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Beijing does a U-turn, praises India-China bond


Jul 6, 2009
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Beijing does a U-turn, praises India-China bond

BEIJING: China on Wednesday signaled its desire to adopt a friendlier diplomatic approach towards India as compared to its somewhat aggressive
stance in the past weeks. Zhang Yan, the Chinese ambassador in New Delhi, has lent his name to a highly favorable editorial published by People’s Daily on Wednesday.

The Internet edition of the paper, which is the official organ of the Communist Party of China, said that Sino-Indian relations have advanced in an all-round way and with a fast pace in recent years. The tone and content of the article is almost the opposite of what was said in another piece two months back.

The paper and its sister publication, Global Times, published a aggressive article last June reprimanding India for "unwise military moves" of marshalling forces along the Arunchal Pradesh border. The article said India’s moves are "dangerous if it is based on a false anticipation that China will cave in".

It is not clear what prompted the editorial apart from the fact that the "greatest neighbors" are due to celebrate six decades of friendship next year. It talked about how India and China are jointly influencing global affairs by taking similar approach on issues concerning environmental protection, climate change, food and energy security and at the Doha round of trade talks.

Contrast these views with those expressed by the paper last June when it said:

"India has long held contradictory views on China. Another big Asian country, India is frustrated that China's rise has captured much of the world's attention. Proud of its "advanced political system," India feels superior to China. However, it faces a disappointing domestic situation which is unstable compared with China's".

The June article also said that "India likes to brag about its sustainable development, but worries that it is being left behind by China. China is seen in India as both a potential threat and a competitor to surpass."

The new article does an about turn saying: "China has become one of India's largest trade partners, and India is now one of the most vital investment and overseas project contracting markets for China". The article also talks about the 35 per cent year on year growth in bilateral trade between the two countries.

The People’s Daily said that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s successful, three-day visit to China in January last year has resulted in the signing of an agreement named "A Shared Vision for the 21st Century of China and India" in order to press ahead with the construction of a harmonious world for common prosperity.

Subsequent visits to China by Indian leaders Sonia Gandhi and Pranab Mukherjee and the India trip by Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi last year has resulted in a "sound momentum of sustained, smooth and steady growth has been shown in the relations between the two Asian neighbors".

"Looking ahead, people are confident that China and India, both nations with great ancient civilizations, which had contributed greatly to the world civilization and development, are sure to make new, fresh contributions to peace in Asia and the world at large while attaining their own development", it said.
Its not a U-turn as Indian media put it,its just diplomacy at work.
Here is the link to actual People's Daily article -

Sino-Indian cooperation aims for development, prosperity - People's Daily Online

Some interesting excerpts -

China and India, as the two Asian giants, are the "greatest neighbors" to each other as well as the densely-populated developing nations, and Sino-Indian relations have advanced in an all-round way and with a fast pace in recent years....

China has become one of India's largest trade partners, and India is now one of the most vital investment and overseas project contracting markets for China....

China and India have been increasingly influential on global affairs. They share the similar stances or opinions on many global and regional issues of common concern. They cooperate closely and defend their own interests as well as the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries on such issues as the environmental protection, climate change, food and energy security, the Doha round of global trade talks and the world financial crisis....

As two members in the category of the new emerging economies, both China and India have carried out their efficient, fruitful cooperation on major platforms with regard to the three-nation (Russia, China and India) mechanism and mechanisms of BRICs (namely, Brazil, Russia, India and China) and the Group of Five major developing countries.

Moreover, China and India have played a constructive role along with other leading developing nations within the frameworks of the Group of Eight plus Five (G8+5), and the Group of 20 (G20), in a bid to safeguard the rights and interests of developing nations and raise their international status....

China and India currently aspire to celebrate the 60th anniversary of their diplomatic relations next year. Looking ahead, people are confident that China and India, both nations with great ancient civilizations, which had contributed greatly to the world civilization and development, are sure to make new, fresh contributions to peace in Asia and the world at large while attaining their own development.
Its not a U-turn as Indian media put it,its just diplomacy at work.

This is what People's Daily said in an earlier editorial -

But India can't actually compete with China in a number of areas, like international influence, overall national power and economic scale

And now, it says

China and India have been increasingly influential on global affairs. They share the similar stances or opinions on many global and regional issues of common concern. They cooperate closely and defend their own interests as well as the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries...

Even a person with an IQ of 60 can easily conclude that this is a complete U-turn in Chinese perception of Sino-Indian relations.
It will be a great development for the stability of the region. Even if Kashmir is settled peacefully, the chances of conflict in the region would reduce and region can think on the lies as European Union or NATO thinks.

But I doubt Indian intents here. India enjoying ecstasy of being darling to USA and Zionists who do not want to see China, Russia or Any other country of the world prosper or gain dominance in the region. So they are preparing India to tackle China and Pakistan (as Pakistan poses threat to Israeli in a way) Hinditua Ideology believes that "All the neighbors are enemies and all the neighbors of neighbor are friends" and when Zionists are patting their back, expect nothing but something crazy out of India.
Like one of my fellow members here in defence.pk had been crying for over a year now...
Can't remember his name though

"Soon the economic trade between India and China will be so great that all the borders disputes will vanish and will become secondary"

Seems that's what is happening.This is just the beginning of it.
But I doubt Indian intents here. India enjoying ecstasy of being darling to USA and Zionists who do not want to see China, Russia or Any other country of the world prosper or gain dominance in the region. So they are preparing India to tackle China and Pakistan (as Pakistan poses threat to Israeli in a way) Hinditua Ideology believes that "All the neighbors are enemies and all the neighbors of neighbor are friends" and when Zionists are patting their back, expect nothing but something crazy out of India.

You know what... it is opinions such as this that are the biggest threat to regional stability.

Keep your propaganda to yourself.
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It will be a great development for the stability of the region. Even if Kashmir is settled peacefully, the chances of conflict in the region would reduce and region can think on the lies as European Union or NATO thinks.

Some very wise words.
But I doubt Indian intents here. India enjoying ecstasy of being darling to USA and Zionists who do not want to see China, Russia or Any other country of the world prosper or gain dominance in the region. So they are preparing India to tackle China and Pakistan (as Pakistan poses threat to Israeli in a way) Hinditua Ideology believes that "All the neighbors are enemies and all the neighbors of neighbor are friends" and when Zionists are patting their back, expect nothing but something crazy out of India.

Sorry to say, utter BS.

However i think its very difficult to understand the Forgien Policy of China. There is no one single tone in which they are talking, some time they are aggressive, some time they are soft and contradicts their own earlier statements.

I hope this tone is here to stay..!!!
Given China's track record vis-a-vis India, one has to take this with a pinch of salt. I wonder if it is a case of history repeating itself. One remembers similar false bonhomie in the late 1950s with Panchsheel, Hindi-Chini-Bhai-Bhai and Peaceful Co-existence. One thing is for sure, all other things remaining constant, there cannot be a dramatic shift in foreign policy in just two months. Let us see how this plays out. Last time China talked peace, we had a war.

PS:- "War is Peace" - George Orwell (1984)
"But I doubt Indian intents here. "
Sorry to say, utter BS.

Ball is in your court.

I would be thankful if you do not let your country become a western puppy. And to prove me wrong, please mention name of one neighboring country that is Friendly to you? Pakistan? China? Bangladesh? SriLanka? Do you want to name Bhutan or Maldives?
Given China's track record vis-a-vis India, one has to take this with a pinch of salt. I wonder if it is a case of history repeating itself. One remembers similar false bonhomie in the late 1950s with Panchsheel, Hindi-Chini-Bhai-Bhai and Peaceful Co-existence. One thing is for sure, all other things remaining constant, there cannot be a dramatic shift in foreign policy in just two months. Let us see how this plays out. Last time China talked peace, we had a war.

PS:- "War is Peace" - George Orwell (1984)

It's not China's track record you need to be concerned about, it's Bharat's "FORWARD POLICY" (aka initiating aggressive land grabs, wars). That's the history. India back-stabbed all her neighbors all in the fantasy of Ahkand Bharat -- a foolish fantasy at that.

Considering how all India's neighbors have kindly chose not to focus on India's past brutish behaviour speaks volumes about their sincere wish for peaceful coexistence. You want real-life bloody proof??? Just look at the massacres of the natives in the occupied NE territories of "Mongoloids" (that's your terminology you guys use).

If it was China that was land-grabbing India, wouldn't you expect certain Chinese territory to contain "Indo" looking people??? Truth is obvious who the land-grabber and aggressor is. Yet all neighbors are willing to move beyond the past - it's about time India appreciates their good will.
bach ke rehna inn Chinks se jab jab Hindi-chini bhaii bhaii inhone bola hai tab tab hamesha inhone dhoka diya hai ...
It's not China's track record you need to be concerned about, it's Bharat's "FORWARD POLICY" (aka initiating aggressive land grabs, wars). That's the history. India back-stabbed all her neighbors all in the fantasy of Ahkand Bharat -- a foolish fantasy at that.

Considering how all India's neighbors have kindly chose not to focus on India's past brutish behaviour speaks volumes about their sincere wish for peaceful coexistence. You want real-life bloody proof??? Just look at the massacres of the natives in the occupied NE territories of "Mongoloids" (that's your terminology you guys use).

If it was China that was land-grabbing India, wouldn't you expect certain Chinese territory to contain "Indo" looking people??? Truth is obvious who the land-grabber and aggressor is. Yet all neighbors are willing to move beyond the past - it's about time India appreciates their good will.

So.. Pakistan claims a territory just because the majority of the inhabitants follow Islam.

And China claims a territory just because the majority of the inhabitants are "mongoloid".

We are stuck with fools here.
You trust india???? so we trust china. Kashmir gone solve the problem between india pakistan i don't think so. Western puppy ha what about 1948 to 2009 we know how is wrestern puppy. Time gone tell by the way We watch geo news and ary news too.
Ball is in your court.

I would be thankful if you do not let your country become a western puppy. And to prove me wrong, please mention name of one neighboring country that is Friendly to you? Pakistan? China? Bangladesh? SriLanka? Do you want to name Bhutan or Maldives?

How BD and SL are not friendly to India? If you are counting blogs of forum members here then i am sorry to wake you up from wet dream that they present their personal views and not of entire nation as a whole. We have already seen this in elections in BD and cricket boards of both countries backing india to share pie of cricket matches in Pakistan (VERY sorry to bring this into discussion although i contend for keeping sports and diplomacy separate ways)

Can you quote me friendly neighborhood around you, BD, China ?? Maybe AF, Iran, Mangolia, Burma, Japan, Russia :what::what:

I have not seen an instance when india and west tried to be brothers, they cant as neither can you with china. India is concerned over US presence in Diago garcia, Indian ocean whereas Pak opened its borders to china in Gwadar port and surrendering kashmir. How is your local industry doing in advent of sino-pak unilateral cough...sry bilateral trade? What has china done good for Pak except for arming it to fight india which is NOT a favor? Indian inventory still has 90% Soviet equipments and we are puppy for west!!!:smitten:

By making such skewed logic and denial statements undermine your comprehensibility of viewing world. West wants india to be suicide bomber against china but india grew its economy and walking the walk of superpower. Remember the article from Bangalore to Buffalo

Now you understand who the puppy is? And if you dont believe so, i respect your opinion.
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