could easilly be felt all over the world. Taiwan will not be the only extension of this. There are dozens of similar problems in the world, some with a historical background dating back more than a century.
After February 2022, Biden will announced a March 2022 invasion by Russia is imminent.
Then in March 2022, he will announced that an invasion...
US Administration is now invaded by amateurish politicians. :cheers:
In fact what Biden US Administration really wanted to do, was to disrupt or to stop the EU certification of Nordstream 2 and that is by June 2022.

For heaven's sake, Russian troops have been stationed at the border next to Dombass since 2014. So it is just normal for Russia to rotate the troops in and out of their barracks there.

Many of us are wondering what is all the hysteria by UK and USA all about? :coffee:

Even President Zelensky have discounted the possibility of Russia attacking in his virtual video summit with Biden.

BTW why was Biden yelling at Zelensky? Zelensky not complying with the US script.

Apparently Zelensky told Biden to calm down after that. :sarcastic:
Coming from the same nation which started a decade long war based on WMD's ... hmmm okay lets believe them
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