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Beijing concerned over increasing cost of security of CPEC: Chinese state media

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Don't be a blind believer of your government, explore other sources/articles from within your country, I follow many articles and Pakistani news media(including pro-govt sources) and I know the level of secrecy maintained by the Chinese & your very own Government regarding involvement of Chinese companies. The figure quoted here was in 7+ thousands, it should raise question in your mind regarding the job prospect for Pakistani young citizens. Don't provide the leverage to China the same way you did with USA few decades back, the result can be catastrophic.

and more then 7000 Pakistanis [9000] just working on port qasim coal power plant [a project of CPEC], anyways i am not here to spoon feed your kind, you think we are fool..? Good for you.. i want you guys to have some delusions about us..
You are wasting your time giving them information. Don't bother.

Let them delude themselves. Pakistan just need to complete CPEC on time which by all means we will.

:D I can personally tell you that they working fast on it in the northern areas and in one such activity we/they found a giant anaconda while blasting a mountain which after due permission from our government was airlifted to China.
:D I can personally tell you that they working fast on it in the northern areas and in one such activity we/they found a giant anaconda while blasting a mountain which after due permission from our government was airlifted to China.

You just revealed state secrets!!!! :enjoy:
thrashing un official mouthpiece of chinese PLA by chinese TTA talks volumes about either your or your press credibility. less said the better :tup:

we like conspiracies, it unravels layer by layer. Onions & conspiracies, what is the going rate for a kilo of saajish in pakistan :lol:.

;) every layer of onion gives rondoos more tears

You just revealed state secrets!!!! :enjoy:
I love how much weight the Indian media gives to these "opinion pieces" from the Global Times.

You can basically pick whatever "opinion piece" (out of countless others) that suits your own narrative then claim that is the Chinese government position.

Sorry, no. The official position is given by the Government itself. Certainly not by opinion pieces in the Global Times of all things.

Article published by Chinse agency which controlled by CCP..
:D I can personally tell you that they working fast on it in the northern areas and in one such activity we/they found a giant anaconda while blasting a mountain which after due permission from our government was airlifted to China.
What is next ? Snow man
The CPEC port is coming, whether indians like it or not. China is not going to waste $46b on a failed project. indian agents can try and sabotage it, but the Pakistani and Chinese involved are not stupid. Assets will be protected one way or another.

Typing is very easy isn't it..
india, at this point will cling into even a straw to scuttle CPEC; that much desperate indians are. This is part of indian total "terrorism" package directed against Pakistan [China and Iran] which involves using terrorists, media terrorism, play PSYOP against Pakistan-China and even threat of a war. Indian problem is - none of indian terror gymnastic works against Pakistan and China.

Couple clarification [specially to indians]:
1) When india says Kashmir is disputed territory. It should be reminded to indians that "india occupied Kashmir" is disputed territory, NOT Azad Kashmir. Indians can cry ocean about that.

2) Heavy handed security and forces involved are needed while project is in implementation phase and personal are working in the field. Once, project implementation is complete and in operation, number of security personal can be reduced and technology based monitoring and reaction to threats could be implemented. That will reduce operation cost. For example, monitoring indian funded terrorist remotely and using drone to eliminate them would be one use case of using technology. In fact this could a business case for providing security solution for Pakistani and Chinese companies.

Question is - why india is acting so desperate to scuttle a purely economic corridor?

1) india sees once CPEC operational Pakistan security become even more vital for Chinese interest and indian nefarious plan of terrorism and threat war become dead, perhaps permanently.

2) Once CPEC is operational, Pakistan take center stage and become key points for energy, transport, industry and tourism. That indan mentality can not accept.

3) CPEC will bring financially beneficial interactions with other regional and global power like Russia, Iran, Turkey and Gulf state into fruition. That means continuous indian game of isolating Pakistan will be permanently dead.

4) Geo politically for China, CPEC will allow transport of bulk of ME energy through Pakistan land route and therefor avoiding lengthy and US threat prone Malacca strait and south Pacific. That means US will lose significant leverage over China and over bloated US military capacity would look redundant.

5) india also signed up as a full time US sidekick. Lot of indian terror gymnastics are instigated by US from behind; as part of US regional plan for destabilizing Iran and Pakistan. That is why Baluchistan is a component of India orchestrated terror plan.
Article published by Chinse agency which controlled by CCP..

And out of the hundreds of articles from the more reputable state media, guess why the Indian media only cares about this specific article from the "tabloid" Global Times? :lol:

Because it fits their ego, nothing more. And it has nothing to do with the official position of the Chinese government, not even close.

But you would actually need to understand what the Global Times was in order to know that, and the Indian members here are completely clueless.
And out of the hundreds of articles from the more reputable state media, guess why the Indian media only cares about this specific article from the "tabloid" Global Times? :lol:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Funniest thing I heard all day. Pray tell us what these "more reputable state media" outlets are? Who is this "tabloid" Global Times catering to?
More than 14 thousand Pakistani guards for 7 thousand Chinese citizens working on the projects :lol:. That means Pakistani army is funding security for Chinese citizen on Pakistan land. Where are the real beneficiary i.e. Pakistani Citizens, this project has only created jobs for Chinese citizens, have to appreciate CCP for their good work, well done China & CCP for worrying about the employment of your citizen.

Good you are another brainwashed victim of your state propaganda, when the entire labour force will be local, construction is done by locals, local people will be hired to work in power plants, infrastructure projects, factories and industrial zones, how on earth it will create jobs only for chinese, I wish Modi stays for longer, he his making the burgeoning Indian Middle Class delusional using hyper-nationalism through hatred for an external enemy just like what Hitler and Mussolini did with their people !!!
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