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Best we can do is to pull out of Afghanistan


Dec 5, 2009
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Best we can do is to pull out of Afghanistan

Michael O'Connor From: The Australian June 23, 2010 12:00AM

THIS is a war that will not be won on the ground, says Michael O'Connor.

THE war in Muslim Afghanistan cannot be won by the armed forces of a Christian country. Even less can it be won by those of a pagan country which is the way the US and Australia are increasingly perceived.​

For Muslims, we are too easily portrayed by the Taliban and al-Qa'ida as unbelievers and enemies of Islam. For all our billions of dollars, the theories of counter-insurgency, the brilliant weaponry and the dogged courage of our soldiers, this conflict is unwinnable because Western politicians have lost sight of their objective, the cardinal sin of war-making.

Looking back to the immediate aftermath of the al-Qa'ida attack on September 11, 2001, the US demanded of the Taliban government of Afghanistan that it hand over Osama bin Laden, the mastermind. The Taliban refused and the US went to war. The Taliban was joined with al-Qa'ida as the enemy. The Taliban was overthrown and a replacement government was manufactured.

It was supposed to be a national government of a collection of tribes that demonstrates nationality only when attacked from outside: by the British, the Russians and now the Americans.

In the process, the West has developed a mythology that Afghanistan can be turned into a modern nation, that its women can be educated to take their place in the modern world and that Western-style democracy will reign supreme. Most futile of all, the West seeks to replace opium as Afghanistan's premier cash crop with something else that probably won't grow as well, won't pay as well and will have to face competition from other sources.

So the Taliban has recovered. With a combination of fundamentalist Islamic proselytising and terrorism that the North Vietnamese of another era would envy, plus safe havens in Pakistan, the lightly equipped, very mobile Taliban can keep the fight alive indefinitely. Certainly they suffer casualties but these are relatively insignificant politically compared with those suffered by the West. And every time Western technology kills by accident, it recruits even more willing foot soldiers for the Taliban.

The religious factor must not be underestimated. It was not a factor in Vietnam which was lost by American incompetence and a loss of will. Whatever we in the West think, religion is the dominant factor in Afghanistan, as it was when the US backed the anti-Soviet Afghan forces between 1979 and the Soviet withdrawal in 1989. Since that time, militant Islam has become an even more powerful force. It will continue to be the primary motivating factor of the Taliban and its allies in Afghanistan. If Afghanistan is to be modernised, that will be achieved only by Muslim countries that are frankly reluctant to take on the militants in their own countries, never mind elsewhere.

When questioned, the soldiers will assert that the job can be done but that is loyalty rather than wisdom speaking. They may - probably will - insist that the cost in money and blood will be significant over the long haul but the decision to stay or go is one which must be made by the political leadership which bleeds no more than votes.

The only credible solution to the mess is withdrawal. The clever people who constructed the case for intervention are equally capable of constructing a credible case for withdrawal. The initiative must come from the US which carries the burden of the intervention. Its allies who have been more or less willingly shanghaied into the mess need to press the US into committing to a safe but rapid withdrawal.

The fundamental problem for all of the US's allies, including Australia, is that they have committed their own security to the American alliance. None - certainly not Australia - provides adequately for its own defence so all are handcuffed to US policy. Australians tend to see the American alliance as one of friends anchored in shared experience in past conflicts. They tend not to see the shackles because it has suited every Australian government since 1944 to severely limit its own commitment to national security.

The problem for those governments is that they are then compelled to do what Washington wants regardless of the merits of the case. Sometimes those merits will be obvious to Australia's core security interests. In Afghanistan they are not. Terrorism, especially Islamist terrorism, cannot be defeated in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia or elsewhere. Only good intelligence and solid police work will protect Australia from terrorist attack.

Michael O'Connor is a former executive director of the Australia Defence Association

Best we can do is to pull out of Afghanistan | The Australian
Divided we stand

June 23, 2010

The growing toll in Afghanistan has increased pressure to review the allied strategy, writes Daniel Flitton.

THE shopkeeper told the whole desperate story in one brief remark. ''Tens of thousands of US and NATO troops are being sent to Afghanistan, yet security in the capital is deteriorating.'' Mohammad Hussain was in shock. How could this still be happening? Taliban fighters on a rampage through Kabul for five hours one day earlier this year, shooting at least a dozen people dead, burning shops and cars, before finally targeting government buildings in suicide attacks.

''We are so concerned, so disappointed,'' Mr Hussain told television reporters in the Afghan capital.

He is far from alone in his despair. The US-led coalition in Afghanistan is under ever-mounting pressure, both in Afghanistan and at home, to show progress in a conflict that has continued for almost a decade.

Advertisement: Story continues belowThere has been a price to pay. Five Australian soldiers have been killed in the past fortnight - two by a roadside bomb, three in what appears to be a helicopter accident. The Rudd government must justify the largest loss of soldiers' lives in combat since the Vietnam War.

''We are, of course, concerned to continue to see public support for the effort,'' Foreign Minister Stephen Smith said yesterday. ''It is very important that we continue to remain focused on our objective, which is to stare down international terrorism.''

That certainly was the mission at the outset. After the September 11, 2001 attacks, the goal seemed clear: hunt down Osama bin Laden and destroy the al-Qaeda terrorist network and its backers. But even though the Taliban fell in a matter of weeks, Afghanistan did not find peace and Bin Laden remains at large.

The aim of the mission gradually expanded to building a democracy and propping up the fragile new government in Kabul. And then, as the remnants of the Taliban gained strength from havens in neighbouring Pakistan, the next objective was to defeat a vicious insurgency.

Australia is now grappling with a debate that has raged over recent years in the Netherlands and Canada and is increasingly taking hold in the US and Britain. How long is long enough in Afghanistan?

''I am convinced that the war in Afghanistan cannot be won militarily,'' says Francesc Vendrell, the former European Union special representative in Kabul. ''[If] we follow the path we have taken over the past couple of years, we will lose politically as well.''

Vendrell has watched Afghanistan closely over the past decade, first as the top UN negotiator when the Taliban still held sway and then until 2008 as European envoy in the country. Having dealt extensively with the key players and witnessed vicious political battles, he has a good sense of the challenges.

''Never has the international community been so divided and unclear about their objectives in Afghanistan,'' Vendrell tells The Age in an email exchange.

This has proved the biggest hurdle in Afghanistan - agreeing on what shape the country should be in before the allies can declare victory. Despite promises to liberate an oppressed people, justice is brutal in Afghanistan and women mostly remain trapped under the stifling weight of tribal and religious extremism.

Corruption is rife, from the local police officer to the district governors, and all the way up to President Hamid Karzai and his brother Ahmed Wali, the provincial council chief of Kandahar.

Last year's national elections were marred by widespread fraud, casting a lingering doubt over the President's legitimacy.

''Apart from the many mistakes made since late 2001, [fault] lies in Western incapacity to build up a government in Kabul that has the support of the people,'' Vendrell says.

He argues that US President Barack Obama missed a crucial chance last year to remove some of the obstacles. When President Karzai's term finished in May, several months before the election, he says the US could have pushed for the creation of an interim administration.

''Establishing an interim government composed of all major political forces in the country … would have decided whether elections were possible, given the security situation, and if so agree on the best method of ensuring their credibility,'' Vendrell says.

But instead, Karzai decided to extend his term right up to polling day and the international community didn't object. After the extent of the electoral fraud became apparent, Karzai's main opponent withdrew from a run-off ballot and the world accepted what Vendrell describes as a mockery of an electoral process.

''Since then Karzai has even shown less inclination to work in tandem with the coalition.''

Despite the massive military operation - almost 120,000 NATO troops are in the country - the limits of Western political influence inside Afghanistan are obvious. Many officials are resigned to reality. ''Karzai is part of the problem and part of the solution,'' as one Western diplomat put it.

After a long deliberation, President Obama last year accepted a request from US military commanders to send more troops. The main focus of the new push is building the Afghan army; the fashionable term in military circles is ''counter-insurgency'' operations.

The thinking is seductively simple. The Taliban have few backers among Afghans, but instead garner support by terrifying the local population, especially those accused of collaborating with the international forces. A seven-year-old boy was reportedly murdered this week for helping foreign soldiers. Taliban fighters sweep into villages by night - after coalition troops have returned to the safety of their barracks - demanding support and threatening reprisals.

But a stronger Afghan army will provide security, the thinking goes, improving the lot of the Afghan people. This in turn will sap support for the Taliban.

Australia has signed on to this plan, pledging to train a battalion of the Afghan army in Oruzgan province. A majority of the 1500 Australian troops deployed in the country work beside the Afghan National Army, as mentors.

''What we actually do is my soldiers pretty much live, eat and breathe with the Afghan National Army,'' Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Hocking told The Age after completing an eight-month tour in the country in February. ''We plan operations with them, we execute those operations alongside of them, and then we review those operations together.''

Colonel Hocking commanded the 2nd Mentoring and Reconstruction Task Force, his troops spread widely across Oruzgan to work with local forces.

''It's very difficult to measure progress in Afghanistan, particularly in terms of mentoring, because building an army takes time, it takes patience.'' But he says there were obvious signs of improvement.

He points to a massive supply convoy of up to 300 trucks, run from Tarin Kowt along the dangerous roads to Kandahar. This regular convoy was initially organised entirely by Australians but earlier this year the Afghan army took control.

''You really can't underestimate that these guys put their lives on the line every day,'' Colonel Hocking says. ''Afghans do have a lot of military history, and a warrior culture … but the key thing is actually teaching the Afghans how to defeat an insurgent.''

He says the way to do that is to win the support of the population so that the insurgency becomes irrelevant.

''Every day that's exactly what they are doing; they're focusing on what the people need and working on getting the government of Afghanistan to deliver those things to the people. They really are starting to understand that now.''

After more than eight years of fighting, countless drives to stamp out corruption, the drug trade and the nefarious influence of tribal warlords, it is easy to assume there is little optimism about the conflict in Afghanistan. But a recent opinion poll told a different story. Seventy per cent of those surveyed in Afghanistan expressed optimism that the military campaign was on the right track.

Patience is the key, Colonel Hocking insists. ''It's hard to put a time frame to it but … there is definite progress. We need to be patient, we need to continue to mentor and develop. Certainly we've seen some great achievements since Australia has started mentoring. We've contributed a hell of a lot.''

In Australia, polls on Afghanistan suggest the public is not inclined to stick it out. More than half of people surveyed consistently want Australian troops out.

But whether the spate of deaths in recent weeks will fuel an even stronger push for withdrawal is not yet clear. Both major political parties in Australia back the deployment - their debate is over tactics, not whether this is a just war. Alliance considerations are also in play, with Australia expecting the US to pick up a major role in Oruzgan after the Dutch start to pull out in August.

The Australian fatalities - 16 in all, still a light number compared with other nations - may serve to galvanise support for the mission, as people wish to be seen to back the troops. Defence Minister John Faulkner has said it will take three to five years to build the Afghan army and hand over responsibility for security.

But Vendrell, for one, is less hopeful about how the military campaign will unfold. Having supported the push to increase the number of countries contributing troops to Afghanistan after the initial US invasion, he now fears there is little point.

''I now have a horrible feeling that some Western governments continue to accept casualties among the ranks of their national forces, in the full knowledge that most of the areas they are fighting to clear of the insurgency are unlikely to ever be held by the Afghan government,'' he says.

Vendrell says the West has agreed to a military surge without establishing an Afghan government that would seriously fight corruption. ''In other words a government that the Afghans would be willing to fight for.

''Having failed dismally to make the Afghan people our allies, we will inevitably abandon them to a combination of Taliban in the south and the warlords in the north and - having somehow redefined success - we will go home convinced that it is the Afghan people who have failed us.''

Divided we stand

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