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beijing prepaid for PRC 60'S Celebration!!great pics of beijing

This is a quote from "moonlight 09/21/2009, 02:12:42" on a different forum. He's a very nationalistic Chinese and his English is poor, but here is a very good summary about Mao Zedong and China's recent history.

Since this gives our members better understanding of China and the greater significance of her 60th anniversary! :china::pakistan::usflag::pdf:

Even if you are not Indian and rather a Chinese, you should not expect Indians to read or watch anything good about China. They will never ever acknowledge anything good about China. Dont expect them to do that. It is just impossible for them to acknowledge.

Why? Because of racism. Simple.... :whistle:
China is way ahead of all South Asian countries.

Pakistan had 62 years to develop...and look at PRC in just 60 years.

Pakistan should learn from People's Republic of China.


Thank you very much!

Your remark reminds me of one thing though:

The 60 years PRC had were not fully put into use for development.

The first 30 years were completely wasted by Mao's "Great Leap Forward" and "Cultural Revolution". At 1976, China's economy was at verge of total collapse.

Indians are all saying that China is ahead of India because China started reform at 1979, but India at 1991 ------ This is complete false!

It is true that CCP central committe decided to reform at 1979. But all were just on paper! ---- "1979 when CHina started reform "- what all the Western media are claiming was all on paper indeed.

China only started SEZ ( special economic zones:4 tiny coastal cities) at 80s, while ALL other places in China remained on hold until early 90s.

Remember 1989 student movement? It was mass-reaction to the corruption and inefficient state-controlled economy across China in almost entire 80s.

Precisely at 1991, the biggest city Shanghai was just given a green light to start economic reform freely. Then all the rest of China followed Shanghai thereafter. Any good economist on China issue knows that.

So put it fairly, China and India both started at about 1991!

Before 1991, it was nearly inconceivable (in fact it was aganist the law. China was "communist", remember? ) that someone owned a big or medium sized privite business in China, but only tiny small ones usually made up of several people, and a handful of ( probably 5 or 6 held by ones with vety high level CCP connections ) privately-owned medium sized companies of entire China!

Acturally, Beijing only started economic reform at late 90s, due to the fact that it is the capital city and politically ultra sensitive I am a Beijinger and I know that.

So the pictures you guys just saw - the advances of Beijing was mostly made in the last 10years or so. - in light of this, the achievement is particularly impressive.

China's laws on private ownership were only established officially a few years back.

And India, on the contrary, has had a free hand on Democracy system AND Private-owndership gueranteed by law at the very start of her independence at 40s --- On the issue of economy, India has much more time, decades in fact, and enjoyed much more systemic advantages than China. See where she has reached today?

Now we have a fair comparison!
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So put it fairly, China and India both started at about 1991!

Before 1991, it was nearly inconceivable that someone owned a big or medium sized privite business in China, but only tiny small ones usually made up of several people, and a handful of ( probably 5 or 6 ) privately-owned medium sized companies of entire China!

Acturally, Beijing only started economic reform at late 90s, due to the fact that it is the capital city and politically ultra sensitive. I am a Beijinger and I know that.

So the pictures you guys just saw - the advances of Beijing was mostly made in the last 10 years or so. China's laws on private ownership was only established officially a few years back.

Just like China's economic reform was only on paper until 1991, India's economic reform/miracle is ~still~ on paper. So we can not make a comparison because India is currently undergoing her own "Great Leap Forward" and "Cultural Revolution".

And India, on the contrary, has had a free hand on Democracy system AND Private-owndership gueranteed by law at the very start of her independence at 40s --- On the issue of economy, India has much more time, decades in fact, and enjoyed much more systemic advantages than China. See where she has reached today?
Man, you Chinese guys always live in a delusional world. You cannot recognize who is your actual enemy and who is not.

You need to drink some juice extracted from Brahmi spinach as a brain tonic. Indian Brahmins used to drink that juice to get their brains flourished. Only then hopefully you understand India can never be your friend.

Actually I think, at least for once China needs to get defeated by India and only then Chinese will realize what kind of delusional world they used to live in. Failure is the pillar of success. So next time China will treat India what it deserves from China.

dude....wtf is a Brahmi juice???wtf is a Brahmi???:rofl:
you are a troll with a sense of humor...
Chinese Pride, at the Touch of a Cellphone Button

Published: September 30, 2009

China’s mobile phone service company has changed customers’ ring-back tones to a patriotic song ahead of the 60th anniversary of the People’s Republic.

Many Many Congrats to my Chinese Mate .. I love to watch PLAAN parade .... :tup:

Link : http://www.nytimes.com/glogin?URI=h...Bk2SaYxp2XoQ22X2Q2BkYQ22Q3DEQ5EaQ3Du_Q23Q5ENx
beijing metro















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it is a sad thing to have war between China and India,why not negociate issues? we r wise,right?
any bullet is hurting a mother's heart

I wish we can do that, I have nothing against Chinese people, I simply love them. I also like Chinese movie martial arts etc. Want to visit China sometime. I think both government should work with each other and try to understand each other. I believe lot of Indian's and Chinese have misconceptions about each other.
You guys should come visit China. All cities in China are like this (or very close), lots of cultural and historical buildings as well as spanking-new skyscrappers! Even in small towns it is very nice. Lots of natural reserves, like parks and lakes, forests, deserts, mountains, etc.

Beijing Subway is tops. Shenzhen, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hongkong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama, Seoul, Kiaoshing, Taipei, Busan, Bangkok, Manila, Delhi, etc.... they are the best-of-the-best in the entire world! :)

Trust me, New York and Chicago can NOT compare. :no:

sigh... dont have to tell me i live in new york, the metro here is just so sad..... i travel alot everytime and it is of no comparison against other out there
Please allow me to post some Chinese. Sorry

我看见奥运的图了(奥运新闻)。对不起…… 作为中国人我也很自豪但是……真的有点窘。稍微考虑一下外国友人的感受可以么。
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