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Benazir's new book has some startling revelations


Musharraf is a good man as he stands himself---the character of the support staff and political team leadership was very poor and he knew that up front.

For that reason he invited Shahbaz sharif for coalition govt---Shahbaz failed the PROTECT MOTHERLAND FIRST test and opted for the sharif family first---.

Then he asken Amin Fahim for assistance---the son of Talib ul Maula had no guts either and he opted for the Bhutto family first---.

Then Musharraf turned to our hero Imran Khan---who when he got the ultimate chance of serving the nation and put the money where his mouth is---he also turned turkey and ran away---the mand had no ballz when it counted the most---he stuck his tail between his legs and sauntered off.

In the end---Musharraf was left with gutless and spineless people like the Chaudhry brothers----.

These three are the true traitors of the nation---would the scenario be different if Sultan Tippu didnot have the likes of Mir Qasim or Siraj ud Daulah didnot have Mir Jaffar---those three stand on the same padestal as these two.

Remember no man is a nation in himself---it takes a team of hardworking pro active individuals with a vision of the future and selfless sacrifice to build a nation.

Well if Musharaf was surrounded by so many traitors than he could continue to serve by himself...
People turned away from him not because he got Ch brothers or political parties said that Musharaf was a traitor....instead general public was crushed in suicide blasts, corruption you name it...
Musharaf was not blind to see the corruption Q league did...

Musharaf could use Media to tell people about his situation if he was surrounded by so many traitors..

Media was wrong when they blamed Musharaf
Media is right when they blame PPP
Can you justify it?

Musharaf was on a donkey and PPP is on the horse..
They had same policies..Musharaf resisted more than PPP...but there policies were the same..

When our Army/Media is telling us about Blackwater activates and TTP….support of American agencies to RAW...and when you give us examples like Tipu Sultan....they did not run away from anything….Musharaf ran to the countries we blame for everything....
If he was so honest and a national leader he could have stayed in his land...

Sir check the history of leaders...they never ran away..
NS ran, Bhutto ran, Shaukat Aziz...everyone flee away leaving us behind....

Musharaf did good work during his tenure but the problem arises when people compare him with National Heroes..
Just because he was Army Chief and some people are ex army men does not mean that the army chief was a national hero...

Many people who were in Musharaf’s government blame him and vice versa…
Politicians did blunders and so did Musharaf

I have seen Musharaf "tun" during basant festivals personally...
Our Prophet Muhammad (Peace is upon Him) said if someone drinks than you can find all other bad habits in him...
anyways it is a separate issue

It is just my point of view...

People were with Tipu Sultan but how many people are with Musharaf..
Sir do not go into public just check the results in your own army...
Musharaf could hint his people (people of Pakistan) that he is left all alone...than you could see how many leaders you got...
Musharaf as a president had all the powers..so it does not matter if PM was a traitor or not...
He could exercise his power in positive things...we could appreciate him...

You cannot say everyone including support staff and politicians were bad and Musharaf was standing all alone...
It is not a lollywood movie....

anyways I respect your seniority
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Guess what---he is the only man that the indian leadership was ready to make peace with---so what do you think about that. How about some in the indian news media--they still show more respect for him than any other pakistani leader.

I too support Musharraf for Pakistan coz of multiple reasons... Pakistan, in my opinion, problem lies, is the unilateral strategy formation by political and military leaderships. To remove this once and for all, a leader accepted by both side should lead from the front. Obviously Musharraf is the chosen one.
QUOTE=ironman;594534]I too support Musharraf for Pakistan coz of multiple reasons... Pakistan, in my opinion, problem lies, is the unilateral strategy formation by political and military leaderships. To remove this once and for all, a leader accepted by both side should lead from the front. Obviously Musharraf is the chosen one.[/QUOTE]

Musharraf is the chosen one.

Chosen one...hmm..from whom?


Remember my words...

Musharaf will never get any leadership role in future!
People (pdf members) whom I liked to tell will see this..
Time will tell us...
Who was right...

Give your brain some more work and remember what I said...

Musharraf is the chosen one.

Chosen one...hmm..from whom?


Remember my words...

Musharaf will never get any leadership role in future!
People (pdf members) whom I liked to tell will see this..
Time will tell us...
Who was right...

Give your brain some more work and remember what I said...


Oops Jump and miss..... I was replying to MK's post.. just look at the quoted part kid.... :rofl:
^^ I know you replied to MK....

but I have "the" right to comment on any post kido

Sir check the history of leaders...they never ran away..

I have seen Musharaf "tun" during basant festivals personally...


Big big deal--Allama Iqbal used to 'tun' all the time---from where did you think the revelations to shikwah and jawab a shikwah came from---from a sane mind---absolutely not---they came about when all the inhibitions were lost---how about Mohammad Ali Jinnah---our beloved leader was alive on whiskey---where did his resource come from---.

Pakistanis have a misconception of what a president is---a president is a nobody if his team is a failure---Musharraf was no saint---we would all agree to that---but he was not the ultimate sinner.

Paks are a stupid nation---they have no vision---they make friends with deadly venomous snakes and believe that the snakes to whom they fed the milk will only go and poision someone else---.

Everybody in the world---outside of pakistan knew that suicide bombings were coming---it was just a matter of time---is there any pakistani on this board who ever condemned the suicide bomber attacks of palestinians against the israelis---I belive none---all of us cheered the suicide bombers---.

Kiddo---do you think that our enemies are utterly stupid for ever and ever---and they would not pounce on the idea of using our venom on us by our very own. The only fools in this scenario were the paks.

You know how thick headed and out of touch with reality we are----it has taken us 8 years and thousands of death of our dear ones and still we are so casual about it.

It all started with the steel mills didn't it---the movement against Musharraf----the brilliant pakistanis said that MITTAL is an indian---he will be treacherous and deceiful to pakistan---even the supreme court chif justice said that---these people had no clue who Mittal was and what he stood for---the only thing they could see was that he was an indian---that is all what pakistanis can see---that is where their vision ends---.

MITTAL the corporate ceo stood for success---Mittal the businessman had the reputation of buying mediocre steel mills and making them a success story---where MITTAL made purchases, success followed---the name of MITTAL brought confidence to partners but pakistan---the great pakistani judges who can only invest in burger kings and mcdonalds and pizza huts etc etc etc knew MITTAL very well and branded him an indian----guess what---the indian didnot want him either---because MITTAL didn't care for india either---only thing he stood for was his corporation and his interests.

The purchase that could have build up the pakistani steel industry---became the very reason for civil unrest in the country.

Building a nation requires TEAMWORK---paks are only at the translation stage of the meanings---they have not yet been able to comprehend the crux of the essence of the word to what it stands for.
Sir check the history of leaders...they never ran away..

I have seen Musharaf "tun" during basant festivals personally...


Big big deal--Allama Iqbal used to 'tun' all the time---from where did you think the revelations to shikwah and jawab a shikwah came from---from a sane mind---absolutely not---they came about when all the inhibitions were lost---how about Mohammad Ali Jinnah---our beloved leader was alive on whiskey---where did his resource come from---.

Pakistanis have a misconception of what a president is---a president is a nobody if his team is a failure---Musharraf was no saint---we would all agree to that---but he was not the ultimate sinner.

Paks are a stupid nation---they have no vision---they make friends with deadly venomous snakes and believe that the snakes to whom they fed the milk will only go and poision someone else---.

Everybody in the world---outside of pakistan knew that suicide bombings were coming---it was just a matter of time---is there any pakistani on this board who ever condemned the suicide bomber attacks of palestinians against the israelis---I belive none---all of us cheered the suicide bombers---.

Kiddo---do you think that our enemies are utterly stupid for ever and ever---and they would not pounce on the idea of using our venom on us by our very own. The only fools in this scenario were the paks.

You know how thick headed and out of touch with reality we are----it has taken us 8 years and thousands of death of our dear ones and still we are so casual about it.

It all started with the steel mills didn't it---the movement against Musharraf----the brilliant pakistanis said that MITTAL is an indian---he will be treacherous and deceiful to pakistan---even the supreme court chif justice said that---these people had no clue who Mittal was and what he stood for---the only thing they could see was that he was an indian---that is all what pakistanis can see---that is where their vision ends---.

MITTAL the corporate ceo stood for success---Mittal the businessman had the reputation of buying mediocre steel mills and making them a success story---where MITTAL made purchases, success followed---the name of MITTAL brought confidence to partners but pakistan---the great pakistani judges who can only invest in burger kings and mcdonalds and pizza huts etc etc etc knew MITTAL very well and branded him an indian----guess what---the indian didnot want him either---because MITTAL didn't care for india either---only thing he stood for was his corporation and his interests.

The purchase that could have build up the pakistani steel industry---became the very reason for civil unrest in the country.

Building a nation requires TEAMWORK---paks are only at the translation stage of the meanings---they have not yet been able to comprehend the crux of the essence of the word to what it stands for.

Musharraf was no saint---we would all agree to that---but he was not the ultimate sinner.

Proved my point..

anyways dear sir....you talked a lot about Alama and Quaid...
well...let me tell you something....maybe we all know about it in future....Most of Alama's work was not his own work period.....Quaid....I question Quaid's believes….his honorary name...anyways it is a separate issue...long story...

Paks are a stupid nation---they have no vision---
Agreed....but this stupid nation will…..you will see...

You know how thick headed and out of touch with reality we are----it has taken us 8 years and thousands of death of our dear ones and still we are so casual about it

Yeah..same here...I also posted the same thing in different thread..how stupid Musharaf and his team was....and how stupid people of Pakistan were/are....

I never mentioned Mittal thing in my post...don’t know where it came from...
anyways...in the end...

let me tell you something...
I always told people that Pakistan has a better future but worst has to come....and you will se the worst..how thick head it is...

I always talked about Palestine and Israel with unkown people..
You cannot talk on behalf of Pakistanis as you did....
anyways you are entitled to your...

anyways you proved my point..
Musharraf was no saint---we would all agree to that---but he was not the ultimate sinner.

Musharraf was no saint---we would all agree to that---but he was not the ultimate sinner.

Proved my point..


My good man---in an adult forum, you can only share your views---the readers decide if there is a point---or if it has been proven. We don't bake our cake over here and eat it as well.

We are not here to convince anyone---we only can share what and how we understand issues.

Mittal issue is at the core of Musharraf presidency and fall.
Even though the ***** have gone to hell already (most definitly) but her stooges are still trying to come up with stupid revelations. How can we forget when she handed over the list in 1988 to Indian govt. Thanks God she is dead.

What list?

Care to elaborate??
Musharraf was no saint---we would all agree to that---but he was not the ultimate sinner.

Proved my point..


My good man---in an adult forum, you can only share your views---the readers decide if there is a point---or if it has been proven. We don't bake our cake over here and eat it as well.

We are not here to convince anyone---we only can share what and how we understand issues.

Mittal issue is at the core of Musharraf presidency and fall.

Well yeah..
no one can convince anyone...

You cannot convince me
I cannot convince you..

anyways best of luck with your research!

Friendly advice....History is not always one sided as sometimes some people portray it...
So take this point in consideration to look for things…

By saying Musharaf is all bad…is wrong and by saying Musharaf is all Saint is also wrong…however, by saying that Musharaf made blunders not mistakes…

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