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Beijing reaches out to Delhi to safeguard its interests

They have the right to disagree with us not an issue.

Going by the article one can have a question that how will India protect Chinese economic and security interests in Afghanistan when India itself cant protect its own ones there.

India is protecting its interests at this moment, its the future that everybodys worried about once NATO pulls out, hence China has rightly approached India & Russia who also are stakeholders when it comes to Afghanistans security scenario. All three countries have their individual security agreements with Afghanistan and all dont want Afghanistan to descend into chaos again.
They have the right to disagree with us not an issue. Going by the article one can have a question that how will India protect Chinese economic and security interests in Afghanistan when India itself cant protect its own ones there.
Thing is both India and China have their interests in Afghanistan especially economic ones. They have got largest Copper mine and we have got Hajjik and other Iron ore mines. So yeah, we have to work together because both need stable Afghanistan, road and rail network to get the economic benefits.

India's interest in Afghanistan is

1. To make Afghanistan not usable for anti-India purposes like old times.

2. Get the resources of Afghanistan via road and rail link through Iran and its port.

3. Get access to other CARs countries which are rich in energy resources.

So we have strategic and most importantly our economic interests.
Thing is both India and China have their interests in Afghanistan especially economic ones. They have got largest Copper mine and we have got Hajjik and other Iron ore mines. So yeah, we have to work together because both need stable Afghanistan, road and rail network to get the economic benefits.

India's interest in Afghanistan is

1. To make Afghanistan not usable for anti-India purposes like old times.

2. Get the resources of Afghanistan via road and rail link through Iran and its port.

3. Get access to other CARs countries which are rich in energy resources.

So we have strategic and most importantly our economic interests.

Everyone at the moment have these interests.

The only point is that opposite sides who's larger interests clash in other troubled areas wont be easily going for small gains
Everyone at the moment have these interests.
The only point is that opposite sides who's larger interests clash in other troubled areas wont be easily going for small gains
Well its up to Pakistan to define what are its more pressing issues. Getting rid of all type of extremists including Afghan Taliban or let their ideology seep into Pakistani society especially in troubled regions.
China Points to Pakistan in Xinjiang Attack - WSJ.com

Xinjiang militants linked to Pakistan groups: China | The Nation

Do you want me to post more instances ?

Having said that, China still thinks that Pakistan is very important ally, but they have their fair concerns. They are trying to keep this issue down but every country has breaking point where it has to change policy with allies too. Just like China is responding to North Korea.

Individual terrorists not to affect China, Pakistan relations: Xinjiang official - Xinhua | English.news.cn

Chinese are looked as another foreigners just like Russia, US. They will be treated as foreigners on their land and these extremists will get support from certain section of Afghanistan.

India has been successful in working in Afghanistan with very less backlash because we have very old ties with Afghanistan and general population don't took us as enemies. After Taliban, things got bad for India and Afghanistan relationship.

Regardless of whether those attacks are linked with militants in Pakistan, the GOP has been very accommodating towards Chinese concerns.

If they want somebody that they think is a threat, we have him pulled out.
Regardless of whether those attacks are linked with militants in Pakistan, the GOP has been very accommodating to Chinese concerns. If they want somebody that they think is a threat, we have him pulled out.
Agreed but hat if these Talibunnies start supporting problems in China's Xinjiang province ? Can Pakistan stop them ?

Bro, don't waste time on these people.

A sensible Chinese would not have swallowed the Indian tripe in the OP and responded that China doesn't need India to safeguard its interests in Afghanistan.

China Shows Interest in Afghan Security

Looking toward the uncertainties of post-2014 Afghanistan, China has already established some forms of communication with elements of the Taliban through the channels of the Pakistani military, said Sajjan Gohel, the international security director of the Asia-Pacific Foundation, a London-based group.

“Beijing wants guarantees that the Taliban will not give sanctuary or support to the Uighur terrorists should they develop an open presence in Afghanistan after the troop handover,” Mr. Gohel said.

The Chinese are not in the habit of outsourcing their national interests to other countries,. least of all India.
Bro, don't waste time on these people.

A sensible Chinese would not have swallowed the Indian tripe in the OP and responded that China doesn't need India to safeguard its interests in Afghanistan.

China Shows Interest in Afghan Security

Looking toward the uncertainties of post-2014 Afghanistan, China has already established some forms of communication with elements of the Taliban through the channels of the Pakistani military, said Sajjan Gohel, the international security director of the Asia-Pacific Foundation, a London-based group.

“Beijing wants guarantees that the Taliban will not give sanctuary or support to the Uighur terrorists should they develop an open presence in Afghanistan after the troop handover,” Mr. Gohel said.

The Chinese are not in the habit of outsourcing their national interests to other countries,. least of all India.

You must be aware that Indian & Chinese companies have joint exploration agreements in third countries, this is just an extension of it, and it would be foolish on anybody's part to take assurances from talibans seriously. It actually does not make any difference to India how China proceeds in Afghanistan because everybody's prepared for any eventuality worse cum worse face another taliban takeover of Afghanistan in which scenario we lose our 2 Billion investment.
Agreed but hat if these Talibunnies start supporting problems in China's Xinjiang province ? Can Pakistan stop them ?

Why would Pakistan stop Afghan Taliban?

How is that even our responsibility?
You must be aware that Indian & Chinese companies have joint exploration agreements in third countries

Joint exploration does not mean that broader national interests align.

Chinese and Indian preferences in post-2014 Afghanistan are decidedly different. To appreciate that, you must understand that the Taliban have two aspects: a nationalist/ethnic aspect and a religious aspect. China doesn't mind the former, but is wary of the latter. India wants neither.

In fact, the best outcome for China would be what Pakistan would also want: a majority Pakhtun government who are focused on nationalism and renounce the extreme religious aspects.
Agreed but hat if these Talibunnies start supporting problems in China's Xinjiang province ? Can Pakistan stop them ?

I mean this line of reasoning completely escapes me :

(a) either the Pakistani Establishment is providing sanctuaries to the Taliban or they are not & if they are not then what are we to blame for, whereas if we are, is it too fantastic to assume that we also assert some of that 'veritable arm of the ISI' kinda leverage on them & if that is the case then can't we reign them in ?

(b) but more so, if anecdotal evidence is anything to go by, Pakistan has already broken the back of Xinjiang terrorism by fully cooperating with the Chinese Security Apparatus in nabbing any & all terrorist that have either trained in Pakistan's Tribal Areas or in Afghanistan & have been using the land-route that Pakistan provides to go to Xinjiang.

(c) its almost comic to assume that somehow Pakistan doesn't want a stable Afghanistan right next door.....we're the ones who've got between 4-6 million of them in Pakistan, TTP sanctuaries operating in Afghanistan & a country right next door that is in shambles since the first Afghan Jihad & continues to drag us down due to their issues.

What we don't want, on the other hand, is an Afghanistan, which increasingly looks like, the Northern Alliance controlled Afghanistan with a face-job, to again support Baluch Militants as they have in the case of every single Baluch Uprising in Pakistan's history, we don't want them to support Afghan Militias who'd whip up their Loy Afghanistan BS once more & attack us as they did in the '60s & kept that bile spewing well into the '80s & even the present, we don't want any malicious presence of India in Afghanistan to be to the detriment of Pakistan's Security (I know...I know we have different narratives on that !), we don't want a return to Warlordism in Afghanistan as it happened in the early '90s where a whole host of countries were using their respective proxies to spar out with one another & take a dig at Pakistan also (the reason why we supported the Taliban to begin with) ! If those concerns are addressed - We don't give a wooden nickle about what development or economic work India or any other country for that matter does or doesn't do there - A prosperous Afghanistan & a stable one at that would do us a world of good !
So now the western media is telling the truth eh ?

Oh boi, the amount of mental gymnastics these guys do..gotta see to believe it. :lol:

Everybody is talking to the Taliban behind the scenes, including Iran and India. Once NATO acknowledged that they are negotiating with the Taliban on the post-2014 scenario, it all became legitimate.
Everybody is talking to the Taliban behind the scenes, including Iran and India. Once NATO acknowledged that they are negotiating with the Taliban on the post-2014 scenario, it all became legitimate.
They had to because after all the Good Taliban concept arise during this WoT.

These safe havens in Pakistani tribal regions is the reason why Afghan Taliban is still alive and kicking. If you don't go against them, drones will keep happening, these meddling will keep happening and civil war in Afghanistan may again start at full flow but this time, it will get extended to Pakistan this time.
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