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Best Intelligence Agencies

fuh!! leave it the arm-chair analyst to rank intelligence agencies based on Hollywood movies and spy-novels. A reasonable search of scholarly sources will reveal that based on budget and technology the Iran's Ministry of Intelligence and National Security is by far the most operationally successful agency since the 80's. Did its part in forcing the most powerful and advance military of middle east(IRAQ) to a stalemate. Agents and operators pretty much spread across the globe slaughtering and maiming Yankees and Zionists as they did with hundreds of American soldiers during 1983 Beirut barracks bombing or killing dozens of isreali intelligence agents and diplomats during the 1992 siege at the fortified Israeli Embassy in Argentina. Successfully supporting proxies in shiite enclaves of Pakistan, Lebanon, Iraq to form the Iranian "shia-crescent" and the list goes on and one. And lets not forget how they captured the west and north territory of Afghanistan in mere days when Pakistan abandoned its ally taliban government in 2001, and provided logistical support to its Persianized allies that are currently in power. In short the did their part in making Iran virtually untouchable despite its vintage air force or dilapidated arsenal.

On and speaking of Pakistan the Irani intelligence have cozy relations with ex-Pakistani Grand Ayatollah Bashir al-Najafi (he and his family were from Gujranwala), he is second in line after Grand Ayatollah Ali Sistani and to be a future leader of shia-majority in Iraq. Some of my Iraqi-Canadian colleagues tell me that Najafi is a big proponent of the shia-crescent and cares less if Pakistan breaks up as long as the shia majority areas gets annexed in the shia-crescent. :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:
We are like a huge harp with thousands of strings. From time to time one of them is ripped, but we will continue our music.
So help us God.

When it comes to effieciecy ISI is the best!!...RAW i dont think they can ever match ISI...raw even cant guess pakistan politics ...LOL...forget abt its military
ISI is surely in top 10 i guess but raw:tdown: cannot be in top 20.
i imagine raw consists of bunch of fat people who just sit in office from 10am to 5pm then go home with goodies for their children and getting salary for that.:angry:
ISI is surely in top 10 i guess but raw:tdown: cannot be in top 20.
i imagine raw consists of bunch of fat people who just sit in office from 10am to 5pm then go home with goodies for their children and getting salary for that.:angry:

Bro! RAW ppl are not that much simple as you are describing them here. From time to time they plan bomb blast in Pakistan to kill hundreds of innocent ppl.

Anyhow my vote will be for Musad. They are much batter and organized and on the same time they are dealing with many enemies very efficiently.
Here are some words that come to mind when I think of the following 6 intelligence agencies...

- Inefficient
- Major Intelligence Blunders/Inaccuracy
- Well Funded
- Global Reach with Spy satellites and more
-Too many intelligence leaks
- Water Boarding & Torture
-Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

2. KGB- Russia
-Accurate Killers (i.e. Litvinkenyo in London was assassinated)
-Well Funded
-Good at kidnapping people (like many Journalist and others)
-Tight control over agency and Russia (Putin Fmr. KGB Officer)

3. RAW -India
-Intelligence leaks
-Moderately effective at best
-Corruptible Officers (too much)
-Having difficulty keeping India together

4. MOSSAD -Zionist/Israel
-Ruthless and Barbaric
-Efficient Kidnappers
-Good Intelligence gathering
-good Counter strategy
-Very Deceptive
-Successful in Wars and events
-Good at brainwashing the masses both foreign and domestic

5. ISI -Pakistan
-Efficient at Kidnapping and Killing
-Good Intelligence gathering capability
-Deeply penetrated India & Afghanistan & Pakistan....
-Loyal Officers very disciplined
-Very deceptive
-Even with their meager resources they are capable to compete with well funded intelligence agencies.

6. Gestapo -Nazi Germany (Non-existent today obviously)
-Police State
-Efficient at kidnapping and killing
-Disciplined and loyal
-Ruthless and inhumane
-Good at brainwashing the masses domestic only
-Technological resources
-Well funded.

Hope you enjoy reading.
ISI is rogue. They have interests of their own. Until they are in power, they wont let the right civilian government to come into power. Hence we get all corrupted politicians each time.
Israel's MOSSAD is No.1. Ofcourse people are passionate about posting their own country's Intellignce ageny as number one but fact is fact. ranking of Mossad is indisputeable.
RAW is either a super duper agency,who always does dirty things perfectly with no evidence left or they are a bunch of TRASH who can do nothing,except a bit of showing off(even in that case they fail miserably)........and in my opinion the second part is true!!!
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