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Best Intelligence Agencies

My uncle is a lawyer and was an ex ISI agent from from 1993 to 1998. According to him the CIA has the most number of successful operations under its belt all across the world, from Eastern Europe, to South America, middle east to Far east as well as central Asia but the CIA always deliberately emphasizes more on its negatives and shows to the world how incompetent they are for the enemy to undermine them..

Their success rate is ridiculously high which they don't like to show especially in destabilizing South America
ISI should be given less popularity its just that our Indian friends have made it too much popular.
There is no doubt that Mossad is one of the best intelligence agencies with a very very low failure rate the only reason i would put the CIA on top is simply because of their Global reach. Mossad is mostly restricted to the Middle East and where Israel's interest lies but the CIA has a full fledge global network ranging across all the continents. I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA has a sleeper agent in every single country.
Here are some words that come to mind when I think of the following 6 intelligence agencies...

- Inefficient (at times though I do acknowledge their many successes)
- Major Intelligence Blunders/Inaccuracy
- Well Funded
- Global Reach with Spy satellites and more
-Too many intelligence leaks
- Water Boarding & Torture
-Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

2. KGB- Russia
-Accurate Killers (i.e. Litvinkenyo in London was assassinated)
-Well Funded
-Good at kidnapping people (like many Journalist and others)
-Tight control over agency and Russia (Putin Fmr. KGB Officer)

3. RAW -India
-Intelligence leaks
-Moderately effective at best
-Corruptible Officers (too much)
-Having difficulty keeping India together

4. MOSSAD -Zionist/Israel
-Ruthless and Barbaric
-Efficient Kidnappers
-Good Intelligence gathering
-good Counter strategy
-Very Deceptive
-Successful in Wars and events
-Good at brainwashing the masses both foreign and domestic

5. ISI -Pakistan
-Efficient at Kidnapping and Killing
-Good Intelligence gathering capability
-Deeply penetrated India & Afghanistan & Pakistan....
-Loyal Officers very disciplined
-Very deceptive
-Even with their meager resources they are capable to compete with well funded intelligence agencies.

6. Gestapo -Nazi Germany (Non-existent today obviously)
-Police State
-Efficient at kidnapping and killing
-Disciplined and loyal
-Ruthless and inhumane
-Good at brainwashing the masses domestic only
-Technological resources
-Well funded.

Hope you enjoy reading.

There is no doubt that Mossad is one of the best intelligence agencies with a very very low failure rate the only reason i would put the CIA on top is simply because of their Global reach. Mossad is mostly restricted to the Middle East and where Israel's interest lies but the CIA has a full fledge global network ranging across all the continents. I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA has a sleeper agent in every single country.

You know that's one criteria the CIA excels in and make CIA a unique and powerful intelligence agency and that is their "Global Reach". It's a very significant trait to have and they are well acknowledged for it.

"I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA has a sleeper agent in every single country."-Durran3

Me neither, I'm sure they have some spies currently in Peshawar, find them and deal with them. CIA has spies in nearly every country of US interest, including Russia and China.

They are well funded and have a major technological capability that is extremely unattainable for many others IA's.
You know that's one criteria the CIA excels in and make CIA a unique and powerful intelligence agency and that is their "Global Reach". It's a very significant trait to have and they are well acknowledged for it.

"I wouldn't be surprised if the CIA has a sleeper agent in every single country."-Durran3

Me neither, I'm sure they have some spies currently in Peshawar, find them and deal with them. CIA has spies in nearly every country of US interest, including Russia and China.

They are well funded and have a major technological capability that is extremely unattainable for many others IA's.

A1Kaid, I have read some of your prior posts and you are very reasonable and informed. I very much enjoy the posters here. Makes be have confidence we can resolve our differences through dialog. :pdf::pdf::pdf:
I heared from a highly experienced ISI man that more Ruthless Reputation an Intelligance Agency has the More points it Earns and more feared it becomes.
I will Rank CIA as number 1 after what they did in Chili , Cuba and Specially Russia.

I will Rank ISI as number two coz despite facing toughest Scenario We aquired the Nuclear Capability not to mention their covert operations in Kashmir and Afghanistan.

And Iranian Intelligance Agency as third after what they are doing in MiddleEast specially against Israel and their ops in Africa and Iraq describe nothing less than a Sting Capability.

The French have done well in fueling the proxies in Africa .

I will also praise the Chinese coz they have not only challanged the US but also defeated it in many spheres specially Korean Peninsula and unrest in Phillipenes and Taiwan.

The Russians have also did well when it comes to the game going on in south America.

When it comes to playing well with the money the US and Saudia Arabia has done an outstanding job. I mean the Saudis have Virtually strenthen Positions every where perticularly in westren sphere.

But by far Mossad is highly reputed for its ruthlessnes but the voilance in Iraq , Dfeat in Lebanon certinly raises questions. But they have done well in fuelling the unrest in Balochistan along with RAW. RAW alone would never had such a capability to aquire such strength in Afghanistan.

In short Every intelligance Agency has ups and downs in its Gaming Arena but its the capabillity to sting the nerve under pressure which makes it highly Ruthless and to be Feared From.

BTW any body knows who kidnaped the Indian Nucler guru.?:tongue::pop:
The question no one has asked is " best at what?"

For sucess v's funding and ability to take out a target i would join the crowd and say mossad.

For ability to control a country and take out a journalist the FSB.

The best budget and toys CIA.

Best scones mi5.

The best well perhaps i would go for canada's CSE, never heard of it well isnt that the hall mark of an excellent inteligence agency ;)
Me neither, I'm sure they have some spies currently in Peshawar, find them and deal with them. CIA has spies in nearly every country of US interest, including Russia and China.

I know one CIA agent in Peshawar i believe he is still working, a very well educated doctor actually, I won't use names or anything but he and my uncle were working together against some Taliban Folks near Kandahar back in the day.. Currently he's stationed in another city in Afghanistan that of which i have no clue. He's grown a nice long beared as well lol..

The best well perhaps i would go for canada's CSE, never heard of it well isnt that the hall mark of an excellent inteligence agency

Canadian Security Establishment is brilliant but its not in the top five. The CIA is the best because the CIA has single handedly controlled half of South America, installed Dictactors all across the middle east and north Africa, as well as Eastern Europe, Russia, and even Far east into Korea, Vietnam etc.. as well as Central Asia from Afghanistan, Pakistan to pretty much anywhere in the whole God dam planet..

Canadians use the intelligence simply for defensive purposes and not so much for their "Interests" across the globe. Though they do really what with what they have.. You have to take into consideration that even though CIA uses top gadgets, technology.. it has a success rate far higher greater than any other intelligence agency in the world. They always show the world their failures and keep their successes more secret
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^^ What's to prove? Raw sucks, they have consistently failed the country, they didn't see kargil coming, or any of the numerous terrorist attacks, they cannot kidnap/assassinate Daud Ibrahim, they're corrupt, they've been accused of harassing female employees.

Raw's only claim to fame is the separation of East Pakistan, and that too required overt military intervention.

The ISI is much better organized and far more effective.

I told him to proove it NOT because he ranked RAW at the bottom BUT becase he ranked MOSSAD 4th and Chinese Intelligence agency 1st. That doesnt make any sense to me. I dont care a damn about RAW.
Let's not forget about the highly sophisticated and large scale covert plan by the CIA in the Soviet-Afghanistan War. Their planning, covert action, weapons smuggling, money transfers, and other kinds of actions were extremely helpful in the cause against the Soviet aggression.

We must also acknowledge their performance in that event, also ISI was also very brilliant in that event. Providing arms, training, intelligence, locations, distributing money, and forming resistance of Mujahideen and raising them to fight the Soviets.

Excellent performance by the two IA's.
You have to take into consideration that even though CIA uses top gadgets, technology.. it has a success rate far higher greater than any other intelligence agency in the world. They always show the world their failures and keep their successes more secret

Sadly the reliance on gadjets is what is hurting the CIA, politics and the end of the cold war put the brake on recruiting agents. When you have to send intercepts to the ISI for translation because no one can speak Pashto you cant be called number one.
Sadly the reliance on gadjets is what is hurting the CIA, politics and the end of the cold war put the brake on recruiting agents. When you have to send intercepts to the ISI for translation because no one can speak Pashto you cant be called number one.

Thats not entirely true.. there are many agents right now that speak Dari Pushto who are actively working for the CIA. Most of the agents are actually local folks on a US payroll. Even on their website a few days ago they were looking for folks who had the ability to speak Dari Pushto.. The way the CIA works is that they empower local agents to do the job for them, the technology used is only to track down enemy locations after they have gathered intelligence.

Again the only reason why Mossad isn't number one is because it operates 90% of the time within central asia and the middle east. Where as the CIA has its hands in everyones pockets, like i said before i wouldn't be surprised if they had sleeper agents in every single country in the world....
Thats not entirely true.. there are many agents right now that speak Dari Pushto who are actively working for the CIA. Most of the agents are actually local folks on a US payroll. Even on their website a few days ago they were looking for folks who had the ability to speak Dari Pushto.. The way the CIA works is that they empower local agents to do the job for them, the technology used is only to track down enemy locations after they have gathered intelligence.

Again the only reason why Mossad isn't number one is because it operates 90% of the time within central asia and the middle east. Where as the CIA has its hands in everyones pockets, like i said before i wouldn't be surprised if they had sleeper agents in every single country in the world....

What does your uncle have to say about RAW? I hope they are at least partially capable of carrying out their duties, although I seriously doubt it.
This Arabic/Hebrew word Mossad (institution) cannot teach the student of its,to prepare against Lebanon.

But we are talking about best agencies not Mossad, What Israel done in last 60 years? Only declared the wars on neighbor's civilians with the help of entire Europe and America every Zionist and Christian support that.
Even BBC a news web is better than Mossad agency

Actually there are some people who doesn't know about facts and creating their own brain children. Only for some more Arm deals and Money :rofl:
Otherwise they doesn't have any historical or present involvement on those religions and countries.

Anyways back on to the topic
CIA , M16 and NATO failed in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Russians intelligence they already failed in Afghanistan during 80s now :lazy: (sleeping) in corner.
Chinese well we will see soon their guts when they will launched attack on India (border tension).
This is a special kind of rocket launcher it is a M72 Law Launcher. Notice how this is not the same rocket launcher used by the Taliban nor any insurgent or separatist group in Pakistan, they always use the RPG.

Taliban (or any other insurgent groups) do not order weapons in bunches. Obviously, they snatch whatever they can lay their hands on. So, it's foolish to mark something 'not used by Taliban'.

For rest of your post, there is nothing which can be called evidence. They are just plain statements like "RAW did this", "these are RAW men" etc.
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