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Bhutto's Son To Lead Political Party

........one night at number 10 Downing Street..

Gordon Brown: Tea or coffee before we discuss a new military strategy for Afghanistan?

Bilal Bhutto: Just a Coke for me. And can we play some tiddlywink Mr Brown?

PPP have reached an all new low level of embarassment.

for once trust your fellow country men i am sure what ever Bilawal will or will not do politically he will not let his mum down...........have some faith.
So much for democracy.

They themselves practice heridatory rule.

Bilawal, is just a kid. Imagine if PPP wins the elections they'll thrust a 19 year old Prime Minister!

Why can't Makhdoom Amin Fahim lead the charge? He did fine till Bhutto was out of Pakistan.

dont you guys think we will be the coolest country in the world with a 19 year old prime minister i think that ll be cool it will be a heaven for youngsters all night dancing parties sex STD's and teen age pregnencies we have never had that in pakistan we should try it once....
i am on ppp side now Go BILAWAL GO..........
emotion rules over wisdom. Nodoubt Ameen Fahim is most sensible choice.

i dont think he is i think Benazir's brother's daughter could have been a good choice to carry the Bhoto name forward......
There is so much desperation on the part of PPP at this time and before Benazir's demise that they did indeed sign over on a blank sheet of paper a contract of the DEVIL'S chosing. It will be very interesting to see what the democracies of the world ARE GOING TO SAY ABOUT THIS ISSUE. Here we have a 19 years old who is going to lead a party---is this a monarchy over here---does Amin Fahim have no shame left in him. What about the rest of the PPPpoliticians---they don't have no back bone left in them. Are the ppp members going to prove that ppp is nothing but a bhutto brand name and that they are a nobody. What a shame---what a tragedy for that party----and these people are going to ask the europeans and americans to enforce democracy in pakistan----THE QUESTION ARISES IF THE EUROPEANS AND AMERICANS WOULD ACCEPT THE YOUNG ZARDARI AND ASK PAKISTAN TO BE DEMOCRATIC.
Nothing against the fact that a 19 year old is the "Chairman" of the largest party in Pakistan, but there is something inherently undemocratic about the "appointment" of Bhutto's only, to the leadership. Though the counter from the PPP will be that he was "unanimously" and "democratically" chosen by the party to "lead" them.

There is a point to the above argument. He was unanimously accepted by the party (what that says about the leadership of the party is obvious), but at the end of the day it is the rest of us Pakistanis who have to express our disapproval through our votes and reject the PPP (since Billawal will pretty much be guaranteed a seat through his "ancestral" constituency), or else we get the government we deserve (as Niaz sahib often puts it) by either not voting, or voting for the wrong people.

It really is a good argument in favor of directly electing our PM's or switching to a Presidential form of government. The majority of PPP candidates may be excellent, and therefore should deserve to win from their constituencies and be the majority in parliament - but then they also automatically gain the right to shove a 25 year old, who has spent almost no time in Pakistan, on us as Prime Minister. That is not fair on the electorate.
read some posts here. and it made me write some of my opinions too...though im sure that these wont be accepted.

well 1st and foremost someone wrote that musharraf (army) is leading this country safely. well i thorougly back that musharraf has done a lot and has lead the country very well at the worst times of Pakistan's history. but i am so sorry to say that army must play their part they should not be involved in the country's politics like the way we saw after the quo. army is to secure our borders not to secure and devise our political sturcture. and if someone believe that army should be involved then enlighten me that what is then the role of civil society, when at every post of the country there is a military person?

then about a 19 yr old being the chairman of PPP well its really very puzzling that a student of oxford with no knowlegde of politics rather no knowledge of Pakistan even, cuz he has never been here like a Pakistani citizen will give democracy to the citizen of Pakistan as a head of Pakistan's most acclaimed political party. BUT we have to keep it in mind that he is not at this time making any decision. the decision and political activities would be devised by co chairman zardari and others like amin fahim.

now one more issue comes that is the credibility of zardari. we all know very well the conduct of Mr. 10% but so does the party. i am very much optimistic that party will never let mr. zardari to take all the decision and would be run in the similar way as was done before with mutual understanding.

It is an immense tragedy that a world renowned politician has been assassinated in such a grim way. May Allah rest her soul in peace. and may Allah guide His people not to find opportunities from such brutal acts but to uncover the root causes of such incidents which are de-grading our country, as we are not anything close to that (terrorist nurturing nation) image as it has been projected.

dont you guys think we will be the coolest country in the world with a 19 year old prime minister i think that ll be cool it will be a heaven for youngsters all night dancing parties sex STD's and teen age pregnencies we have never had that in pakistan we should try it once....
i am on ppp side now Go BILAWAL GO..........

Can you PM Keysersoze about your wish list? I am sure he will find it amusing and will be glad to know you.
read some posts here. and it made me write some of my opinions too...though im sure that these wont be accepted.


Everyones opinions are welcome, so long as you use reason and logic and try and substantiate your arguments. Stuff like "Musharraf and the Army are evil", doesn't offer much for discourse (and I'm not saying that you have said anything like that), and is probably the only thing that will not be "accepted".

Feel free to exchange views in a respectful way and welcome to the forum.
when i didnt say that musharraf and army are evil so i see no point in notifying. as i acknowledge the efforts by musharraf.
for once trust your fellow country men i am sure what ever Bilawal will or will not do politically he will not let his mum down...........have some faith.

Yeah he wont, actually he will make her proud. The things she couldnt do, i'm 100% he will do it.:disagree:

God bless pakistan:pakistan:
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