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Berlin court allows Prophet (PBUH)’s cartoons to be displayed at rally

only a Muslim's sentiments would be hurt, but not hindus hiding behind a Pakistani flag

You don't sound like a Muslim :flame:

Muslims should just ignore these publicity stunts, let them have their field day, no need to get worked up over this.

Exactly. This whole stunt is done to illicit a response and then show the world how barbaric muslims are.

Why give them what they want?
what is the big deal? It is just some cartoon.

There are endless of cartoons for popes, jesus christ and etc. I do not see christian uprising against those.

Berlin court allows Prophet (PBUH)’s cartoons to be displayed at rally
Published: August 16, 2012
BERLIN: A far-right group won the right from a Berlin court Thursday to display provocative caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) during planned demonstrations outside mosques this weekend.
The administrative court in the German capital ruled that the group, Pro Deutschland, could brandish copies of Danish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) first published in 2005 which sparked violent protests around the globe.
Islamic law prohibits depictions of the Prophet (PBUH).
The court said it “rejected the urgent complaint filed by three Islamic mosque congregations to prevent the ‘citizens’ movement Pro Deutschland from showing so-called Mohammed caricatures in front of their premises during demonstrations on Saturday”.
It said the cartoons were protected as “artistic freedom” and could not legally be considered as abuse of a religious group.
“Simply showing the Mohammed cartoons does not qualify as a call to hatred or violence against a specific segment of the population,” the court said.
Police are bracing for clashes at the Berlin demonstrations after violence during similar protests by the extreme right against the Islamic Salafist community earlier this year in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia.
a bad move by germany. It will create further problem in a already tense situation. But amazed to find posters using the occasion to take pot shot at jews and holocaust. Classical case of barking at wrong tree.
My sentiments are not hurt by these Cartoons. Because my faith is stronger than a bunch of stupid cartoons.

If they want to display these images, then go right ahead.

Its time to grow a backbone and stop being so overtly sensitive to everything.

As for the holocaust, denying it is a crime due to the anti-nazi laws passed in 1947 in some European countries because there was fear that Nazis could re-constitute.

Other countries don't have that law.

In Turkey there is a law that you will go to jail if you insult Turkishness such as burning a Turkish Flag. Every country is different.

This is the right approach. Its about time people loosened up and stop taking themselves so seriously.
Let the Grown up men have their childish fun with a cartoon..
We have the same Love and respect for Our Holy Prophet (PBUH) as ever..
When Abraha was sure he will destroy Kaaba.Allah dealt him with little birds (Most Muslims will know what i mean)..
Now some of the Infidels are too proud of their military and financial prowess and blatantly wants to disrespect our religious Icons with sole purpose of Hurting our feelings..
Lets leave it on the one we Believe in....
Our Allah Loves Mohammad PBUH and will deal with those who want to insult Him....
I wont waste my time on discussing this topic or being angry..I will Pray to Allah to shower His wrath on those who want to Disrespect His Most beloved Being..
I request all Muslims to do the same...

lol, wauw.....mindblowing!

what is the big deal? It is just some cartoon.

There are endless of cartoons for popes, jesus christ and etc. I do not see christian uprising against those.

It's because they are special, with special needs.
what is the big deal? It is just some cartoon.

There are endless of cartoons for popes, jesus christ and etc. I do not see christian uprising against those.
You just offended your Pakistani friends....:lol:
There is no Reich! The last Reich to ever exist was the Third Reich, and displaying its colors can get you arrested in Germany, let alone for denying the holohoax.

Don't make ignorant comments, Hitler had respect for all Eastern Religions and i doubt this would have been allowed under him.

The current intolerant German regime is pro-Zionist which is why it is strictly forbidden to refute the holohoax, deny it, and display Swastika while its completely okay to display cartoon of Holy Prophet (PBUH) regardless of the sentiments of Muslims.

This is the Fourth Reich.
Jee, i wonder if the Taliban also had a excuse for their freedom-restricting laws.

By the way, why is there a German Communist Party (known as the DKP)? Communists/Marxists and their ideology is responsible for the deaths of 60 million people in the former USSR alone, and millions more worldwide.

Ban the NAZI's, forbid holohoax denial, but allow the Commie's??? Sorta contradicts what you stated in your post (the bolded parts).

Gee, I don't know...:rolleyes:

Maybe because the 'Stalinist experience' which the peoples of the Soviet-Union endured is absent among the Germans? And that no one is propagating Stalinism in Germany?

And the fact that present day 'communist' parties in Western countries never advocate the policies of mass starvation and mass execution that were employed by Stalin?

Or the fact that almost no one is denying the mass murders that occurred at the hands of Stalin and his henchmen?

Or the fact, among others, that by participating in a fair and free elections by present day 'communist' parties is in itself not communist at all as envisioned by Marxist himself, who was more thinking thinking in the line of a revolution by laborers?

Or the fact that Nazism is inherently linked with racism and and a extermination policy against specific groups and peoples (as witnessed and experienced by many Europeans), whereas Marxism in theory was intended to distribute the wealth equally among all and the strive for a classless society, and that perverted ideologies like Stalinism, Leninism or Maoism, that were derived from Marxism/Communism, have never taken root in and experienced by those countries that want to curb Nazism like Germany and Austria?

So, taken all this into account, why would it make sense to ban social democrats or socialists that are not against the fundamental achievements of a democratic, egalitarian and forbearing constitutional state?

Just a few thoughts why your comparison is so wrong and invalid....

Don't see the contradiction at all.
Uh Oh! Looks like the victims themselves aren't adhering to their own advice, i think you would agree with me considering what you stated in your post (that is if you are a man of your words):

Israeli Kirstallnacht: Violent attacks against people of dark skin color

Israelis attack African migrants during protest against refugees | World news | guardian.co.uk

Violent Anti-African Race Riot Rocks Israel, Black Men and Women Beaten

Israeli minors charged with robbing, beating African migrants in Tel Aviv Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper


Yeah, I can totally see the genocide against the blacks in Israel by state sponsored terror and persecution. Millions of Africans have been annihilated in death camps and mass murder has been conducted on a industrial scale, and all this pales before the Holocaust, where as few as a minimum of 11 million people were exterminated. This holocaust in Israel is not carried out by a few misguided vigilantes who have gone after some black immigrants, but it is a state endeavor which is aimed at exterminating the blacks from the country.

Your comparison is totally insane, just to be clear.:lol:
Yeah, I can totally see the genocide against the blacks in Israel by state sponsored terror and persecution. Millions of Africans have been annihilated in death camps and mass murder has been conducted on a industrial scale, and all this pales before the Holocaust, where as few as a minimum of 11 million people were exterminated. This holocaust in Israel is not carried out by a few misguided vigilantes who have gone after some black immigrants, but it is a state endeavor which is aimed at exterminating the blacks from the country.

Your comparison is totally insane, just to be clear.:lol:
Because Israel isn't a "proper" country like Germany? Germany was naturally existing, and Israel was made by specific people for specific purposes? (no offence intended)
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