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Bhutto's Son To Lead Political Party

Here is a prime example of what is wrong with Pakistani politics. Don't party members get a say in who gets to run a supposed political party? It's like something from the middle ages.

Its insane indeed, 165 million people living in Pakistan and we need a 19 year old kid to lead the party??? :crazy:
Just another prove how desperate Zardari is to keep involved in Pakistani politics.

So much for the democracy...:disagree:
There we go....:disagree:

Bilawal not keen to enter politics, Zardari may take charge: PPP

ISLAMABAD (updated on: December 30, 2007, 14:06 PST): The son and husband of Benazir Bhutto are among the main contenders for the leadership of the martyred opposition leader Benazir's party, which is likely to be decided on Sunday.

A senior aide to Benazir said the former premier's son was not keen to enter politics yet, leading to speculation that her widower Asif Ali Zardari could effectively take charge of the party until he is older.

Whatever the outcome, both will remain key figures in the Pakistan People's Party (PPP) founded four decades ago by Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto and now the crisis hit country's biggest opposition group.

BILAWAL: At just 19, the mantle of the Bhutto family's bloodstained legacy would lie heavy on the head of Benazir's only son, Bilawal.

If picked for the top slot in the PPP he would be the third leader in its history after his mother and his grandfather, Zufilqar Ali Bhutto, who founded the party and was executed under martial law in 1979.

But he has already shown signs of following in his mother's footsteps, enrolling earlier this year at Oxford University, where Benazir Bhutto was head of the prestigious Oxford Union debating society.

Bilawal -- meaning one without equal -- was born in September 1988, a month before his mother won general elections under military dictator Zia-ul-Haq to become Pakistan's first female premier.

"I went back to sleep and woke up to the sound of a congratulatory gunshot being fired outside the hospital, the beating of drums and cries of 'Jiye (Long Live) Benazir. The most celebrated and politically controversial baby in the history of Pakistan had been born," Benazir Bhutto said in her autobiography.

He and his two sisters went into exile with their mother in 1999, dividing their time between London and Dubai, where Bilawal attended school. Reports in local newspapers said he was keen on outdoor sports including target-shooting and horse riding.

At Benazir's funeral on Friday he was pictured looking composed despite his grief, but analysts say he is currently too young to lead the party.

"Bilawal is just 19 years old, he needs to be groomed," political analyst and retired general Talat Masood said.

"They should let him complete his education. When he is in a position to assume he should be given the mantle."

ZARDARI: Nicknamed "Mr. Ten Percent" by Pakistanis because of allegations about kickbacks from his wife's time in power, Asif Ali Zardari, 51, has gone from playboy to villain and now to grieving political widower.

When he married into the Bhutto political dynasty in 1987, Zardari, then 31, was the little known scion of a landowning polo-playing family from southern Sindh province.

He was born on July 21, 1956 in the rural Sindh district of Nawabshah and schooled in the commercial capital Karachi at the Saint Patrick High School, alma mater of President Pervez Musharraf.

He graduated from the Petaro Cadet College in 1972, an army-run institution known for its discipline and regimented life.

After their arranged marriage Zardari gradually carved out an influential position for himself under his wife's two tenures in power.

But he was back behind bars within half an hour of the dismissal of Bhutto's second government in 1996.

Zardari spent eight years in jail -- five of them while his family lived in exile -- before being freed in November 2004 after being cleared over the last of 17 cases of corruption, murder and drug smuggling.

His passion for thoroughbred horses was well known and landed into trouble. One of the charges against him was that he maintained a costly stable in the prime minister's official residence in Islamabad at state expense.

"Zardari has a very tainted record. He may not consider himself suitable for the party leadership," Masood said.

"He may leave it to some senior member to lead the party. It will be more appropriate for the party and for him."

Bilawal not keen to enter politics, Zardari may take charge: PPP : Business Recorder | LATEST NEWS
Zardari won't head the party, NEO, Zardari has brought so much shame to PPP he can not be allowed by PPP members to stand on the front like BB... Only 2 options for PPP and they are Makhdom Amin and Sanam Bhutto.
Zardari won't head the party, NEO, Zardari has brought so much shame to PPP he can not be allowed by PPP members to stand on the front like BB... Only 2 options for PPP and they are Makhdom Amin and Sanam Bhutto.

Hope you're right mate, God safe us from this curse!
I do not understand why a name is more inportant then qualifications... It clearly shows that political leaders are more gamble then military rulers that have to go through a certain processes... It is a shame... Maybe Bhutto that was hanged had some ideas or qualifications, Benazir did Oxford but was a failed leader in many subjects. Her entire famiuly is robbing the nation and she is rsiking everything over and over again while fighting terrorists? Now her mr 10% moves towards leading? Or her son that is hardly able to understand worls politics? Please... The nations should eradicate political system and start a democratic development from the ground zero...
I do not understand why a name is more inportant then qualifications... It clearly shows that political leaders are more gamble then military rulers that have to go through a certain processes... It is a shame... Maybe Bhutto that was hanged had some ideas or qualifications, Benazir did Oxford but was a failed leader in many subjects. Her entire famiuly is robbing the nation and she is rsiking everything over and over again while fighting terrorists? Now her mr 10% moves towards leading? Or her son that is hardly able to understand worls politics? Please... The nations should eradicate political system and start a democratic development from the ground zero...

May be true but equations change if Benazir Names her son as a successor in her will -

Bhutto Son Named Successor | Newsweek International | Newsweek.com
Bilal is too young to lead a political party.
He will merely be the face that charges the supporters with the 'magic' of the Bhutto name.

Wrong again, Bhutto dynasty is over. If Balawal or her sister lead the party than it will be the start of Zardari dynasty.
Siblings of Murtaza bhutto are true heirs of Z.A. Bhutto. this is another strong reason why they will never use the title of Bhutto.

Bilawal did not have enough academic qualification to take part in assembly elections atleast for this year. Neither did he had enough age defined in our constitution to run for PM.
Hence at least he can never be PM in 2008.

An interesting view of princely Bhutto:
Pakistan's flawed and feudal princess | Comment | The Observer
........one night at number 10 Downing Street..

Gordon Brown: Tea or coffee before we discuss a new military strategy for Afghanistan?

Bilal Bhutto: Just a Coke for me. And can we play some tiddlywink Mr Brown?

PPP have reached an all new low level of embarassment.
........one night at number 10 Downing Street..

Gordon Brown: Tea or coffee before we discuss a new military strategy for Afghanistan?

Bilal Bhutto: Just a Coke for me. And can we play some tiddlywink Mr Brown?

PPP have reached an all new low level of embarassment.

And now Balawal addressing public rallies around Pakistan:
Oh, people let me tell you; why don’t you have nice food, house and clothes because there is no democracy.
All those who have cars and nice houses are either dictators or supporters of dictators.
It’s pay back time for the slayers of democracy. I’m here to restore democracy and this will be a start of golden era where every common man will be a ruler and free.
Every one is promised of a nice job, house, and latest model car, but before you must destroy all existing buildings and transport.
PPP is the only party who believes in true democracy and will bring end to all your plights.
I have never done any corruption, never in Pakistan. I only came for short time and that was feunral of my mother hence technically, I had no time for corruption. In this sense I’m more clean than any politician in entire history of Pakistan.
I urge west to help me winning in elections as I will do exactly what you want. I don’t even mind if you invade Pakistan or India invade Pakistan, as I have a second home in Dubai.
There is no way I can loose elections because I have seat adjustments with all other political and religious parties. I’m sure there is a plan to rig the up coming elections, infect upcoming elections are already rigged.
Oh people vote for true Awami party, PPP is true representative of poor and suppressed.
Jeay Zar…Jeay Zardari.
Pakistan is more safe in the hands of its Army than to be leaded by a 19 year old.
Mushraf has declared cease-fire and is showing interest in peace process.
This is largely due to his bad experience with War and its result on the countrys ecomony.
Pakistan is more safe in the hands of its Army than to be leaded by a 19 year old.
I have already said above that legally he is in no position to participate in general elections, untill he complete his Bachelors.
Mushraf has declared cease-fire and is showing interest in peace process.
This is largely due to his bad experience with War and its result on the countrys ecomony.
In my opinion it is largely due to minimum deterrence Pakistan has achieved in recent years against any further Indian military aggression and that's why India has changed its assault tactics from weapons to propaganda and proxy war through Afghanistan.
Is this confirmed? He seems too young and inexperienced.

Maybe he could be the youngest politician.
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