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BGB killed 4 Myanmar military members in response to unprovoked attack and killing 1 BGB member

You can see Indian strategy in action, how they instigated a war between West and East Pakistan, now another one being instigated between Bangladesh and Myanmar, morons never learn.
Press Release regarding the incident occurred near the Myanmar-Bangladesh border
Press Release

On 28 May 2014, around (MST) 09:00 hour, the Myanmar troops opened fire on two suspected armed Bengalis in yellow camouflage uniform who entered into the Myanmar territory within 80 feet from the Myanmar-Bangladesh border fence between Boundary Pillar 51 and 52 in the Maungdaw Township, Rakhine State and the exchange of fire between the two sides followed. One person was caught dead with one M-22 automatic rifle, four magazines and 98 rounds. The remaining person withdrew into the Bangladesh territory.

With respect to this incident, the Bangladeshi side alleged that the Myanmar side started opening fire on a team of the Border Guard of Bangladesh (BGB) which was patrolling along the border, and captured corporal Md. Mizanur Rahman.

In this regard, the Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh in Yangon sent a diplomatic note to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Myanmar on 28 May 2014. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bangladesh also handed over a diplomatic note to U Myo Myint Than, Myanmar Ambassador to Bangladesh on the same day.

Another exchange of fire between Myanmar and Bangladesh border forces near the Boundary Pillar No. 50 occurred on 30 May 2014 at (MST) 16:00 hour, and it lasted about 20 minutes. Again, the Bangladeshi side alleged that the Myanmar troops started opening fire on a team of BGB which was waiting to retrieve the dead body captured by the Myanmar side on 28 May 2014.

As for the incident of the exchange of fire on 28 May 2014, there was no BGB team patrolling along the border between Boundary Pillar 51 and 52 on that day, as claimed by the Bangladesh side. The Myanmar troops just opened fire on two suspected armed Bengalis for security reason who were intruding into the Myanmar territory about 80 feet from the border line. The Myanmar troops neither opened fire on any BGB members nor captured a BGB corporal. It was found out that the outfit worn by the person caught dead did not match the BGB uniform.

Concerning the incident of the exchange of fire on 30 May 2014, the Myanmar side informed BGB to come and fetch the dead body at the Boundary Pillar 52 where the exchange of fire had occurred. The allegations by the Bangladesh side that a BGB team was waiting near the Boundary Pillar 50 to fetch the dead body was not relevant and that the Myanmar side started to fire was far from the reality.

The facts stated in these two diplomatic notes from the Bangladesh side are totally far from the real situation on the ground.

Therefore, Daw Maw Maw, Director-General of the Department of Training, Research and Foreign Languages, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, handed over the Aide-Memoire to Maj. Gen. (Rtd.) Anup Kumar Chakma, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on 31 May 2014 at 1030 hours, categorically rejecting the claims mentioned by the Bangladesh side. U Kyaw Zeya, Deputy Director-General of the Political Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Deputy Chief of Mission from the Embassy of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh were also present on the occasion.

Regarding the incidents on 28 May 2014 and 30 May 2014, Myanmar will not tolerate any violation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity; still, the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar will resort to diplomatic means to solve problems peacefully in view of existing bilateral friendly relations and good neighbourliness.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Nay Pyi Taw.

31 May 2014
see how pathetic liar you guys are
Kill those monkeys. They made so much drama to even give back our dead body. These jungle dwellers dont even have a morgue, and they returned a rotten dead body without a coffin. Bastards..

Please watch your mouth, you are doing exactly what India would like you to do. Don't forget that this Indian puppet govt. and the killer BGB who killed thousands of Bangladeshi civilians at India's instruction, cannot be trusted with their words.

talking about master the news, rumors ? :lol:

are not you same guys who first killed the BGB guy cowardly without provocation, took his body then said you killed Rohingya. After that you said you do not have any body then you said body might be of BGB member but not sure and last admitted you killed BGB member.

@Bandula , this BDforever supports Awami League, an illegal unelected govt. that was put in place by force by India. BGB was a key force that was used by India to kill thousands of innocent unarmed Bangladeshi in last one year. These people backed by India are trying to incite war hysteria in Bangladesh at India's instruction, because they do not do anything without getting ok from Delhi.
the very first line is a lie. The dead body does not bear a Yellow camouflage but a BGB uniform which they handed over.
this BDforever supports Awami League, an illegal unelected govt. that was put in place by force by India. BGB was a key force that was used by India to kill thousands of innocent unarmed Bangladeshi in last one year. These people backed by India are trying to incite war hysteria in Bangladesh at India's instruction, because they do not do anything without getting ok from Delhi.

B***ch please, keep your political thug mindset away from me

the same guy picked on by an american yesterday in another thread for bad mouthing about USA while staying in USA LOL
Please watch your mouth, you are doing exactly what India would like you to do. Don't forget that this Indian puppet govt. and the killer BGB who killed thousands of Bangladeshi civilians at India's instruction, cannot be trusted with their words.

@Bandula , this BDforever supports Awami League, an illegal unelected govt. that was put in place by force by India. BGB was a key force that was used by India to kill thousands of innocent unarmed Bangladeshi in last one year. These people backed by India are trying to incite war hysteria in Bangladesh at India's instruction, because they do not do anything without getting ok from Delhi.

How old are you @kalu_miah
talking about master the news, rumors ? :lol:

are not you same guys who first killed the BGB guy cowardly without provocation, took his body then said you killed Rohingya. After that you said you do not have any body then you said body might be of BGB member but not sure and last admitted you killed BGB member.

Well. Let me tell you something you may not know. On the date of May 13th, ambush attacked performed by yellow uniform wearing paramilitary members near by border post mark 37 and 38, and on 15th May, near border post mark 52 and 53, around 60 paramilitary members ambush attacked on 7 members of Myanmar border patrol guard and killed 4 and one got injured. Moreover, they placed bombs underneath of death bodies. Those incidents were performed by yellow uniform Paramilitary members. Myanmar side believed that they were RSO. Myanmar didn't think the way as those might be BGB. Myanmar gave trust on BGB.
You can easily understand that border post 52 and 53 were now be like war zone. So why, two yellow uniform solider were approaching to fence again on May 28th? And no badge mark on them. Seriously, why? So they got shot and one run away. Here one question came up. Why BGB didn't know where shooting took place? Why the one on loose didn't report where the incident happened? Think hard on this.
Any way, who was one cowardly ambushed first? with 60 on 7? so gay? umm?
Well. Let me tell you something you may not know. On the date of May 13th, ambush attacked performed by yellow uniform wearing paramilitary members near by border post mark 37 and 38, and on 15th May, near border post mark 52 and 53, around 60 paramilitary members ambush attacked on 7 members of Myanmar border patrol guard and killed 4 and one got injured. Moreover, they placed bombs underneath of death bodies. Those incidents were performed by yellow uniform Paramilitary members. Myanmar side believed that they were RSO. Myanmar didn't think the way as those might be BGB. Myanmar gave trust on BGB.
You can easily understand that border post 52 and 53 were now be like war zone. So why, two yellow uniform solider were approaching to fence again on May 28th? And no badge mark on them. Seriously, why? So they got shot and one run away. Here one question came up. Why BGB didn't know where shooting took place? Why the one on loose didn't report where the incident happened? Think hard on this.
Any way, who was one cowardly ambushed first? with 60 on 7? so gay? umm?
see now you are coming to the point, 13th may and 15th may news is true, even we had report here. That is why BGB established new post near 52, 53 after discussion with Myanmar. Now you started lying about 28th may, two yellow uniform which later turned out dead man of BGB with BGB uniform, how come ? you had BGB uniform so that after his death you put on his BGB uniform ? LOL
Talking about RSO ? no RSO is not there but other small rebel groups. BD-Burma border is hilly forest region and those group do not stay in any side. when BGB chase them, they goes to Burma side, when Burma chase them, they come in BD side.
If you want to stop them, make co-operation with BGB which BGB is looking for long time but your side is silent.
Start rational thinking. those rebels also threat for our national security. they do illegal business including arms and drugs. even there was documentary in BD news media.

btw what is 60 on 7 ?

Mentally 14.
i even highly doubt that , could be 5 or 6
What have we got to do with your war? Keep it between you two. We are not interested in it.

The news seems to be quite authentic although the casualties were not reported.

Bangladesh, Myanmar exchange fire in fresh border tension - The Times of India

When you got an Indian puppet running Bangladesh, you have got to take responsibility for all their actions. How do we know they are not working at Delhi's instruction to instigate a war between Myanmar and Bangladesh?
see now you are coming to the point, 13th may and 15th may news is true, even we had report here. That is why BGB established new post near 52, 53 after discussion with Myanmar. Now you started lying about 28th may, two yellow uniform which later turned out dead man of BGB with BGB uniform, how come ? you had BGB uniform so that after his death you put on his BGB uniform ? LOL
Talking about RSO ? no RSO is not there but other small rebel groups. BD-Burma border is hilly forest region and those group do not stay in any side. when BGB chase them, they goes to Burma side, when Burma chase them, they come in BD side.
If you want to stop them, make co-operation with BGB which BGB is looking for long time but your side is silent.
Start rational thinking. those rebels also threat for our national security. they do illegal business including arms and drugs. even there was documentary in BD news media.

btw what is 60 on 7 ?

60 arms uniforms ambushed on 7 BGP members of Myanmar patrol.
Here the deal. Prove your saying on yellow uniform which later turned out dead man of BGB with BGB uniform. Please show me pictures as proof.
And please note that Myanmar BGP killed only one officer. Not two. So where is another uniform member in your side? Hiding?
When you got an Indian puppet running Bangladesh, you have got to take responsibility for all their actions. How do we know they are not working at Delhi's instruction to instigate a war between Myanmar and Bangladesh?

How much influence does India exert exactly on Bangladesh politicians?

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