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Best COAS of Pakistan?

Actually---the only one of them who had any bit of character, a backbone and had a vision was Gen Musharraf. He did have his shortcomings---. His shortcoming was---

1. he had a very weak prime minister in the name of Nawaz Sharif---a pathetic and a gutless man---

2. he got the coalition of an equally disgusting Ch Shujaat

3. he was very weak when it came to providing justice.

If I have a choice to bring them back with a slight modification in their modus operandi---it would be Gen Musharraf.

Regardless of what I have said about this man---you cannot take one thing away from him----at every oppurtunity he gets----and at every oppurtunity he can creates----he comes out swinging for the defence of pakistan---there has been no a single critique who has gained an upper hand on Gen Musharraf.

Gen Kiyani is litetrally a 'coward'---whereas Musharraf always had pakistan as number 1-----Kiyani put his friendship top Mullen as number 1---.

Tomorrow we may open up nato routes and pak millitary start getting its stuff from u s---but the image of pakistan that has been smashed in front of the american public by Kiyani for not speaking up and fighting the media war---it is as close to being treasonous as it can get.

All of these generals had their moments of greatness---that would have literally put them in glowing tributes in the history books.

For Ayub---if he had not switched generals and given the opponents 48-72 hours reprive---Kiyani for acting during salala strike and then later speaking up for pakistan.

i'm curious as to what metrics and parameters you guys are using to determine the best from the bestest....:laugh:

this thread is emotional, in nature.......so therefore, quite useless! :meeting:


A discussion without emotion is worthless---the execution needs to be ice cold---but unless there is no head butting---explosions---collisions---yellings and screamings in a discussion---it means that either the participants are not serious---nobody wants to give an honest opinion---participants are afraid to speak up---or they have no vision and are clueless.
General Jehangir Karamat? How? His name(along with Mehmood Durrani) appeared in the memo controversy, he was supposed to be in alternative security team, tht was planned by Hussain Haqqani and his team, after the removal of Gen Kiyani and Gen Pasha(if they acted acc to their plan in memo case).. The fact tht he was to feature in a security team which would be obv extremely favored by US, makes me suspicious abt him..Why did Haqqani & his team thought him to be a strong fav of US, as opposed to Gen Kiyani and Gen Pasha? Also, i think, he is living in US after retirement and also works for a US think tank..I think i have heard it somewhere... So...ermm..doesnt speak too well for his patriotism.. Also , in Talat Hussain's prog, DR A.Q Khan on 28th May's prog this yr said, tht when there was discussion regd whether we should go for nuclear test, Gen Karamat was totally neutral, and had left it to civil govt..whether they want to do it or not.. Means he was neither very strongly in favor or against... this is acc to Dr A.Q Khan.dont know whether its entirely true.. But if its true, it means, he was not very enthusastic for nuclear tests

a lackluster, Nawaz puppy and and American stooge.
he was never missed by the army when sent off by Nawaz unceremoniously
a lackluster, Nawaz puppy and and American stooge.
he was never missed by the army when sent off by Nawaz unceremoniously

That's shocking news!

Is there any more details at the back of context?
1. he had a very weak prime minister in the name of Nawaz Sharif---a pathetic and a gutless man---


Dear M.K. i think you meant Shaukat Aziz.. but than i always had good image of Shaukat Aziz!
What was wrong ?

Kiyani for not speaking up and fighting the media war---it is as close to being treasonous as it can get.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakistan-army/186682-best-coas-pakistan-6.html#ixzz1xibhsH2l

I'm inclined to agree and i see where you are coming from! but than there was this media, who always blamed Kiyani as dictating foreign policy!
Kiyani for acting during salala strike and then later speaking up for pakistan.

That was disappointing to learn troops have no orders of fire back, even in self protection.
Unfortunately for the Pakistan, The Officers of Pak Army that Pakistan inherited in 1947 were mediocre at best. While Pakistan Air Force Inherited officers of the caliber of Asghar Khan and Nur Khan, Pakistan Army got Musa Khan and Ayub Khan. While Ayub Khan was a very likeable fellow, he was not too bright.

Ayub Khan ruled the country from 1958 to 1969 and left in charge one of the worst Army Chief in charge ( Yahya Khan). This was no accident that he picked the worst officer and promoted him to be the Army chief. He knew from his personal experience, the Power wielded by an Army chief so he picked the weakest officer so that there was no threat to himself. Since then, it has been the tradition in Pakistan that no matter who is in power they always pick the weakest officer to take over as Army chief so that this Army Chief does not present a threat to them (the head of the State).

Bhutto picked Zia ul Haq because Jordan's King Hussain told Bhutto to promote Zia as " he was loyal like a dog". Zia ul Haq had served in Jordan on deputation and helped King Hussain put down Palestinian revolt/rebellion. Nawaz Sharif picked Musharaf over three other more senior and higher caliber officers because he was a "Miskeen Mohajir" and as such less of a threat. One of the officers senior to Musharaf was Lt. General Ali Kuli Khan (a superb officer) who was superseded by Nawaz because Ali Kuli was Asghar Khan's son in law and Nawaz did not trust him because of that.

Because the Army chief appointment's are highly political in nature, we never get the best person promoted to that position. In fact in Pak Army the, general staff appointments are highly politicized and often we do not get a fighting soldier type Generals. Generally, we get the yes man kind of Generals.

But werent both Gen Zia-ul-Haq and Gen Musharraf not a 'loyal as a dog and miskeen' because both took over from their so called masters and lead the nation. And Gen Musharraf was a SSG commando General. If that's not a fighting unit, than what is? LOL.
Dear M.K. i think you meant Shaukat Aziz.. but than i always had good image of Shaukat Aziz!
What was wrong ?

I'm inclined to agree and i see where you are coming from! but than there was this media, who always blamed Kiyani as dictating foreign policy!


No---I meant about the time when Nawaz was the prime minister and Musharraf the Coas. Both Musharraf and Shaukat Aziz were taken out by media campaigns.

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