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Benazir Bhutto


Aug 21, 2010
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Salaam Alaikum.


Well, I'm just a teenager but I wanna know more about Benazir Bhutto. E.g. What did she do for the country?

My family used to support her a lot (and, according to my parents, on the account that she was a sindhi and so were we) but now I asked them about her and they just said that she 'ruined the work'... something to do with Afghanistan and Zia Ul Huq, which I don't know much about either.

Did she just claim the fame of her father?

Discuss and enlighten me please :partay:
My parents supported her father,they also support her and now even my family supports Asif ali zardari..they are huge fan of them PPP.

We used to be supporters of PPP, not so sure now...

Thanks for reply
Benazir Bhutto was an icon. She may have inherited the Bhutto dynasty but she worked very hard from 1977 till 1984 and faced up to Zia who hanged her father on trumped up charges. This and one or two other forums are the only distinguished places where she is derided for 'corruption' but most of Pakistan AND world's media were shocked by her death. Check out what people say in a more mature blogspace like Pakistaniat.com where elder Pakistanis hang out.

Her loss is too huge for Pakistan. She was hounded by the 'agencies' from the get-go. Now Hamid Gul admits to the Mehran Gate scandal. But there was so much done against her and her party.

Why the $uck this judiciary not take up the Asghar Khan case of 1996? A crime was done by the Khakis and admitted by them now but the judiciary is silent. Only when it comes to the PPP leaders, Musharraf, and MQM this judiciary becomes active.

Her mistake was being from a minority province.
Benazir Bhutto was an icon. She may have inherited the Bhutto dynasty but she worked very hard from 1977 till 1984 and faced up to Zia who hanged her father on trumped up charges. This and one or two other forums are the only distinguished places where she is derided for 'corruption' but most of Pakistan AND world's media were shocked by her death. Check out what people say in a more mature blogspace like Pakistaniat.com where elder Pakistanis hang out.

Her loss is too huge for Pakistan. She was hounded by the 'agencies' from the get-go. Now Hamid Gul admits to the Mehran Gate scandal. But there was so much done against her and her party.

Why the $uck this judiciary not take up the Asghar Khan case of 1996? A crime was done by the Khakis and admitted by them now but the judiciary is silent. Only when it comes to the PPP leaders, Musharraf, and MQM this judiciary becomes active.

Her mistake was being from a minority province.

I remember when she died,how my parents were crying on that day.
BB was a good person until she ruined herself in corruption. She wasn't a great leader or as patriotic as many of us like to imagine after her departure. She was the one who negotiated with Musharaf and got NRO and violated democratic agreements she had signed before.

She claimed to have carried the philosophy of her father Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto but that wasn't true in its entirety. In her ecstasy of power she appointed Helicopter Pilot the mayer of Karachi and his own husband Asif Ali Zardari minister for two different ministries. She had good convincing powers and had ability to deliver motivational speeches but that was limited to that alone. Practically, her government was found inept and responsible for messive corruption. In the name of jobs (as part of her slogan, roti kapra aor makan), she over-employed millions of people and caused National Institutions suffocate and collapse. She also went for IPPs (Independent Power Producers) asking for kick-backs and didn't let any government institution flourish. Those IPPs were later found to charge 300%-350% more than they were charing any other country.

The brighter side of her personality was that she was women and worked for the health and betterment of women in general. She was also awarded international award for her contribution in Family Planning and care schemes. She started Polio vaccination programs which are still continuing.
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My parents supported her father,they also support her and now even my family supports Asif ali zardari..they are huge fan of them PPP.
Dont tell me yaar:(
Do you support them as well without knowing that what good they bring to Pakistan?
Please change your mind and open it up my request to your parents and every educated Pakistani

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