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Alhamdulillah pakistan fastest regressing country. Went back 20 years in only 1 year! World record!
His dementia is getting worse, he meant to say India but said Pakistan instead.

It is not. This is how the US views Pakistan. Always has. What is even new in these remarks? The military and civilian leaders in your country are sellouts. They don't own nor defend their country. They lie down for a few dollars to sell their soil. No character and principles.

Here comes the beauty. Even China has shown a facepalm to Pakistan after all the treachery. Russia same story. Pakistan virtually stands alone. Just have a look at the flood response to guage the sentiment. Even during a calamity and human suffering the world looked the other way.

bilo rani went 10 days trip of USA and here are her efforts results . :lol:

The million dollar question. Is Bajwa going to handover the nukes on US demands just as he overthrew a sitting government on US demands? After all, Bajwa has a track record of appeasing American demands.
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It is not. This is how the US views Pakistan. Always has. What is even new in these remarks?

The million dollar question. Is Bajwa going to handover the nukes on US demands just as he overthrew a sitting government on US demands?
I hope Coas isn't powerful enough to unilaterally make that decision...
If he was able to overthrew a government I am sure the nukes won't be a problem.
For a coup to succeed, historically you need approval of many high ranking officials

I wonder how Bajwa went about with the regime change, is he himself complicit , or he held talks with other high ranking officials and they all agreed with him

Wish someone launches an investigation into this !
( I am dreaming I know)

FYI I am pretty sure they have SOPS for nukes and one guy can't make the call alone, you need support from other top guys
It is not. This is how the US views Pakistan. Always has. What is even new in these remarks? The military and civilian leaders in your country are sellouts. They don't own nor defend their country. They lie down for a few dollars to sell their soil. No character and principles.

Here comes the beauty. Even China has shown a facepalm to Pakistan after all the treachery. Russia same story. Pakistan virtually stands alone. Just have a look at the flood response to guage the sentiment. Even during a calamity and human suffering the world looked the other way.

The million dollar question. Is Bajwa going to handover the nukes on US demands just as he overthrew a sitting government on US demands? After all, Bajwa has a track record of appeasing American demands.
Doubt Bajwa will as he is retiring but his placed replacement may well do.
Says a country head with cognizance dissability and suffering from dementia and all sorts of neuro diseases. And a country who Nuked Japan twice and killed hundred of thousands innocent people.

Pakistan needed Nukes as a deterrent, everyone knew aganist whom.

India has much stronger conventional armed forces than Pakistan, but both countries have comparable nuclear arsenals.

“Pakistan tends to use its nuclear capabilities to act as a deterrent for any kind of military intervention by India,” said Grace Liu, a research associate at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies.

“Pakistan sees nuclear weapons as the only way to prevent a repeat of something like 1971 ever happening again, when its territory was effectively cut in half, with Bangladesh created out of what used to be East Pakistan,” said Panda.
Not Biden’s fault but our lumber one being used like a cond0m as usual. They’re used to it, perhaps they fetishise being used.
So this is the outcome of 2 visits of Bajwa to DC in the last 3 months and imported foreign minister Billu Rani unending visits to US
If you don’t respect yourself, nobody else will. The Americans know our traitorous DHA mafia inside out. And as usual they’re discarded after use.
Without cohesion.

What is this oldy referring to? A country where the people are fragmented. A nation where peoples are not one entity. These rednecks don't even consider Pakistan a nation.
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