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Berlin court allows Prophet (PBUH)’s cartoons to be displayed at rally

Just making a point, how is it okay to hurt the sentiments of 1 billion+ Muslims but one can go to jail just for openly denying the holohoax because it "hurts" the sentiments of Jews???

My sentiments are not hurt by these Cartoons. Because my faith is stronger than a bunch of stupid cartoons.

If they want to display these images, then go right ahead.

Its time to grow a backbone and stop being so overtly sensitive to everything.

As for the holocaust, denying it is a crime due to the anti-nazi laws passed in 1947 in some European countries because there was fear that Nazis could re-constitute.

Other countries don't have that law.

In Turkey there is a law that you will go to jail if you insult Turkishness such as burning a Turkish Flag. Every country is different.
Oh, yeah, i wonder what the Berlin court thinks of these fine pieces of art:





They will jail you because its illegal to possess Nazi Materials.

In USA, you wont. So you won't go to jail. :D
Would Berlin court also allow a person to openly display the Swastika and Holocaust Denial Poster Boards?

Oh, i forgot, the person who does so would be sent to prison. So much for freedom of speech/expression.

Germany is touchy about the holocaust as they were the chief perpetrators behind it. How does it compare to this specific ruling ?

The United States isn't all too touchy for precisely the same reason.
My sentiments are not hurt by these Cartoons. Because my faith is stronger than a bunch of stupid cartoons.

If they want to display these images, then go right ahead.

Its time to grow a backbone and stop being so overtly sensitive to everything.

As for the holocaust, denying it is a crime due to the anti-nazi laws passed in 1947 in some European countries because there was fear that Nazis could re-constitute.

Other countries don't have that law.

Neither are mine, i know better not to start rioting, smashing windows, or even kill someone over this, but there are people who will do such things in response to these cartoons, some will use this as an opportunity to forward their nefarious agendas (brainwashing little children to hate, etc), others will really get offended and not be able to control their anger.

Displaying NAZI posters and denying holohoax is also "freedom of expression" and "freedom of speech", so why do they arrest people over that is just ridiculous.

In Turkey there is a law that you will go to jail if you insult Turkishness such as burning a Turkish Flag. Every country is different.

Turkey is a secular country and a NATO member and the law regarding punishment for burning the national flag, even in America you can get into a lot of trouble for doing that but such a law is understandable since it concerns the Nations National Banner. My point is if its a crime to hurt the sentiments of a religious group (Jews) why should it not be a crime to hurt the religious sentiments of another religious group (Muslims)? Is it okay to draw images of Islam's most holiest figure (PBUH) and aggravate/agitate 1 billion+ Muslims but one can go to jail for offending a few million Jews. Now when it comes to other Muslims countries and their ridiculous laws (some of their laws are ridiculous) these same Western countries and their so called "human rights organizations" can't help but to stick their noses in the affairs of these countries.

They will jail you because its illegal to possess Nazi Materials.

In USA, you wont. So you won't go to jail. :D

Yep, just exercising my freedom of expression.

I would love it if the muslims throw Seig Heil salutes at the protesters as they enter and leave the mosque, then they can say "Oh I was just pointing to that tall building there!"

Now imagine if all of Germany's Muslims pull out Nazi Swastika flags and start marching on the streets, what are the authorities going to do? Arrest all of them?
Neither are mine, i know better not to start rioting, smashing windows, or even kill someone over this, but there are people who will do such things in response to these cartoons, some will use this as an opportunity to forward their nefarious agendas (brainwashing little children to hate, etc), others will really get offended and not be able to control their anger.

Displaying NAZI posters and denying holohoax is also "freedom of expression" and "freedom of speech", so why do they arrest people over that is just ridiculous.

Then why don't you go to the German Consulate in New York and tell them to end the Anti-Nazi Laws Passed in Germany in 1947. Till then deal with it.

Here is their address: 871 United Nations Plaza, New York, NY
Germans have a history with racism, nothing new from these uber bigots. We the muslims of today don't know what Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) looked like then how can these kaffirs do?

O really? Germany is a very tolerant country. Read this article, genius:

Hamburg signs historic deal with Muslims - The Local

Pakistan and other countries who oppress their minorities could learn a thing or two from Germany.

My sentiments are not hurt by these Cartoons. Because my faith is stronger than a bunch of stupid cartoons.

If they want to display these images, then go right ahead.

Its time to grow a backbone and stop being so overtly sensitive to everything.

As for the holocaust, denying it is a crime due to the anti-nazi laws passed in 1947 in some European countries because there was fear that Nazis could re-constitute.

Other countries don't have that law.

In Turkey there is a law that you will go to jail if you insult Turkishness such as burning a Turkish Flag. Every country is different.

Agreed almost 100% but it's time to scrap these Holocaust denial and Anti-Nazi laws.
My sentiments are not hurt by these Cartoons. Because my faith is stronger than a bunch of stupid cartoons.

If they want to display these images, then go right ahead.

Its time to grow a backbone and stop being so overtly sensitive to everything.

As for the holocaust, denying it is a crime due to the anti-nazi laws passed in 1947 in some European countries because there was fear that Nazis could re-constitute.

Other countries don't have that law.

In Turkey there is a law that you will go to jail if you insult Turkishness such as burning a Turkish Flag. Every country is different.


Well said.

I'll add a few comments if I may.

1. Why some Pakistanis are dragging in the Jewish holocaust? Two wrongs do not make it right. If you don't like the cartoons, that doesn't mean you start mocking the death of millions of jews. So please do not be insensitive jerk$ about holocaust.

2. No one knows how the face or body of Mohammad pbuh was like. So a caricature or a cartoon is meaningless. Now you know the wisdom of not saving the exact likeness of Mohammad pbuh. Don't you. No picture of him, no mockery or worship aka cult of personality.

3. even if the cartoon was "close enough", ask yourself what Mohammad pbuh would do if he was alive? We have several examples from His time. When He forgave people even when they insulted Him personally. Have you all forgotten about the time when a woman used to throw trash on Him whenever he passed by her house? What did He do? Huh? What did He do? Kill her? Heck no! One day when she wasn't there to throw trash on Him, He asked around and heard that she wasn't feeling well. Then what did He do? Huh? What did He do? Did He go to his house with weapons drawn? Heck no? He immediately went to her house for "Bimar pursy", to express her sincere wishes for her, to pray for her health.

Shame on you who claim to be His defender, and yet fail to follow His actions. Shame on you for inciting hatred in the name of one of the most peaceful and tolerant man. He was like Jesus PBUH, He too turned his other cheek when someone personally and physically assaulted Him.


Please stop inflaming emotions, please stop the maddness, and please stop the "cult of personality". your shouting and sloganeering brings the whole Islam down to a mad cult. This was never His intent that His would be followers would behave like primitive tribal Beduins.
Great decision from the German court. This has to be an obvious case in any country which claims to protect freedom of speech. Sure there are people here who poke at Germany for not allowing Nazi symbols. I ask them: what are you going to do if they allow it? Go around announcing that you are rabid anti-Semites?!
For me half-glass is better than empty glass. Inconsistency is better than consistency in cases of violation of freedom.
Neither are mine, i know better not to start rioting, smashing windows, or even kill someone over this, but there are people who will do such things in response to these cartoons, some will use this as an opportunity to forward their nefarious agendas (brainwashing little children to hate, etc), others will really get offended and not be able to control their anger.

Unsure on who the bigot is; the court for passing such a silly ruling or you for selling the Muslims short. The argument 'This land isn't free till I get to burn the flag and take a dump on the Constitution' is a little lost on me but I would take it any day over the 'Well, what did you expect? Muslims have crazies ready to riot and murder and now they have a motive' argument.
Unsure on who the bigot is; the court for passing such a silly ruling or you for selling the Muslims short.

And how am i a bigot? If you're going to throw accusations at me at least support it with proof. Secondly, where did i sell anyone short?

The argument 'This land isn't free till I get to burn the flag and take a dump on the Constitution' is a little lost on me
Nobody ever made that argument, at least not me, unless you are accusing me of saying something, if so prove i said such a thing otherwise this was just a rant on your part.

but I would take it any day over the 'Well, what did you expect? Muslims have crazies ready to riot and murder and now they have a motive' argument.
I stated facts, i don't sugar coat my arguments. Look at the last time when these cartoons were drawn and what happened?

Bring a better argument next time.

Great decision from the German court. This has to be an obvious case in any country which claims to protect freedom of speech. Sure there are people here who poke at Germany for not allowing Nazi symbols. I ask them: what are you going to do if they allow it? Go around announcing that you are rabid anti-Semites?!
For me half-glass is better than empty glass. Inconsistency is better than consistency in cases of violation of freedom.

What a pathetic excuse. There are many people who deny the holohaox and it is their right to openly express their beliefs just as anyone else would do. I can apply your pathetic excuse to other people who openly express their beliefs: "what are you going to do? Go around announcing that you are rabid homosexual sympathizer, feminists, civil rights activists, animal rights activists"??

Well said.

I'll add a few comments if I may.

1. Why some Pakistanis are dragging in the Jewish holocaust? Two wrongs do not make it right. If you don't like the cartoons, that doesn't mean you start mocking the death of millions of jews. So please do not be insensitive jerk$ about holocaust.

What if you don't believe millions of Jews died? And what if the people denying you the right to express your concern are the jerks?

Ever thought about it that way? After all freedom of expression/speech works both ways.

2. No one knows how the face or body of Mohammad pbuh was like. So a caricature or a cartoon is meaningless. Now you know the wisdom of not saving the exact likeness of Mohammad pbuh. Don't you. No picture of him, no mockery or worship aka cult of personality.

3. even if the cartoon was "close enough", ask yourself what Mohammad pbuh would do if he was alive? We have several examples from His time. When He forgave people even when they insulted Him personally. Have you all forgotten about the time when a woman used to throw trash on Him whenever he passed by her house? What did He do? Huh? What did He do? Kill her? Heck no! One day when she wasn't there to throw trash on Him, He asked around and heard that she wasn't feeling well. Then what did He do? Huh? What did He do? Did He go to his house with weapons drawn? Heck no? He immediately went to her house for "Bimar pursy", to express her sincere wishes for her, to pray for her health.

Shame on you who claim to be His defender, and yet fail to follow His actions. Shame on you for inciting hatred in the name of one of the most peaceful and tolerant man. He was like Jesus PBUH, He too turned his other cheek when someone personally and physically assaulted Him.


Please stop inflaming emotions, please stop the maddness, and please stop the "cult of personality". your shouting and sloganeering brings the whole Islam down to a mad cult. This was never His intent that His would be followers would behave like primitive tribal Beduins.

Rest of your post i agree with.

But people still have the right to express their beliefs no matter what, regardless of this incident.

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