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Bhagat Singh Terrorist or freedom fighter????

This is a troll thread... that Pakistanis want to use to justify their support of terrorist activities against India.
well not really... most of them left in 90's ..so keeping them for 40 nyears didnt made any difference bhie jaan ;)

And why did they leave ?
Ohhh by that definition india had freedom in british rule as well .. so why did we go through so much trouble .. indians didnt wanted to be ruled by britishers and kashmirs didnt wanted to be ruled by india .. u considered them occupiers and they considered u the aggressors ... how i dnt knw how u guys come up with this BS logic to justify ur occupation
India was a colony of Eng
Indians(India,Pakistanis,Bangladeshis) were treated as slaves and bonded labourers
the law was different for the Indians and the britishers

they werent giving us anything rather were taking everything from us

kashmir is just the opposite

there is only 1 simillarity
Ohhh by that definition india had freedom in british rule as well .. so why did we go through so much trouble .. indians didnt wanted to be ruled by britishers and kashmirs didnt wanted to be ruled by india .. u considered them occupiers and they considered u the aggressors ... how i dnt knw how u guys come up with this BS logic to justify ur occupation

Now you are comparing british rule with Kashmir problem????? Really???
my dear friend.......we are not recruiting them
they are coming with their own will

they are voting for their parties

1. a group of 1000,2000 people doesnt represent the entire kashmir
2. kashmir is also home to kashmiri pandits who wants to be a part of India

and the rest..........you dont have enuff sources to prove what you were claiming,hence you chose not to reply
even britishers didnt recruited indians ..they joined with their own will .. bro indians are intelligent.. dnt spoil ur impression with ur ajeeb o gareeb answers :)

1. either u are lair or u dnt knw the isstuation ... tell me if they are thousand .. be honest how much do u thing they are .. i wana see if u r hypocrate or not see the video and answer how much do u think they are .. are they 1000 or 2000
Hum Pakistani hain Pakistan Hamara hai Syed Ali Shah Gilani - YouTube | Tune.pk

2. padits are only 10 % of kashmir population .. how can u use this reason that 10 % of them want to join u and thats why we will not give freedom to 90 % ...
even britishers didnt recruited indians ..they joined with their own will .. bro indians are intelligent.. dnt spoil ur impression with ur ajeeb o gareeb answers :)

1. either u are lair or u dnt knw the isstuation ... tell me if they are thousand .. be honest how much do u thing they are .. i wana see if u r hypocrate or not see the video and answer how much do u think they are .. are they 1000 or 2000
Hum Pakistani hain Pakistan Hamara hai Syed Ali Shah Gilani - YouTube | Tune.pk

2. padits are only 10 % of kashmir population .. how can u use this reason that 10 % of them want to join u and thats why we will not give freedom to 90 % ...
And how many votes did he get? :D
India was a colony of Eng
1. Indians(India,Pakistanis,Bangladeshis) were treated as slaves and bonded labourers
2. the law was different for the Indians and the britishers

they werent giving us anything rather were taking everything from us

kashmir is just the opposite

there is only 1 simillarity
1. u had ur own parliment and enjoy alot of freedom .. there was no bound labour .. even if there are few incidents ..it was common all over the world in 1900 ...
2. u have different laws for kashmirs as well .. which other province have armed forces special act .. and bro dnt be so dumb .. how many britisher were there too have a different law?

Now you are comparing british rule with Kashmir problem????? Really???
just pointing out that both are standing up for freedom ..bhagat singh and this followers and kashmirs .. but u have double standards .. the topic is was he a terrorist or freedom fighter ... well by the defination of indians they have on kashmir .. bhagat sigh was also a terrorist
even britishers didnt recruited indians ..they joined with their own will .. bro indians are intelligent.. dnt spoil ur impression with ur ajeeb o gareeb answers :)

1. either u are lair or u dnt knw the isstuation ... tell me if they are thousand .. be honest how much do u thing they are .. i wana see if u r hypocrate or not see the video and answer how much do u think they are .. are they 1000 or 2000
Hum Pakistani hain Pakistan Hamara hai Syed Ali Shah Gilani - YouTube | Tune.pk

2. padits are only 10 % of kashmir population .. how can u use this reason that 10 % of them want to join u and thats why we will not give freedom to 90 % ...
show dekhne bahut aadmi pahunchte hain,that doesnt mean everyone supports the one on stage
you should see the rallies of Narendra Modi

i stand firm.....the one supporting Pak are less than 10 percent

though a large majority want a separate country,we are not willing to give them that bcoz of our security concerns

2-this is no communist regime that we will throw the 10 percent bcoz they are minorities
India is a democratic republic
we dont discriminate between any
those who want to stay should stay,those who dont should go
India will never give an inch of kashmir to separitists

your logic is weird
you say mass graves,when i ask for a credible source to back the number,there is none
you give me a video to show the support
you say since the minorities are less,they dont deserve any place
And why did they leave ?
may be bcoz u didnt have munni sheela and razia at that tym .. now they must be regretting now bro ... btw how the weekend ...u had an awesum win against the West Indies
just pointing out that both are standing up for freedom ..bhagat singh and this followers and kashmirs .. but u have double standards .. the topic is was he a terrorist or freedom fighter ... well by the defination of indians they have on kashmir .. bhagat sigh was also a terrorist

I would call it double standards

if Bhagat singh was fighting with respect to a particular religion in mind

If he and his fellows were targeting innocent civilians.
just pointing out that both are standing up for freedom ..bhagat singh and this followers and kashmirs .. but u have double standards .. the topic is was he a terrorist or freedom fighter ... well by the defination of indians they have on kashmir .. bhagat sigh was also a terrorist

Again you need to learn a bit of history on our freedom struggle... and whom were we fighting..... (when i say we i am talking about pre 47 population)

I am quitting this discussion as i can see 2 others are posting similar to mine.... they will continue the discussion.....
1. u had ur own parliment and enjoy alot of freedom .. there was no bound labour .. even if there are few incidents ..it was common all over the world in 1900 ...
2. u have different laws for kashmirs as well .. which other province have armed forces special act .. and bro dnt be so dumb .. how many britisher were there too have a different law?

just pointing out that both are standing up for freedom ..bhagat singh and this followers and kashmirs .. but u have double standards .. the topic is was he a terrorist or freedom fighter ... well by the defination of indians they have on kashmir .. bhagat sigh was also a terrorist
you are now really being dumb
read some history bro

there was no bound labour????
different laws for kashmir,but we have certain laws which favours the kashmiris as well
read article 370

you are seriously comparing britishers with Indians and kashmiris with Bhagat singh
gosh man
may be bcoz u didnt have munni sheela and razia at that tym .. now they must be regretting now bro ... btw how the weekend ...u had an awesum win against the West Indies

regretting is limited to the fact that they lost their homeland. . . otherwise most of the pundits are in a good condition.

and yes it was an awesome win. congratulations for you victory over the mighty aussies :)
OF course Bhagat sing was a freedom fighter now what Pakistanis are taught in there schools is offcours a different story.
show dekhne bahut aadmi pahunchte hain,that doesnt mean everyone supports the one on stage
you should see the rallies of Narendra Modi

i stand firm.....the one supporting Pak are less than 10 percent

though a large majority want a separate country,we are not willing to give them that bcoz of our security concerns

2-this is no communist regime that we will throw the 10 percent bcoz they are minorities
India is a democratic republic
we dont discriminate between any
those who want to stay should stay,those who dont should go
India will never give an inch of kashmir to separitists

your logic is weird
you say mass graves,when i ask for a credible source to back the number,there is none
you give me a video to show the support
you say since the minorities are less,they dont deserve any place

bro i just give u something and u ignored it .. it show ur baised opnion .. do u want me to show u a video of million people march to UN office ..calling for freedom... why r u even bother to reply if u r so baised??

1. a democrate government listen to its people .. kashmirs are saying they dnt want to be with u .. how shameful is that ur army chief have said that they have to pay influential Kashmir to be on their side .. u r keeping them by force that my frnd is not democracy

2. so if muslims fromPakistan or any other country attack India bcoz few muslims dnt want to be with india... so that is justified ?? bcoz as per ur logic .. majority doesnt matter ..

regretting is limited to the fact that they lost their homeland. . . otherwise most of the pundits are in a good condition.

and yes it was an awesome win. congratulations for you victory over the mighty aussies :)
well many mother lost their their sons and many sister lost their brother to get freedom from india ... loosing homeland is the only thng that bothers u ...

i want india to face srilanka in semi's ... that would be one hell of match to watch .. surprisingly they are bowling very well .. i was always a dhoni supporter ..i dnt know why so many indians dnt want to see him as captian .. is he a kashmiri??? :P
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