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Bell To Develop Weapon Systems For Pakistani Attack Helicopters

Select 15 more with UH1 .... damnnnnnnnnnn whata punch!
About 15 more i think PAA will love to place a follow up order once the initial 15 are delivered and inducted. Whether that follow up order will be approved remains to be seen.

But what do you mean by UH1? Iroquois? really???

There are about half a dozen better options there i guess. :(
15 heli without engines??
These are twin engine helicopters so 30 will be installed and two extra. Don't know how you concluded above. :undecided:
(i know i am being greedy) but cant we have 500 aim 9x with these beautiful beasts i promise we wont use them on f 16s ;)
(i know i am being greedy) but cant we have 500 aim 9x with these beautiful beasts i promise we wont use them on f 16s ;)

AIM-9 "X"?? You nuts?
It's too much. lol
Sad to read this news. We learnt nothing from decades of US embago, the strings attached and no option of TOT , modification and integrating local systems.
What a shame. Brown nosing US again.

Try to understand one thing. We have small force and very limited budget... for yearssssss Pakistan armed forces saving money to buy single weapon. Only 3% of entire population is exactly paying TAX and you want A - Z weapons ?

Why Pakistan choose AH1Z because what option u have ? Russian ? do you have money to setup entire new infrastructure for new Russian helicopter and spend further $$ to train your people for new gadget ? no you don't have such money. Choosing AH1z no cost for new training because our people already trained on Cobra's secondly is DEADLY... mark my word in some extend this is DAMN ***** weapon IMO if you compare with Apache. Apache is bulky where as .... this beast is better in maneuver and power to hide.... monster against ground hardware especially armor.

We have small budget so selection will be also very selective and BEST in terms of quality.

PS: Pakistan is the only country after US whose forces will used deadly US Marine hardware AH1Z Viper...
Pakistan should try to increase the number of these helicopters to 20 and if we can manage to buy 40 WZ-10 it would be biggest boost to Army Aviation.

Well According to me. PA should think about Acquiring ToT of either WZ-10 or T-129 Atak or WZ-19.

Pak reserves are 15/16 billion$.. anyway this amount (~900 million) may be released overtime.. but i was connecting the dot to our involvement in SA defence.. as Hutsi and yemen army is attacking SA border city...
Actually not 15/16 Billion USD but it will cross 19 Billion USD Mark in few weeks.
Pak reserves are 15/16 billion$.. anyway this amount (~900 million) may be released overtime.. but i was connecting the dot to our involvement in SA defence.. as Hutsi and yemen army is attacking SA border city...
Please update yourself, reserves are almost $ 18.7 billion, about to cross $20 billion in the coming weeks
Country to achieve $20 billion forex reserves mark soon: Dar - Business - DAWN.COM
the US selling 15 AH-1Z Viper attack helicopters is only a lollipop. what are you going to do with 15 helicopters? the inclusion of such helicopters would be a blessing and burden as the induction of a new helicopter would mean training people to handle the chopper and setting up the facilities to maintain them. pakistan is capable of maintain them but the small number of choppers does not justify having a facility for them. i fell the US gave these helicopters with good terms so it can cut out turkey, china and russia. obviously Pakistan has 3 z10 for training and testing and money for 4 mil 35 has been cleared.and the t129 is not going to happen . so the induction of 3 types of attack helicopters just does make sense. a small sacrifice has to be made to make a big differance
We are short on cash not broke. Secondly payment is usually made over the years not all at once. If we can buy 8 subs and potentially frigates then this should be a pieceof cake.

Your savings account is at @ 19 billion. You do have enough cash to pay for anything immediate that may be a national priority. But the government is being fiscally responsible by not spending the savings. Their goal is to take the savings account to around $ 30-40 billion before they go. That would offset the debt to cash ratio for Pakistan and no more restrictions from the IMF. Pakistan at that time, can borrow commercially on her own term if need be.

For example, if debt to cash ratio was better, you'd be getting loans like the US Government or the Germans get. China just issued a loan with 2.4 % interest to build the Orange line metro train system. That's the type of priority lending you'd be getting if Pakistan had about $ 45 Billion in her savings account.
Please update yourself, reserves are almost $ 18.7 billion, about to cross $20 billion in the coming weeks
Country to achieve $20 billion forex reserves mark soon: Dar - Business - DAWN.COM
man even if it were 20 bill now, it measn we are spending 1/5th on one acquisition.. we have to buy subs, frigates, petrol etc.. Pakistan spends 2 bill $ annually on Tea imports alone.. plus i was waondering whther this suprlus is from SA aid, or soft US loans or extracted some amount from CPEC>...
the US selling 15 AH-1Z Viper attack helicopters is only a lollipop. what are you going to do with 15 helicopters? the inclusion of such helicopters would be a blessing and burden as the induction of a new helicopter would mean training people to handle the chopper and setting up the facilities to maintain them. pakistan is capable of maintain them but the small number of choppers does not justify having a facility for them. i fell the US gave these helicopters with good terms so it can cut out turkey, china and russia. obviously Pakistan has 3 z10 for training and testing and money for 4 mil 35 has been cleared.and the t129 is not going to happen . so the induction of 3 types of attack helicopters just does make sense. a small sacrifice has to be made to make a big difference

Pakistan already has support infrastructure for the Cobra's. These just use heavier engines and modern avionics, which isn't that big of an issue to master and they don't go bad in the first month either. Very little training would be required. You'd just expand your current team of Cobra support techs to support these.

This is just like buying advanced -16's, there is very little the pilot or the support staff has to "learn", and those are primarily new features. This was a smart move as for heavy heli-born operational needs in FATA, this would give you the most punch in the shortest time.

I'd expect more Vipers to come in the future. I think Pakistan is going to build her own combat choppers based on a Chinese variant of Z-10 or Z-19. Supplemented by upgraded Cobras (both new and upgrading existing ones).
Pakistan already has support infrastructure for the Cobra's. These just use heavier engines and modern avionics, which isn't that big of an issue to master and they don't go bad in the first month either. Very little training would be required. You'd just expand your current team of Cobra support techs to support these.

This is just like buying advanced -16's, there is very little the pilot or the support staff has to "learn", and those are primarily new features. This was a smart move as for heavy heli-born operational needs in FATA, this would give you the most punch in the shortest time.

I'd expect more Vipers to come in the future. I think Pakistan is going to build her own combat choppers based on a Chinese variant of Z-10 or Z-19. Supplemented by upgraded Cobras (both new and upgrading existing ones).
HI Viper
the cobras they have are similar to the new AH-1Z Vipers so you what you say is something i should have mentioned in my first post. at $31 million each they are more expensive than the jf17 so i would think they would procure second hand choppers from the US marines or use US aid to procure more of them.

pakistan already has 3 z10 choppers for testing and training it is very likely they would co produce their own choppers. also a good idea is to used parts of the turkish t129 on the z10.

3 z10 helicopters in a hanger in Qasim army base near rawalpindi
Try to understand one thing. We have small force and very limited budget... for yearssssss Pakistan armed forces saving money to buy single weapon. Only 3% of entire population is exactly paying TAX and you want A - Z weapons ?

Why Pakistan choose AH1Z because what option u have ? Russian ? do you have money to setup entire new infrastructure for new Russian helicopter and spend further $$ to train your people for new gadget ? no you don't have such money. Choosing AH1z no cost for new training because our people already trained on Cobra's secondly is DEADLY... mark my word in some extend this is DAMN ***** weapon IMO if you compare with Apache. Apache is bulky where as .... this beast is better in maneuver and power to hide.... monster against ground hardware especially armor.

We have small budget so selection will be also very selective and BEST in terms of quality.

PS: Pakistan is the only country after US whose forces will used deadly US Marine hardware AH1Z Viper

Very well said, good facts and a very good, balanced post with reality coming down like the rain. I've noticed, majority of the member on here forget about the realities that you and I mention on here, about financials, threat perception, time to setup new infrastructure for a new platform and all.
But what do you mean by UH1? Iroquois? really???
New one UH1 Y Venom... This chopper have similar spare parts as AH1Z
Pakistan should try to increase the fleet of Zulu, 15 is not enough & Pakistan is having a lot of old dying fleet of cobras.
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