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Benefits and disadvantages of Russia-Ukraine war for Iran

I expect a sharp increase in the volume of trade between our countries. Trade has already grown rapidly over the past couple of years, but will have to grow even faster. Now many of our Russian banks and company have nothing to fear, as they are under the same sanctions as the Iranian ones. This removes one of the major barriers to trading. Moreover, due to the inevitable decline of the Russian trade with many countries, many more niches are opened up for Iranian exports to Russia and Russia will be able to supply more to Iran.
I expect a sharp increase in the volume of trade between our countries. Trade has already grown rapidly over the past couple of years, but will have to grow even faster. Now many of our Russian banks and company have nothing to fear, as they are under the same sanctions as the Iranian ones. This removes one of the major barriers to trading. Moreover, due to the inevitable decline of the Russian trade with many countries, many more niches are opened up for Iranian exports to Russia and Russia will be able to supply more to Iran.
I imagine this kind of economic blockade would mean more incentive to sell aircraft to Iran to modernize its airforce. Russia could make billions from deals, on the other hand that might scare the west so much they would remove some sanctions LOL.

I think literally the last thing they would want is Su-35's in Iran.
ISRAEL..one big looser of this...why...Russia appeased Israel to be in the good books of Israeli lobby in the US to get favors from US..

That is no longer the case with all sanctions and bad blood against Russia in Washington..

ISRAEL winning card is no more with Russia..I expect the S 400 in Syria to see some action..and that is a benefit to Iran.
I expect a sharp increase in the volume of trade between our countries. Trade has already grown rapidly over the past couple of years, but will have to grow even faster. Now many of our Russian banks and company have nothing to fear, as they are under the same sanctions as the Iranian ones. This removes one of the major barriers to trading. Moreover, due to the inevitable decline of the Russian trade with many countries, many more niches are opened up for Iranian exports to Russia and Russia will be able to supply more to Iran.
It depends. Does Russian wheat have high gluten content? ;) I'd like to bake breads.
Depends on the outcome. If Russia is subdued then NATO can divert more resources to the Iranian theater.
But since America, which is majority of NATO has ducked attacking Iran directly for over 40 years, what you're saying is 100% virgin theory! not realistic.

Iran will become target for new emerging power.

Like who? none of them can stand on their own if they open a conflict with Iran
The real issue are the background actors, which you always ignore.
LIKE WHOOO? ISIS? aka NATO's proxy? you cant mention names cuz they dont exist or arent competent enough to take on Iran. Turkey is the biggest undercover threat to Iran in the region, and now that NATO is distracted, Turkey will keep shut, because it couldnt handle any conflict alone in the 1st place.
I imagine this kind of economic blockade would mean more incentive to sell aircraft to Iran to modernize its airforce. Russia could make billions from deals, on the other hand that might scare the west so much they would remove some sanctions LOL.
I think literally the last thing they would want is Su-35's in Iran.

I will not be surprised if Iran becomes the main buyer of Russian military aircrats in the coming years. On the one hand, American sanctions will probably reduce the circle of buyers of our jets and helicopters to a minimum, and on the other hand, even with the restoration of the JCPOA, remaining American and European sanctions will prevent Iran from purchasing new combat aircraft anywhere except Russia and China.
I will not be surprised if Iran becomes the main buyer of Russian military aircrats in the coming years. On the one hand, American sanctions will probably reduce the circle of buyers of our jets and helicopters to a minimum, and on the other hand, even with the restoration of the JCPOA, remaining American and European sanctions will prevent Iran from purchasing new combat aircraft anywhere except Russia and China.
Well I don't think so American and EU would ever sell Iran any weapon let alone fighter jets so technically the only available option for Iran would be China and Russia but there has been plenty of time since 2015 to sell us these weapons I wonder the reluctance is from Iran or them. ...
Well I don't think so American and EU would ever sell Iran any weapon let alone fighter jets so technically the only available option for Iran would be China and Russia but there has been plenty of time since 2015 to sell us these weapons I wonder the reluctance is from Iran or them. ...
Until October 2020 in fact, the previous restrictions were in effect, since, according to the JCPOA, the supply of militay aircrafts, tanks, etc. could only be carried out with the preliminary permission of the UN Security Council, and there the US blocked all.
Well I don't think so American and EU would ever sell Iran any weapon let alone fighter jets so technically the only available option for Iran would be China and Russia but there has been plenty of time since 2015 to sell us these weapons I wonder the reluctance is from Iran or them. ...
Until October 2020 in fact, the previous restrictions were in effect, since, according to the JCPOA, the supply of militay aircrafts, tanks, etc. could only be carried out with the preliminary permission of the UN Security Council, and there the US blocked all.
Yup, Iran was under arms embargo for many years.

No purchases from Iran because budgets were decreased due to heavy sanctions. No available money for procurement.
I presume, there will be a new JCPOA, given how desperate everyone is to sign it. This would give Iran the needed revenue for a long term procurement program of basically every kind of aircraft.

I don't seen any reason for there to be obstacles anymore. Albiet, I can still see the US quietly remove some sanctions in exchange for not selling anything to Iran. They are very petty like that. I hope Russia is pissed off enough to ignore their attempts lol.
Yup, Iran was under arms embargo for many years.

No purchases from Iran because budgets were decreased due to heavy sanctions. No available money for procurement.
I presume, there will be a new JCPOA, given how desperate everyone is to sign it. This would give Iran the needed revenue for a long term procurement program of basically every kind of aircraft.

I don't seen any reason for there to be obstacles anymore. Albiet, I can still see the US quietly remove some sanctions in exchange for not selling anything to Iran. They are very petty like that. I hope Russia is pissed off enough to ignore their attempts lol.

I doubt Russians sell anything , and their airforce performance is quite disappointing in Ukraine ...

Usa is directly sanction Russian and Lavorov want guarantee from USA for Russia interest in JCPOA , Russians actions are insulting ...
This will just exacerbate the Iran-phobia of the Gulf Arabs... The consequences of the Russian-West new cold war and hot wars.... Is a ramp up of Gulf Arab attacks on Iran...

Things will heat-up in Syria as well as Russia recedes and Iran and the counter Arab forces fight each other

Expect Yemen to also get worse because of the Russian-Ukranian war effects ..
Well I don't think so American and EU would ever sell Iran any weapon let alone fighter jets so technically the only available option for Iran would be China and Russia but there has been plenty of time since 2015 to sell us these weapons I wonder the reluctance is from Iran or them. ...
It seems Iran believes in self reliance and we can see the fruits now of a strong military arms manufacturing base.
As Iranians, we have made a nasty habit of associating the fate of our country's progress with the actions of western superpowers. We need to get out of this mentality. We need to remember that we are too powerful to depend upon other countries politics now. The sooner we realize this the better. We have a market value gdp reaching almost 1.1 trillion USD, the highest in the Islamic world. We can literally purchase some begger countries in the region including the population within. And that is with sanctions. Imagine our potential without sanctions. That combined with the fact that militarily we can inflict serious pain on anyone now. Our missiles are battle-proven dead accurate up to 2500-3000 km, our air defense is layered (and tested), our UCAV fleet is large and growing, cyber warfare, navy, proxy forces in 5-6 countries are too much to deal with for Superpower led alliances let alone poor barking regional foes who we cause problems for but they do nothing in return, trust me that is not goodwill on their part, they know they can not do anything anymore. This is how this world works. Money, military and political influence means everything and as an ancient theocracy, we tick all the boxes now. We should rather focus on our economics, defense, science and technology, and education. If today we stand at ranking 9 globally in STEM research publishing (highest in Islamic countries) then we should aim for getting in top 5. Russian invasion of Ukraine or American threats to DPRK does not concern us and would not have any direct impact on us.
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