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Berlin court allows Prophet (PBUH)’s cartoons to be displayed at rally

This is the Fourth Reich.

If this is the fourth Reich then Russia is still the USSR.

Yeah, I can totally see the genocide against the blacks in Israel by state sponsored terror and persecution. Millions of Africans have been annihilated in death camps and mass murder has been conducted on a industrial scale, and all this pales before the Holocaust, where as few as a minimum of 11 million people were exterminated. This holocaust in Israel is not carried out by a few misguided vigilantes who have gone after some black immigrants, but it is a state endeavor which is aimed at exterminating the blacks from the country.
Suppose i tag along with your absurd logic, even then I wouldn't be surprised if it goes that far from here. You never know.

Your comparison is totally insane, just to be clear.
Then you're seriously lacking in the history (propaganda) lessons they taught you in school. There was a point in my comparison, try to work your brain a little harder then i'm sure you'll get it, otherwise if not i'll be kind enough to explain the obvious once you prove that you still can't understand.

So you find it funny that dark skinned people who share complexion with 95% of indians are getting beaten up in israel and their property being looted because of their dark skin color??
Gee, I don't know...:rolleyes:
Well, gee you should since you're living in Germany.

Maybe because the 'Stalinist experience' which the peoples of the Soviet-Union endured is absent among the Germans? And that no one is propagating Stalinism in Germany?

So you're justifying the acceptance of one ideology of mass murder while criticizing the other? Wow, you're so not a hypocrite.

And the fact that present day 'communist' parties in Western countries never advocate the policies of mass starvation and mass execution that were employed by Stalin?
Not only Stalin, but all countries that came under the rule of that ideology of mass murder witnessed mass starvation, executions, labor camps, etc. Examples are China's cultural revolution, the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia, and brutal crushing of uprisings in Eastern Europe.

And secondly, how do you know if a Communist party would or would not apply similar if not more extreme policies as their predecessors did? I too can say "perhaps if a National Socialist party would be legalized and accepted, perhaps maybe this or that, blah blah blah, etc"???

Or the fact that almost no one is denying the mass murders that occurred at the hands of Stalin and his henchmen?
And who's denying the holohoax in Germany? Almost everyone in Germany is a devout holohoax believer, they take their daily dose of holohoax propaganda from schools and tv's.

So basically, just because no one is denying the mass murders committed under Stalin, Lenin, and other commie's therefore it is alright to allow this party in German politics. Wow, what a absurd logic.... So you're accepting that they and their ideology is responsible for the mass murder of millions in order to justify the acceptance of this ideology in Germany?

BTW, i find it strange how there are red army soldier monuments in Berlin, what a way to glorify the murderers and rapists of 2 million German women. A lot like stockholm syndrome.

Or the fact, among others, that by participating in a fair and free elections by present day 'communist' parties is in itself not communist at all as envisioned by Marxist himself, who was more thinking thinking in the line of a revolution by laborers?
But its still a ideology no different from Nazism (if we are to tag along with your thinking), according to what you said.

So you're justifying the existence of a communist party

Or the fact that Nazism is inherently linked with racism and and a extermination policy against specific groups and peoples
And communism is linked with flower girls and birthday parties?:lol:

(as witnessed and experienced by many Europeans), whereas Marxism in theory was intended to distribute the wealth equally among all and the strive for a classless society
Yeah, i'm sure those 60 million people murdered in cold blood got their distribution of wealth.

, and that perverted ideologies like Stalinism, Leninism or Maoism, that were derived from Marxism/Communism, have never taken root in and experienced by those countries that want to curb Nazism like Germany and Austria?
Marx was a German Jew, Engels was German and regardless of the different leaders it was the same ideology only different faces. Its like saying "Oh, "Osamaism" is a tolerant ideology but "al-qaedaism" is extremist and new".

Seriously, is holohoax and self hatred all they teach you people in schools??

So, taken all this into account, why would it make sense to ban social democrats or socialists that are not against the fundamental achievements of a democratic, egalitarian and forbearing constitutional state?
Then going by what you said above Hitler was a democratically elected leader (which he was, but this is probably news to you since you were taught to believe otherwise).

Just a few thoughts why your comparison is so wrong and invalid....
How so? Are we not discussing mass murdering ideologies? One which you disregard but the other you justify?

Don't see the contradiction at all.
Actually, you'd don't see a lot of things, unfortunately.
Explain something to me Desert Fox, why is it that a 20 year old Pakistani living in New York is so obsessed with Nazi Germany?
Its a bad decision every country should take care of its communities...It is not right to say it as "artistic freedom"....can artists paint only those cartoons????nothing is in the whole world to catch their attraction??
I may want to add a few words.

I believe this law is freedom of speech. Germany is not doing anything wrong by allowing such protesters. I, or you, may not agree with what the protesters may be doing at their planned rallies, but that is our problem.

Germany is far ahead of Pakistan in terms of 'freedom of speech and expression'. It's quite hypocritical for many Pakistanis do be chanting anti-Germany slogans when knowing what goes on in our country.
"The angels will ask those whom they carry off while steeped in sin: "What were you doing?" We were oppressed in the land, they will reply; they will say: "Was not the earth of Allah spacious enough for you to emigrate? "Hell shall be their home; a bad fate.
Personaly, I think the ban an Holocaust talk and Nazi symbols is an abridgement of free speach....watch them maybe...but nothing should be off limits. I also find comparing the murder of millions (including plenty of non-Jews) with a cartoon the height of ignorance...and makes those doing the comparison look like barely literate morons.
Because Israel isn't a "proper" country like Germany? Germany was naturally existing, and Israel was made by specific people for specific purposes? (no offence intended)

Very similar to another "nazariyati mulk" (ideological state) somewhere in the Indian subcontinent.

Forgetting the name for now...
If this is the fourth Reich then Russia is still the USSR.

Suppose i tag along with your absurd logic, even then I wouldn't be surprised if it goes that far from here. You never know.

Then you're seriously lacking in the history (propaganda) lessons they taught you in school. There was a point in my comparison, try to work your brain a little harder then i'm sure you'll get it, otherwise if not i'll be kind enough to explain the obvious once you prove that you still can't understand.

So you find it funny that dark skinned people who share complexion with 95% of indians are getting beaten up in israel and their property being looted because of their dark skin color??
Reich just means people, or state (nation would be a good English word)
You live in America. you can paint a swastika and display it. you won't go to jail for it.

This topic is about Germany, not America. If you can't defend the German double standards, then changing topic to America won't cut it.

Its time to grow a backbone and stop being so overtly sensitive to everything.

The issue is not about being sensitive, but to highlight the double standards in German application of hate-speech laws.

Pakistan and other countries who oppress their minorities could learn a thing or two from Germany.

Once again, the topic here is Germany, not Pakistan.

According to you, since Jo'burg is the rape capital of the world, any South Africans who get raped on vacation should not complain.

Come to Pakistan. There is plenty of freedom to abuse other religions and minorities who do not agree with Saudi or Irani Islam.

While gratuitous Pakistan-bashing is always good for cheap applause, it is not the topic here. Germany is the topic.

what is the big deal? It is just some cartoon.

There are endless of cartoons for popes, jesus christ and etc. I do not see christian uprising against those.

But nothing against the Jews.

Once you understand this 'special' treatment and the double standards, you will understand what this debate is about.

To prevent such an atmosphere coming into existence again in the "civilized world", the ban on holocaust was set up. In the first instance it was intended for the remaining Nazi sympathizers from after the war, but it gradually was passed into a warning for everybody, to remind us of human nature.

Now that World War 2 is becoming more and more a distant past, the incomprehension for such a ban is increasing. That is understandable, but people should get rid of the misconception that the law was put in place to protect the Jews.

You are right about the intent of the Holocaust-denial law. However, there is also the law against inciting hate speech, which tends to favor Jewish sensibilities more than other minority groups. Again, the historical legacy of the Holocaust is surely relevant here.

German Anti-Semitism Laws Stifle Critics of Israel : NPR
Lowtf man? Not cool brother

True story...


British schools are increasingly dropping the Jewish Holocaust from history lessons to avoid offending Muslim pupils, according to a report entitled, Teaching Emotive and Controversial History, commissioned by the Department for Education and Skills.

British teachers are also reluctant to discuss the medieval Crusades, in which Christians fought Muslim armies for control of Jerusalem: lessons often contradict what is taught in local mosques.

In Nottingham, the Greenwood Primary School cancelled a Christmas nativity play; it interfered with the Muslim festival of Eid al-Adha. In Scarborough, the Yorkshire Coast College removed the words Christmas and Easter from their calendar not to offend Muslims.

Spare me with the apologies and the ever present crying how the world is unjust to you.....
Reich just means people, or state (nation would be a good English word)

I know that, but a common belief or understanding is that the "Fourth Reich" would be a direct successor of the National Socialist Germany of Adolf Hitler.

Today's Germany and its Government are not referred to as the "Reich", i'm sure anyone who does so would be sent packing to prison.

Explain something to me Desert Fox, why is it that a 20 year old Pakistani living in New York is so obsessed with Nazi Germany?

Why are you dragging me personally into the thread? Stick to the thread topic which is about the double standards of the German government, as has been rightfully pointed out by me and other respectful members like Icarus, Developereo, and many more.

PS, i'm not 20.
If you are a muslim and you feel you are being persecuted, the Quran says it in simple words to get the hell out of that country and move somewhere where you will not be persecuted. If you dont then you will burn in hell.
Its actually quite surprising (on second thoughts may be not), the "moral indignation" from people whose own country is probably the worst all over the world, not only for non Muslims but even for Muslims not belonging to the "right denomination". Much the same can be said about most of their Islamic world.

Before railing on others (kaffir states that you have nothing to do with), why not look inwards and try to improve your own place. That will be within your sphere of influence.

You also get to set an example that others can follow.

Right now, your example is hardly inspiring and makes you utterly unsuitable for making demands on others.

Regarding "double standards", it is actually double standards for some people here to oppose "double standards" in other places, given their own reality.

Probably they need to try harder, given the "wrong denomination"... ;)
Its actually quite surprising (on second thoughts may be not), the "moral indignation" from people whose own country is probably the worst all over the world, not only for non Muslims but even for Muslims not belonging to the "right denomination". Much the same can be said about most of their Islamic world.

Before railing on others (kaffir states that you have nothing to do with), why not look inwards and try to improve your own place. That will be within your sphere of influence.

You also get to set an example that others can follow.

Right now, your example is hardly inspiring and makes you utterly unsuitable for making demands on others.

Regarding "double standards", it is actually double standards for some people here to oppose "double standards" in other places, given their own reality.

Probably they need to try harder, given the "wrong denomination"... ;)

This coming from a person who comes from a country where being a women is a curse, where Christian nuns get paraded around naked by mobs. And before you jump to silly responses, do keep in mind no one on this thread claimed Pakistan as a superior country to Western countries when it comes to basic human rights, we're just pointing out the double standards in German law, as stated before.
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