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Berlin court allows Prophet (PBUH)’s cartoons to be displayed at rally

It's ironic that the attempt to prevent a cult of personality by forbidding images of Mohamed has backfired horribly and had the opposite effect.
Al-Nasaa’i narrated (4071) that Abu Barzah al-Aslami said: A man spoke harshly to Abu Bakr al-Siddeeq and I said, ‘Shall I kill him?’ He rebuked me and said, ‘That is not for anyone after the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) .’”

(Saheeh al-Nasaa’i, 3795)

In the Sunnah, Abu Dawood (2683) narrated that Sa’d ibn Abi Waqqaas said: “On the Day of the Conquest of Makkah, the Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him) granted safety to the people except for four men and two women, and he named them, and Ibn Abi Sarh… As for Ibn Abi Sarh, he hid with ‘Uthmaan ibn ‘Affaan, and when the Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him) called the people to give their allegiance to him, he brought him to stand before the Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him). He said, “O Prophet of ALLAH, accept the allegiance of ‘Abd-Allah.” He raised his head and looked at him three times, refusing him, then he accepted his allegiance after the third time. Then he turned to his companions and said: “Was there not among you any smart man who could have got up and killed this person when he saw me refusing to give him my hand and accept his allegiance?” They said, “We do not know what is in your heart, O Messenger of ALLAH. Why did you not gesture to us with your eyes?” He said, “It is not befitting for a Prophet to betray a person with a gesture of his eyes.”

(Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 2334)

Abu Dawood (4361) narrated from Ibn ‘Abbaas that a blind man had a freed concubine (umm walad) who used to insult the Prophet (peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him) and say bad things about him. He told her not to do that but she did not stop, and he rebuked her but she did not heed him. One night, when she started to say bad things about the Prophet (peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him) and insult him, he took a short sword or dagger, put it on her belly and pressed it and killed her. The following morning that was mentioned to the Messenger of ALLAH (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). He called the people together and said, “I adjure by ALLAH the man who has done this action and I adjure him by my right over him that he should stand up.” The blind man stood up and said, “O Messenger of ALLAH, I am the one who did it; she used to insult you and say bad things about you. I forbade her, but she did not stop, and I rebuked her, but she did not give up her habit. I have two sons like pearls from her, and she was kind to me. Last night she began to insult you and say bad things about you. So I took a dagger, put it on her belly and pressed it till I killed her.” Thereupon the Prophet (peace and blessings of ALLAH be upon him) said: “Bear witness, there is no blood money due for her.”

(Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 3655)
Your very exestence is poisonous to Pakistan. Mods I can't believe you allowed that post? Is it perfectly alright to promote killing people? His false hadith embarass us muslims, it's EXACTLY 100% because of people like him this event happened, inshallah the punishment the people who drew are going to get you will share.
Now I can bet my life Indians, Israelis, Americans etc. are gonna use his post against us.
Your very exestence is poisonous to Pakistan. Mods I can't believe you allowed that post? Is it perfectly alright to promote killing people? His false hadith embarass us muslims, it's EXACTLY 100% because of people like him this event happened, inshallah the punishment the people who drew are going to get you will share.
Now I can bet my life Indians, Israelis, Americans etc. are gonna use his post against us.

did you bother checking the authenticity before declaring it false? and btw for you every person who speaks against the funny cartoons of beloved Prophet (PBUH) is radical? and his existence is danger for Pakistan? wow then what are your parameters for a true muslim and a patriotic Pakistani?

And btw who are you to judge my credibility? Had i said that i am not bothered about these cartoons then i was a good and patriotic Pakistani in your eyes wow ....

You dont wana trust Hadith upto you my work was to share them ...If you ever read Quran in your life you must know what it is to make the mockery of Prophet (PBUH)

Btw why you are calling in the mods now , why not before

People like you have found one excuse to tag everyone who speaks about islam as a radical and threat to the existence of Pakistan just to save your overly-liberal self
did you bother checking the authenticity before declaring it false? and btw for you every person who speaks against the funny cartoons of beloved Prophet (PBUH) is radical? and his existence is danger for Pakistan? wow then what are your parameters for a true muslim and a patriotic Pakistani?

And btw who are you to judge my credibility? Had i said that i am not bothered about these cartoons then i was a good and patriotic Pakistani in your eyes wow ....

You dont wana trust Hadith upto you my work was to share them ...If you ever read Quran in your life you must know what it is to make the mockery of Prophet (PBUH)

Btw why you are calling in the mods now , why not before

People like you have found one excuse to tag everyone who speaks about islam as a radical and threat to the existence of Pakistan just to save your overly-liberal self
I'm not one of your sheep kind to simply read about some random Imams and scholars and boring chains of narrators. Any hadith that is agaisnt the Qur'an, or insults the character of the Prophet SAW is false, that much is obvious and we don't need to be a scholar to deny that.
This hadith, no matter how "authentic" is obviously false because the Quran has VERY VERY strict guidelines on who is eligible for capital punishment, and there was nothing about this in the Quran. And if your gonna reply that the Quran orders to obey the prophet, just remember the prophet said nothing against the Quran.

Plus, I never said speaking agaisnt this makes you a radical, you're putting words in my mouth - shows what a pious muslim you are, now don't tell me, you have a hadith up your sleeve that allows lying too? Let me make this clear, im also against this, but i'm not talking about MURDERING these people because theyre misguided, the should be show the true meaning of Islam, and I know Islam teaches tolerance, inshAllah(swt) someday these people might correct their way and Allah SWT may give them hidaya, but if we were to believe you and kill them we would both go to hell, and more of these people will be seen.
I didnt call mods before because it was a civilised debate going on not babaric calls to murder them.
No need to ban freedom of expression in any part of the world but in Islam, it announces death to people who uses abuse to Mohammad.

There can be freedom of expression for Allah, but ALLAH does not accept against Mohammad.

There is no need to make cartoon of Him , it creates unrest in Muslim society because in this case Muslims are bound to kill this people/person. Islam doesn't support freedom of expression for Mohammad.

Indeed, i agree that killing one person (regardless of his/her faith) is like killing whole of humanity.

1. Why should there be a holo[caust] memorial in Washington DC and not a Memorial for the 60 million Russians, Ukrainians, and many more who were murdered by Bolsheviks (many of whom were Jews). Or why not a memorial for the millions starved in the Bengal famine initiated by the British Empire?


Dear DF,

Go ahead and gather funds and build one for Russians, for Bengalis, or whoever you want to mourn, go ahead and build one. you don't have to make fun of Jewish sufferings in order to prove your point.


I'm only exercising my freedom of expression, i'm only representing myself as a individual and those who share my views, not any particular country. Is it not my right to do so, so as long as i don't infringe on anyone's rights?

But this is the wrong thread. don't you even realize?

Jews have nothing to do with the cartoons. And yet post after post yourself and many others are dragging those poor souls over and over and over and over again.

Don't you even realize that many Jewish people will support your efforts to stop the stereotyping of Muslims settled in EU?

Just be humane please. No need to fan the intolerance against one group to protest for tolerance towards the other.

If you still want to get your anger out, open a separate thread.

I am sure PDF mods will go easy on you.

Agreed almost 100% but it's time to scrap these Holocaust denial and Anti-Nazi laws.

Maybe, you're right.

I tend to agree that such laws would be seen as a deprivation of our freedom, but I also understand why there could be a need for it. These laws were adopted after the war so that we wouldn't forget the horrors that were inflicted during the Holocaust, it reminds us of the atrocities that our fellow human beings had committed and that we potentially could commit ourselves. Some people would argue that handing over this little bit of freedom is worthwhile. The necessity for such laws were borne out of the ashes of one of the most brutal regimes in the world. Denying facts that happened under that regime cannot be allowed to take hold in society, because ultimately we never want this type of regimes to rise again, now do we?

You've been told why the Nazi laws were enacted, ignoring the simple fact won't make it any less true.

You think that these laws were enacted to spare the feelings of Jews?

Secondly, those laws are in place even today not because they really do not want to offend the Jews but because they do not want anyone to praise their shame. They do not want to glorify the mass execution of 6 million Jews and others who've been murdered in the name of Germany.

You're right, the law against Holocaust denial has not so much to do with special care for the victims of the Holocaust. At that time the prohibition on the Holocaust denial was established "so that we would not forget". Not intrinsically for the Jews and other victims of the Holocaust. The ban was the outcome of the shock that the world felt in those days.

Was it the first time that a genocide was committed? No, history is full of it. But that it could happen in the birthplace of civilization, with the largeness of scale, in a ruthless and manufacturing manner by a nation that was regarded as the most civilized and advancing by almost everyone, brought about a feeling of horror that didn't only address the Nazi's. Because if the German 'master race' could be enticed to such pure evil, then everybody could be moved to such evil.

To prevent such an atmosphere coming into existence again in the "civilized world", the ban on holocaust was set up. In the first instance it was intended for the remaining Nazi sympathizers from after the war, but it gradually was passed into a warning for everybody, to remind us of human nature.

Now that World War 2 is becoming more and more a distant past, the incomprehension for such a ban is increasing. That is understandable, but people should get rid of the misconception that the law was put in place to protect the Jews.

It's ironic that the attempt to prevent a cult of personality by forbidding images of Mohamed has backfired horribly and had the opposite effect.

A special expression of 'freedom of speech' just for you:


Maybe, you're right.

I tend to agree that such laws would be seen as a deprivation of our freedom, but I also understand why there could be a need for it. These laws were adopted after the war so that we wouldn't forget the horrors that were inflicted during the Holocaust, it reminds us of the atrocities that our fellow human beings had committed and that we potentially could commit ourselves. Some people would argue that handing over this little bit of freedom is worthwhile. The necessity for such laws were borne out of the ashes of one of the most brutal regimes in the world. Denying facts that happened under that regime cannot be allowed to take hold in society, because ultimately we never want this type of regimes to rise again, now do we?

Jee, i wonder if the Taliban also had a excuse for their freedom-restricting laws.

By the way, why is there a German Communist Party (known as the DKP)? Communists/Marxists and their ideology is responsible for the deaths of 60 million people in the former USSR alone, and millions more worldwide.

Ban the NAZI's, forbid holohoax denial, but allow the Commie's??? Sorta contradicts what you stated in your post (the bolded parts).
Its not just any cartoon though is it. Its quite offensive and essentially associated Mohammed and Islam with violence and terrorism. But the response it generated from the Islamic world didn't really help. :undecided:
Was it the first time that a genocide was committed? No, history is full of it. But that it could happen in the birthplace of civilization, with the largeness of scale, in a ruthless and manufacturing manner by a nation that was regarded as the most civilized and advancing by almost everyone, brought about a feeling of horror that didn't only address the Nazi's. Because if the German 'master race' could be enticed to such pure evil, then everybody could be moved to such evil.

To prevent such an atmosphere coming into existence again in the "civilized world"
, the ban on holocaust was set up. In the first instance it was intended for the remaining Nazi sympathizers from after the war, but it gradually was passed into a warning for everybody, to remind us of human nature.

Uh Oh! Looks like the victims themselves aren't adhering to their own advice, i think you would agree with me considering what you stated in your post (that is if you are a man of your words):

Thousands of Israelis, including high-profile politicians, attended an anti-African demonstration in Tel Aviv. The rally turned violent, with attacks on Africans and grocery shop windows being smashed.

*The gathering, which took place in Tel Aviv’s Hatikva neighborhood, targeted the influx of African asylum seekers and was organized by Michael Ben Ari, a Knesset member from the National Union party, along with far-right activists Itamar Ben-Guir and Baruch Marzel, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reports.

Israeli Kirstallnacht: Violent attacks against people of dark skin color

Demonstrators have attacked African migrants in Tel Aviv in a protest against refugees and asylum-seekers that indicates an increasingly volatile mood in Israel over what it terms as "infiltrators".

Miri Regev, a member of the Israeli parliament, told the crowd "the Sudanese are a cancer in our body". The vast majority of asylum-seekers in Israel are from Sudan and Eritrea.

Around 1,000 demonstrators took part in the demonstration on Wednesday night, waving signs saying: "Infiltrators, get out of our homes" and "Our streets are no longer safe for our children." A car containing Africans was attacked and shops serving the refugee community were looted. Seventeen people were arrested.

A reporter for the Israeli daily Maariv described it as an "unbridled rampage" and explosion of "pent-up rage".

"Suddenly one of [the protesters] noticed that in one of the cars waiting for traffic to move were two young dark-skinned men, apparently foreign workers. For the hundreds of inflamed and enraged young people, that was all they needed. Within minutes, they dismantled – there is no other word to describe it – the car and its passengers. Some of them smashed the windows with their hands and rocks, others kicked the car, bent the plastic parts and tried to attack the people inside. 'I'm not from Sudan, I'm not from Sudan,' the driver tried to tell the assailants, but nobody was listening at that stage."

Israelis attack African migrants during protest against refugees | World news | guardian.co.uk

Violent Anti-African Race Riot Rocks Israel, Black Men and Women Beaten

Israeli minors charged with robbing, beating African migrants in Tel Aviv Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper

Maybe, you're right.

I tend to agree that such laws would be seen as a deprivation of our freedom, but I also understand why there could be a need for it. These laws were adopted after the war so that we wouldn't forget the horrors that were inflicted during the Holocaust, it reminds us of the atrocities that our fellow human beings had committed and that we potentially could commit ourselves. Some people would argue that handing over this little bit of freedom is worthwhile. The necessity for such laws were borne out of the ashes of one of the most brutal regimes in the world. Denying facts that happened under that regime cannot be allowed to take hold in society, because ultimately we never want this type of regimes to rise again, now do we?

I understand where you're coming from but the war ended 67 years and Europe has moved ahead of far right nationalism. Although it seems that the far right are slowly gaining more popularity but thats a another story.
Let the Grown up men have their childish fun with a cartoon..
We have the same Love and respect for Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) as ever..
When Abraha was sure he will destroy Kaaba.Allah dealt him with little birds (Most Muslims will know what i mean)..
Now some of the Infidels are too proud of their military and financial prowess and blatantly wants to disrespect our religious Icons with sole purpose of Hurting our feelings..
Lets leave it on the one we Believe in....
Our Allah Loves Mohammad PBUH and will deal with those who want to insult Him....
I wont waste my time on discussing this topic or being angry..I will Pray to Allah to shower His wrath on those who want to Disrespect His Most beloved Being..
I request all Muslims to do the same...
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