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Best Age to get Married

i got married at the age of 22 and i am 26 now 1 cute boy 18 months old happy life ALHAMDULILA
You should get married soon if you are financially stable bro if not then don’t get a job first make money and then think of marriage bro
getting married you will lose so much freedom but get so much more in married if you are married

Agree with u mate
wht is the best age to get married...?
P.S: Thanks Bhai for giving me gud topic...

If you mean to enjoy your bed life fully, make it before 25 and if you want to enjoy married life in which you have power to spend, you may go for it at whatever time in life you have that. Howerver delaying it to more years after 28 is a calculated compromise.
What Is the Best Age Difference for Husband and Wife?

Men marry younger women and women prefer to marry older men, in general. But is it culture, genetics or the environment that drives such a choice—and is there an optimal age difference? New research shows that, at least for the Sami people of preindustrial Finland, men should marry a woman almost 15 years their junior to maximize their chances of having the most offspring that survive.

"We studied how parental age difference at marriage affected [families'] reproductive success among Sami people who married only once in their lifetime," says ecologist Samuli Helle of the University of Turku in Finland. "We found that marrying women 14.6 years younger maximized men's lifetime reproductive success—in other words, the number of offspring surviving to age 18."

The researchers did this by examining church records of 700 marriages from the Utsjoki, Inari and Enontekiö populations from the 17th through 19th centuries (in order to eliminate the effects of modern medicine on child survival).

Yet, only 10 percent of these marriages were between men and women with that optimal age difference. The span ranged from men marrying women as much as 20 years older to women marrying men as much as 25 years older; the average age difference between husband and wife was three years. Marriage customs or the availability of reindeer to support a new family (the Sami people are reindeer herders) might be the reason that more Sami marriages did not display the optimum age difference, Helle says.

Ultimately, it is the age at which the woman begins bearing children that is the biggest factor in survival, the paper in Biology Letters suggests: Younger women, in general, bear more healthy children. Marrying an older woman or much older man proved the most detrimental to reproductive success.

Other research in modern day Sweden has shown that the ideal reproductive match is for a man to marry a woman six years his junior. But the cultural constraints on marriage may have changed. "Wealth was the most important factor in a [Sami] marriage," Helle notes. "Love played almost no role in it."

What Is the Best Age Difference for Husband and Wife?: Scientific American
For guys: 28-31 (max). So that you have a good establishment.

For girls: 25-26.

Remember, girls should always be at least a few years younger than the guy.
If you mean to enjoy your bed life fully, make it before 25 and if you want to enjoy married life in which you have power to spend, you may go for it at whatever time in life you have that. Howerver delaying it to more years after 28 is a calculated compromise.

mein samja nai...?
Another relationships topic! Anyway, can we give two opinion:

1. After retirement from work, in your seventies. That's when you'd really appreciate your spouse, in the absence of younger people who don't have even a few minutes to listen to you.

2. When they begin to bleed, they deserve to breed. And I suppose you'd prefer to breed in marriage! So, early teens.

Take your pick!
no offence lady but i think girls mature very fast & they tend d be more emotionally strong at young age but after 21-23 they are very rigid & stubborn kind + if they mary early & start a family early they tend to be more understanding & emotionally balanced & mentaaly satble ...but could you say the same about a girl who marries after say 25 ....i think not ...kindly dont mind OK

Nahi yaar being a girl I know a girl dont want to get married at 16-22.I respect your opinion but I have a diff. view on it.
Pyar b ajab shay he

Maa se payar hota hai to Ebadat
Baap se payar hota hai to Muqadas
Bhai se payar hota hai to Aqidat
Didi se payar hota hai ho to Farz
Wife se payar hota hai to
sab kehte hen k SALA BIWI ka GHULAM H hain
Be careful when marry with Burkas girls. They Don,t give pleasure and even hate french kiss.
28 is ideal for man.
18 is ideal for girl.
MAA-Beta Apple Khaoge,
MAA-Beta Mengo Khaoge,
MAA-Beta Orange Khaoge,
MAA-Bilkul Baap Par Gaya Hai,
Chappal Hi Khayega.
Nahi yaar being a girl I know a girl dont want to get married at 16-22.I respect your opinion but I have a diff. view on it.
Maybe it could be financially attractive to the girl and to her parents because the responsibility of financing her higher education transfers to the husband. But we're talking different traditions so can't generalize.
15 years ---Tenth complete
20 years ---graduate complete
23 years ---Masters complete
25-26 years ---job/house/car/other things
26 years ---Marraige
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