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Betrayed, Arabized

Exactly. He was a Pakistani Baloch who, due to the "arabization" of his ideals ended up becoming the monster he became. His place of birth made this process easier, that is all.

This my friend is as good an argument as saying that since he had Penile warts,the stress of the disease made him a terrorists...
This my friend is as good an argument as saying that since he had Penile warts,the stress of the disease made him a terrorists...

Well, Arabization is actually not that far away from Penile Warts! :D
Well, Arabization is actually not that far away from Penile Warts! :D
U sure are going to take a lot of heat with this statement of yours. If Pakistanis are undergoing Arabization, why cannot Pakistanis reverse the process with Punjabization or Urduization on the intended targets ? Spread your Pakistani ethos amongst the Wahabis.
in 1963, Field Marshal Ayub Khan had written extensively about the need for a common language in Pakistan. This was just 16 years after independence. The use of Urdu throughout the country (and reinforced by media --which was nonexistant at the time) was very limited. People only knew their regional languages.

FM Khan had proposed that Arabic possibly become the national language....and our ''Arabized'' population rejected this idea; such an idea even if passed would never be able to be implemented

interestingly enough, almost 50 years later we have people on PDF -- harping on and making issues out of non-issues.

the only people we are betrayed by are the politicians/looters running the country; or the people who are quick to bash Pakistan and needlessly and blindly criticize the religion of their own parents -- hoping to score brownie points by their western hosts
753 posts deep and nobody has even coined a definition for ''arabization''


Its the search for identity.. more than Arabization.
When one has abandoned his cultural , religious and moral identity in an unguided quest for self progress.. and then suddenly has an awakening as to what is his/her's identity..
Like hansel and Gretel with the breadcrumbs.. they frantically run here and there searching for pieces of who they are.
Some end up at the witch's house.. and mistake the candy for breadcrumbs.

There is a sense of identity loss in Pakistani's in general..
There is an attempt to Arabize the populous..make no mistake, its real and it exists.
It is a move to make the masses subservient to clergy and glorify the false guardians of the kaaba.. who are the benefactors of such parties.

However.. there is also a Love for the Prophet in this nation and his companions and the wish to practice our religion with the freedom that they enjoyed in medina after the years at Makkah.. A love for them as Human beings and Muslims.
not as arabs.. To mistake that as Arabization would be to negate the very idea of the need for Pakistan's formation.
This my friend is as good an argument as saying that since he had Penile warts,the stress of the disease made him a terrorists...

Well, Arabization is actually not that far away from Penile Warts! :D

U sure are going to take a lot of heat with this statement of yours. If Pakistanis are undergoing Arabization, why cannot Pakistanis reverse the process with Punjabization or Urduization on the intended targets ? Spread your Pakistani ethos amongst the Wahabis.

A. The comment was made in jest.

B. I am used to being singled out for attacks from all sides already.

C. Pakistanis can counter this process only by proper education, and that is further away in the present climate in Paksitan than water in the middle of the desert.
Its the search for identity.. more than Arabization.
When one has abandoned his cultural , religious and moral identity in an unguided quest for self progress.. and then suddenly has an awakening as to what is his/her's identity..
Like hansel and Gretel with the breadcrumbs.. they frantically run here and there searching for pieces of who they are.
Some end up at the witch's house.. and mistake the candy for breadcrumbs.

There is a sense of identity loss in Pakistani's in general..
There is an attempt to Arabize the populous..make no mistake, its real and it exists.
It is a move to make the masses subservient to clergy and glorify the false guardians of the kaaba.. who are the benefactors of such parties.

However.. there is also a Love for the Prophet in this nation and his companions and the wish to practice our religion with the freedom that they enjoyed in medina after the years at Makkah.. A love for them as Human beings and Muslims.
not as arabs.. To mistake that as Arabization would be to negate the very idea of the need for Pakistan's formation.

Bravo.Who ever knew the cookie monster was a serious intellect capable of serious damage.
What do the critics i.e muse, mean by arabization?, please explain so that a better response can be given.
Does it mean influence of Arabic language on us.? Clothes? way of life? the architecture? homes? or just about everything you can imagine?
it exists, but to a very small miniscule extent....and it isnt imposed on us. It's mostly labourers and expat Pakistanis (blue collar and some white collars) living and working primarily in the Persian Gulf countries.

I have an aunt, she and her husband are practicing doctors in Damascus for past 15 odd years. Die hard Shiias if i ever met one. Using your logic, you will say they have been betrayed and are facing Iraqization/Iranization?? :lol:

it's natural that some foreign culture may ''ware off'' on some people....whether they are born and raised; or are second or third generation Pakistanis. Common faith can sometimes help people be able to feel a comfort zone and feel somewhat closer to others (Islam does that, since it transcends ethnicities). So it's possible some people pick up on some other habits or lifestyles that may not be indigenous to ones own. (e.g. Ramadan vs. ''Ramzan'' or other very superificial and trivial things like that)....or out of habit saying ''ya akhy'' instead of ''bhai sahib'' or ''yaar''.....hell, I remember meeting a Baloch guy wearing a dishdasha once. A ''curio'' he brought back from Bahrain; and in all honesty, not too far off the mark from traditional Baloch dress.

what is happening in this thread is, a small select few are trying to shovel this idea down everyone else's throat; imposing this so-called phenomenon on 180 million Pakistanis.......

I feel betrayed by having people create hysteria and parananoia over a phenomenon that hardly exists......and the worst part is, these are the same people who think that Islam is an ''Arabs only'' religion when in fact there are more followers who are non-Arab (80%) and the religious texts are readily available in scores of languages even at any half-decent book store (and now, online)
Its the search for identity.. more than Arabization.
When one has abandoned his cultural , religious and moral identity in an unguided quest for self progress.. and then suddenly has an awakening as to what is his/her's identity..
Like hansel and Gretel with the breadcrumbs.. they frantically run here and there searching for pieces of who they are.
Some end up at the witch's house.. and mistake the candy for breadcrumbs.

There is a sense of identity loss in Pakistani's in general..
There is an attempt to Arabize the populous..make no mistake, its real and it exists.
It is a move to make the masses subservient to clergy and glorify the false guardians of the kaaba.. who are the benefactors of such parties.

However.. there is also a Love for the Prophet in this nation and his companions and the wish to practice our religion with the freedom that they enjoyed in medina after the years at Makkah.. A love for them as Human beings and Muslims.
not as arabs.. To mistake that as Arabization would be to negate the very idea of the need for Pakistan's formation.

I dont think so any of us is facing, except for the few indulge in identity crisis.

come on, where exactly do you see this happening? have we got our course contents and language changed to Arabic?? oh wait I knew it... Dr M. Hashmi !!! despite his western outlook is a Wahabi inside, I knew he is planning to bring Arab culture through English...Sorry that is an Epic fail... Elaborate any other way ARAB CULTURE IS BEING IMPORTED?

you can put a Green paag on your head and adopt the made in Pakistan Islam.... and become mithay mithay Islami bhai, or phir sab madani madani ho jay ga....:sick:

by the way you know the Salma Stara now a days on Ladies gown is being copied from the ones used by Middle eastern ladies gowns ?? this is so Arabanization :laugh:
I am curious to know whether Pakistanis consider themselves South Asian or central Asian or even Arabs.I have lived in the ME for 17 years(parents still live there) and I can tell with conviction that these Arabs don't like Pakistanis.I have myself seen Pakistanis(particularly the Pathans) being treated badly at airports.Whenever a flight comes from Pakistan the number of police officers at security are increased.I recently had a short transit at Sharjah airport and the Pakistanis were treated badly by the police officers.The bottom line is that these Arabs consider themselves superior to all other Muslims .Does not matter whether you are from Pakistan or Indonesia.In that case what is the point by linking Pakistan with Arabia when they themselves consider others inferior.

Now dont make this the case. I have been living in Oman for more than 3 years and never have seen this issue. I agree that they do see the masons as non human, but the treatment given to filipinos is much much worse, they are literally tortured. Arabs do consider themseleves superior to us habitants of sub continent, but it is not exclusive of Indians, Bengalis and filipinos.
come on, where exactly do you see this happening? have we got our course contents and language changed to Arabic?? oh wait I knew it... Dr M. Hashmi !!! despite his western outlook is a Wahabi inside, I knew he is planning to bring Arab culture through English...Sorry that is an Epic fail... Elaborate any other way ARAB CULTURE IS BEING IMPORTED?

perhaps if you left your Ik inspired euphoria you might see the slight changes in the language and behavior used by your Avatar's favorite allied parties and its cohorts.

The rest of your post sounds like it was just written for the sake of a post..
and therefore not worth replying.
what about that 2% of the population which is wealthy, ''westernized''; they drive late-model Benzes, Armani shades; they speak Engdu (Urdlish?), wear Levis jeans and Polo shirt, they are not averse to the occasional scotch on the rocks for relaxation

can't call them Arabized i guess...uh oh.... what are they? Britishized? Americanized?
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