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Bharat bandh

Well the bandh that has a pan-india appeal has just caused a loss of 3000 crores which belongs to common man.

....and what about the loss caused to the nation by black marketers?

Can you imagine the amount of money that has been generated by fleecing the poors? Do you know what happens at the commodity market?

Do you even know what happened to Rs. 70,000 crore package PM sactioned for poor farmers of Vidharbha? He himself was shocked, but helpless when he was told that the entire money was swindled by cooperative banks run by politicians of NCP.
This government had started to take things for granted they are getting arrogant and arrogant. MS announced package for aviation, Telecom but what actions he has taken for pricer rise. The Bandh has been spontaneous at many places. I know it has caused lot of loss and inconvenient to the ppl but what about day to day distress. I just went out and found none of the vegetables are less than 15 Rs per Pav . Tell me how do I protest. My salary increases by 12 to 15 percent which is good by industry standards but inflation is 20%+ , net effect is my saving goes down and down. Cant even think about villagers , security guards etc who earn hardly a fraction of what we do. Why dont we get enraged by that?
....and what about the loss caused to the nation by black marketers?

Can you imagine the amount of money that has been generated by fleecing the poors? Do you know what happens at the commodity market?

Do you even know what happened to Rs. 70,000 crore package PM sactioned for poor farmers of Vidharbha? He himself was shocked, but helpless when he was told that the entire money was swindled by cooperative banks run by politicians of NCP.

Do you believe any of these issues will be changed with the calling of bandh.

The politicians themselves including ruling ones and opposition has to take care of these issues. They are paid to due the governance.

I dont think this Bandh has served any purpose. I am raging because i come from a state where we see the record number of harthals and bandhs and the very same opposition is ruling here..

I cant stand the dirty politics these morons are playing.
Will somebody throw this useless Sharad pawar out of office and send him to look after ICC or BCCI only. He is such a bad performer as a minister.
There are lots of options inside parliament including seeking motion for no confidence, protests which doesn't involve public interferences, calling for national awareness, question hours inside parliament etc etc.

My good brother, do you suffer from short-term memory loss? Just a few days back, a motion was moved by opposition parties for these many reasons against the govt.

What happened, govt. used a tool of CBI to threaten likes of lalu, mulayam, and mayawati and extracted support from them and they ditched the opposition unity at the last moment and supported the govt.

Are you not aware of the fact that govt. simply buys out support from MPs for crores of rupees?

Please come out of this party, that party. I am not supporting any particular party. I am against arrogance of power. Remember, a govt. in this country was pulled down just for increased onion prices not so long ago.

India is not yet prepared to face deregulation of everything. Given the number of poor in our country, we have to be a welfare nation for some time to come.
I was replying to your question about other options, not the events of the last week.

Of course im very disappointed with this governments performance. Im only against the bandhs

Coz price rise is the punishment which the government gives to public, and
Bandhs and harthals are the punishment which the opposition gives to the public.

Both ways we are the ones who suffer.

Hope one day we can say "chachajii aaalll iss wellll"....
I was replying to your question about other options, not the events of the last week.

Of course im very disappointed with this governments performance. Im only against the bandhs

Coz price rise is the punishment which the government gives to public, and
Bandhs and harthals are the punishment which the opposition gives to the public.

Both ways we are the ones who suffer.

Hope one day we can say "chachajii aaalll iss wellll"....

Benny Sir,

I do understand ur concerns and this culture of bandh and hartals is not healthy but u know what this is exceptional scenario which needs exceptional actions . If government doesnt realize this now we will be in bigger problem.
Benny Sir,

I do understand ur concerns and this culture of bandh and hartals is not healthy but u know what this is exceptional scenario which needs exceptional actions . If government doesnt realize this now we will be in bigger problem.

Well since the very purpose of the bandh has not been served , it is is indeed the public which has been at the recieving end as usual.

Opposition to fuel price hike 'illogical': Montek

Cong calls bandh against price rise 'anti-people' - India - The Times of India
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Rise in price hit the common man, he might be eating half of the food which he was eating daily because of this rises but due to today bandh he need to sleep empty stomach, lot of workers work on daily wages so because of that they didnt worked today and need to skip there food for today, so whom to blame this for? Shutting down India is never been solution, its something like 2% of people are controlling rest of 98% people life, this 2% dont want to work and not letting rest of the 98% people work either, is it fair? Politics is like dustbin every politician is using it for there own use making common man suffer, if they have problem they better sit in sansad bhawan and talk about it, why they are giving trouble to us? They just want vote bank, they dont have any sympathy with common man, even petrol price goes to 100 rs. they wont care but if they are in opposition they will care as it will give them votes. Its all dirty political game which making common man suffer and this wont stop here only it will continue like this forever as Indian common man got habitual of all this, suffering and living is the part of our life now.
This govt. has been becoming courageous day by day in its anti-people policies. It is clearly evident that Mr. PM is under the thorough influence of US and IMF. These bodies wanted entry of private players in petroleum in india.

This price rise is just to facilitate the entry of few industrial houses to venture into an area where there can be no loss.

Mark my word, soon you will see petrol pumps of Reliance, Tatas, and others mushrooming all over the country.

What I am surprised most is the govt. is so forthcoming in talking about reforms in petroleum sector, but what about the reforms in PDS to ensure food security to the poor. What solution does this govt. have to deal with the cascading effects of fuel price rise on the prices of food items.

Please remember, bandh (peaceful and voluntary of course) is the democratic tool, which keeps indias democracy alive. If we take away this tool, people will take up arms. Bandh is a kind of civilized and symbolic protest and people expect opposition parties to lead them in times of crisis. We do not want a new breed of naxalites from urban and semi-urban india.

Please keep in mind strikes happen all over the world including China. Strike/bandh is a potent tool to show the unscrupulous mighty the collective power of not so previleged to demand what is just and belong to them.

However, it is really unfortunate that on most of the occasions buses and public property is damaged by anti-social elements and this must be stopped.

I smell BJP,Shiv Sena Propaganda.
:hitwall::hitwall: 2000 crore loss:hitwall::hitwall:
Now every thing costs more so much for helping common man :hitwall:
Damn these opposition parties:hitwall:
Supreme court says bandh is Ileagal
India lost Rs 13,000 crore in today's bandh

NEW DELHI: Bharat Bandh on Monday partially disrupted economic activities with commodity markets and the transport sector taking a hit in many parts of the country, and the industry pegged losses at up to Rs 13,000 crore.

While Mumbai, the financial capital of the country, and several industrialised states including Maharashtra, Gujarat, were affected, the impact was partial in many other states like Tamil Nadu and in the national capital Delhi.

The 12-hour strike was called by the Opposition parties to protest the fuel price hike and rising inflation.

"The bandh is estimated to have cost the nation close to Rs 13,000 crore in terms of GDP loss," industry chamber Ficci said in a statement. Another industry body Assocham put the losses at Rs 10,000 crore, while CII pegged it at Rs 3,000 crore.

Wholesale commodity markets remained shut in most of the cities, while several flights from key airports like Mumbai were cancelled. According to the All-India Motor Transport Congress, 6 lakh vehicles were off the road.

Though the screen-based stock market remained open, the trading volume at the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) was down 52 per cent to Rs 2,857 crore against a daily average of nearly Rs 6,000 crore.

According to reports by industry chambers like Ficci and Assocham, thin attendance was witnessed in commercial establishments in several states, while the economic activity came to a complete halt in states like West Bengal, Gujarat and Kerala.

Ficci said most of the industrial activities remained shut in Bangalore and majority of MNCs and IT firms preferred to give a holiday to their employees. In Mumbai, transport services were "completely affected" and traders were mostly off the market.

The PHD Chamber catering mainly to the northern states, said the impact was felt in Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and UP.

Banking services were completely paralysed in Left governed West Bengal and Kerala while some disruptions were noticed in Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar and Mumbai.

The industry leaders including Rahul Bajaj and Adi Godrej have opposed the bandh and termed the protest as "odd and absurd".

The disrupted rail movement also contributed to the industry loss.

India lost Rs 13,000 crore in today's bandh - India - The Times of India
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