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Benefits and disadvantages of Russia-Ukraine war for Iran

As Iranians, we have made a nasty habit of associating the fate of our country's progress with the actions of western superpowers. We need to get out of this mentality. We need to remember that we are too powerful to depend upon other countries politics now. The sooner we realize this the better. We have a market value gdp reaching almost 1.1 trillion USD, the highest in the Islamic world. We can literally purchase some begger countries in the region including the population within. And that is with sanctions. Imagine our potential without sanctions. That combined with the fact that militarily we can inflict serious pain on anyone now. Our missiles are battle-proven dead accurate up to 2500-3000 km, our air defense is layered (and tested), our UCAV fleet is large and growing, cyber warfare, navy, proxy forces in 5-6 countries are too much to deal with for Superpower led alliances let alone poor barking regional foes who we cause problems for but they do nothing in return, trust me that is not goodwill on their part, they know they can not do anything anymore. This is how this world works. Money, military and political influence means everything and as an ancient theocracy, we tick all the boxes now. We should rather focus on our economics, defense, science and technology, and education. If today we stand at ranking 9 globally in STEM research publishing (highest in Islamic countries) then we should aim for getting in top 5. Russian invasion of Ukraine or American threats to DPRK does not concern us and would not have any direct impact on us.

Agree with everything except the last sentence.

Iran has been one of the biggest losers of a US unipolar world. We have been waiting for this day for a lonnnng time. Already as a consequence of this war, the western leaders are tripping over themselves to quickly get the deal with Iran done.

Gas prices have become an existential threat to western governments. There will be riots and protests if gas prices reach a certain point, that the average person can no longer gas their car or heat their home.

If Iran returns, the psycological lift alone would be immense to calm the prices down. Iran has to play its cards carefully here. While it is in our interest to return to the JCPOA, it is not in our interest to act as the Western counter sanction nation.

Iran has suddenly become an even more geopolitically important nation overnight. And in a position where it is no longer feasible for the West to sanction her. This is a historical opportunity, that must be very carefully handled.

ps. on a side note, Iran really reaaaaaally needs to get her hands on a javelin. a high quality top attack ATGM is sorely missing in our inventory. Though this war has proved the worth of any anti-tank weapon (even basic RPGs)
Oil price increase due to sanctions is good for Iran.
Israel/Russia tensions due to war is good for Iran.
Higher world prices of food is bad for Iran.

China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan (CKU)Construction will officially begin in 2023.
CKU connects Iran by rail and connects Pakistan to Turkey, Europe and the Middle East.
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