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Bell To Develop Weapon Systems For Pakistani Attack Helicopters

Time-Frame ??
When its gonna arrive??
Why you people even think that Pakistani Govt. Is totally beggar and they are hand to mouth with no money... Need to change your perception......you are talking about the Govt. not some individuals.....
Pak reserves are 15/16 billion$.. anyway this amount (~900 million) may be released overtime.. but i was connecting the dot to our involvement in SA defence.. as Hutsi and yemen army is attacking SA border city...
This is funny:omghaha:. But Pakistan is in a position to pay for these, and more. Just so you know. This isn't the Pakistan of 2012....
really? wow
Sad to read this news. We learnt nothing from decades of US embago, the strings attached and no option of TOT , modification and integrating local systems.
What a shame. Brown nosing US again.
Pity that the deal doesn't include wing mounted LONGBOW Radar !
So 925/15?
Thats ultra expensive
So in coming years we would have vipers, wz-10s and mi-35 in our arsenal... It'll be a formidable force
at least we're getting them! why do we whine about so much?
Why not Pakistan try to produce its own helicopters. At-least they can try for utility Helicopters. Pakistan Navy is in damn need to have a good helo fleet as well. We have to move towards self reliance.
So 925/15?
Thats ultra expensive
not so. 925/15 helis, 1000 hell fire missiles, spare engines, radars, communication systems, training, etc etc etc and etc...
"Bell To Develop Weapon Systems For Pakistani"
Windjammer & other respected fellows,
please explain , what that's mean, develop weapon system for Pakistan ?
If Turkey get this , then another weapon system will be develop? etc.
"Bell To Develop Weapon Systems For Pakistani"
Windjammer & other respected fellows,
please explain , what that's mean, develop weapon system for Pakistan ?
If Turkey get this , then another weapon system will be develop? etc.
I think it implies to the weapon, sensors and other requirements of individual users.
I have been told by a well placed source that some USAF commanders have unreservedly acknowledged and praised the ''Package'' the PAF selected for it's Block-52 F-16s.
I guess the modern weapon systems don't just come in standard configurations.
Well good induction in our armory but these helos mostly used by us navy can they be as good as at land warfare
Pak also getting Z 10 and Mi 35 out helo future us bright
Select 15 more with UH1 .... damnnnnnnnnnn whata punch!
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