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Bhensa has been controlled.

A certain american individual while enjoying all the amenities of american lifestyle criticizing Due process here in Pakistan and is becoming Hussain Haaqan Version 2 to drag Pakistani security institutions in not so subtle manner.

This individual was nowhere to be found when this scandal was reported in america and discussed in PDF

Homan Square revealed: how Chicago police 'disappeared' 7,000 people

Exclusive: Guardian lawsuit exposes fullest scale yet of detentions at off-the-books interrogation warehouse, while attorneys describe find-your-client chase across Chicago as ‘something from a Bond movie’

Chicago police detained thousands of black Americans at interrogation facility
Special report: Guardian lawsuit reveals overwhelming racial disparity at Homan Square, where detainees are still held for minor crimes with little access to the outside world, despite police denials that site is an anomaly

22 detainees told the Guardian that they were held for hours or days on end. Many were physically beaten during interrogations. Some were denied phone calls to their families.


Continue to enjoy his "Fake and hypocritic concerns about Pakistan". He is only here to take dig at Pakistani institutions because I dont want to say it because it's his own story to tell but he has a personal grudge against PAF or PA I believe. I hope one day he tells us the story of why the grudge started against them and what did they do to him
Except that the abductions were illegal, no matter who effected it. Those criminals must be brought to justice.
They won't be brought to justice because Pakistan isn't a civilized country - i.e., one ruled by civil law.
Lolzz i wonder whom you are addressing when replying.

Anyways the fact is that there is no process currently moving in the courts about this particular case neither the government filed any nor the liberals not even the religious ones. So there is no question of proper or improper process.
Jana Ji why are you wasting your energy on this sell out aka champion of freedom of speech, idiot trying to teach us about rule of law...Hun.
"about 75% of the arrestees taken to Homan were eventually charged with drug crimes"

The process still works, and those who think they were held without due process have access to courts for redress.

See the difference?

They won't be brought to justice because Pakistan isn't a civilized country - i.e., one ruled by civil law.

As long as a democratic government is in place, the Constitution remains in force, and that makes Pakistan ruled by civil law by definition. It is however, imperfect, just like all other countries:

Hypocrisy knows no bound when the thing is about America. Illegal Detentions = Halal in America because they led to 75 percent conviction rate.

While in Pakistan Illegal = Haram Why ? Because ISI, Pakistan army Pakistani establishment is involved here somehow and I've a grudge against them.
All that news report shows are allegations. Some detainees at Homan have made allegations that will be presented in court for due process to work. That is the important point.
The Homan Square stuff appears to have been "false news": link

LOL.... And what is the proof here these so called bloggers were apprehended by establishment instead of disappearing at their own accord ? S when it comes to america, Strawmen logic comes appearing in full force and when it comes to Pakistan, every rumor presumption fairy tail, anonymous sources are taken as a God given Fact and holy truth.

Who was taken to task for the Illegal detentions in Chicago ? Was any bigwig investigated for this ?

While the hypocrites term Chicago scandal as allegations while at the same time terming allegations of Social bloggers as absolute truth
The only thing that can be established that the abductors - whoever they are, unknown at this point - did in fact commit a crime.

Now where is the due process to apprehend those criminals, whoever they might be?
Who was taken to task for the Illegal detentions in Chicago ?
It's not clear to me from the news reports, but there don't seem to have been "illegal" detentions. Detainees who asked for a lawyer or doctor were transferred to other facilities more suited for lawyer-client interviews and medical attention than a public police evidence locker.

.. when it comes to Pakistan, every rumor presumption fairy tail, anonymous sources are taken as a God given Fact and holy truth.
The fact that there are few operating checks-and-balances in Pakistan does make pro-Pakistani PR more difficult. The solution is for Pakistan to implement greater transparency and accountability.
Freed bloggers leave country amid safety concerns
Published: January 30, 2017
ISLAMABAD: Two bloggers who vanished earlier this month have left the country fearing for their safety, relatives told AFP on Monday, following a virulent media campaign painting them as blasphemers.

They were among five men who went missing from various cities in Pakistan. Four of the five who had stood against religious intolerance and criticised Pakistan’s military have been freed, their families said. They would not comment on where the men had been held.

Third missing activist found, flees country fearing for life: family

Their disappearances triggered nationwide protests and raised concerns of government involvement — claims denied by officials. Allegations on social media networks Facebook and Twitter and by right-wing TV hosts that the missing men were blasphemers has triggered a flood of threats despite denials from their worried families.

The allegation can be fatal in Pakistan, where at least 17 people remain on death row for blasphemy.

Liaqat Ali Goraya, the father of blogger Waqas Goraya, confirmed to AFP that his son was safe and had left the country. But his nephew Abdur Rahman Cheema, whose disappearance at the same time as his son was not reported to the media, was still missing.

“Waqas has gone, we’ve sent him abroad,” said his father, declining to comment on who had held him. Before he went missing, Goraya was based in The Netherlands and had returned to Pakistan for a family wedding. A source close to the family of blogger Asim Saeed confirmed he too had left the country.

His father, Ghulam Haider Akbar, told AFP the family had received death threats purporting to come from the anti-Shia Laskhar-e-Jhangvi group. “You who have blasphemed deserve death. You are out of Islam and should be ready for a painful punishment, which will be remembered by your generations to come,” a text message said, according to Akbar.

A relative of a third blogger, who asked to remain anonymous, said both he and his family had left their home town and were in hiding. “We are going to think about it for a few days and assess the situation. If it seems ok, we’ll return, else we’ll try to go abroad,” the relative said.

Salman Haider ‘recovered safe and sound’

Zeeshan Haider said his brother, poet and activist Salman Haider, was “fine and safe”. The whereabouts of the fifth man remain unknown.

Rights groups have long criticised the colonial-era blasphemy legislation as a vehicle for personal vendettas as even unproven allegations can result in mob lynchings. A number of NGOs and observers say the online campaigns are to silence progressive voices and are carefully coordinated.

Pakistan has had a history of enforced disappearances over the past decade, but this has mainly been confined to conflict zones near the Afghanistan border or to Balochistan province where separatists are battling for independence.

Talk to few friends in Islamabad. According to em, there is no reality behind what few media channel are projecting about these bloggers. Present govt is promoting too much extremism in Pakistan. Still people don't know who kidnap these people and still not confirm , if they are free. It's common perception that Ch Nisar has full backing of defunct religious parties and they are totally unleashed and Ch Nisar also backing these extremist religious groups.
What is quite baffling to watch is the effort being spent to demonize the bloggers, as if that would justify their abduction by the criminal party, whoever that might be. What the focus should be on is to identify the culprits so that it can be ascertained as to who those criminals are, to get them the punishment that they deserve by fair and due legal process.
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